“legislation” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “legislation”:

– The Lieutenancies Act 1997 is the most recent piece of primary legislation dealing with Lieutenancies in England and includes the definitive list of the current areas used.

– Department of Homeland Security in 2003 as part of legislation designed to more efficiently protect American interests following the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001.

– In 1990, legislation took to creating incentives to develop the industry.

– But Southern states reacted rapidly to Supreme Court decisions, often devising new ways to continue to exclude blacks from voter rolls and voting; most blacks in the South did not gain the ability to vote until after passage of the mid-1960s federal civil rights legislation and beginning of federal oversight of voter registration and district boundaries.

– In late 2016, Klobuchar was known to have passed more legislation than any other senator.

– Although Wales has a degree of political autonomy, it did not have the ability to pass primary legislation until the Government of Wales Act 2006 came into force after the 2007 Welsh general election.

legislation some example sentences
legislation some example sentences

Example sentences of “legislation”:

- He has helped in efforts to get White House Legislation passed and most recently trying to get a Supreme Court nominee appointed." Brown became a candidate for the 2010 Democratic Party nomination for mayor.

- Sharia law is the main source of Qatari legislation according to Qatar's Constitution.

– He has helped in efforts to get White House Legislation passed and most recently trying to get a Supreme Court nominee appointed.” Brown became a candidate for the 2010 Democratic Party nomination for mayor.

– Sharia law is the main source of Qatari legislation according to Qatar’s Constitution.

– State legislation on the issue of bankruptcy and debtor relief has not been much of an issue since the adoption of a comprehensive federal bankruptcy law in 1898.

– SimpsonAlan Simpson, of major immigration reform legislation known as Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.

– The Speaker also handles legislation and puts representatives on committees.

– Under the legislation that created Greater London, they are not permitted within its boundary.

– The office of Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency was created in 1970 in legislation that created the Environmental Protection Agency.

– The Alan Turing law is an informal term for the law in the United Kingdom, contained in the Policing and Crime Act 2017, which serves as an amnesty law to pardon men who were cautioned or convicted under historical legislation that outlawed homosexual acts.

– In case of emergencies, the federal government can pass legislation on anything and can even suspend fundamental freedoms.

– Eugenics ideas also influenced legislation on immigration in some countries.

– The government, because it has a majority of members in the lower house of the legislature, can usually pass its legislation and control the workings of the house.

– Within the framework of providing advice on legislation, the IRZ organises expert discussions, helps with the development of draft legislation and promotes the continued training and education of law professionals from all kinds of disciplines.

– In 1999, Gilmore proposed and signed into law legislation that reduced tuitions at public colleges and universities by 20%.

– To become law, legislation must be passed by both houses and then be signed by the Governor-General.

– Non-Korean citizens do not open businesses of any size within the city because city legislation dictates that two or more Koreans are required be partnered to the businesses.

– His works led to legislation and redesign of the power plants of the world to scrub sulfur and the nuclear test ban treaty.

– Other alternatives developed to minimize the effects of urbanization are the implementation of the programs for environmental education, inspection and monitoring, elaboration and application of legislation and infrastructure works.

– The whitetip reef shark is widespread and quite abundant, and there is no legislation against fishing this species.

– I am able to understand and comply with this privacy legislation on a daily basis.

More in-sentence examples of “legislation”:

– Between 1746 and 1967, any reference to England in legislation included Wales.

– The legislation led to significant 2011 Wisconsin protestsprotests at the Wisconsin State Capitol and an effort to recall Walker.

– According to a 2014 Survey Poll by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, 18% of Tunisian people were in favour of legalising Same-sex marriages, with 62% being opposed to such legislation of legalisation.

– On March 3, 1805, Congress passed legislation organizing the District of Louisiana into the Louisiana Territory, starting July 4, 1805.

– In that year, legislation changed them to April.

– The act of making legislation is sometimes known as legislating.

– Before the Australia Act 1986, and matching legislation in the parliament of the United Kingdom, some Australian cases could be sent to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council for final appeal.

– Nevertheless, Congress remains free to enact any legislation for the District so long as constitutionally permissible, to overturn any legislation by the city government, and technically to revoke the city government at any time.

– Many new parks are currently being planned and legally passed by various Parliaments and Legislatures at the urging of dedicated individuals around the globe who believe that “in the end, dedicated, inspired people empowered by effective legislation will ensure that the spirit and services of wilderness will thrive and permeate our society, preserving a world that we are proud to hand over to those who come after us”.

– It became apparent that a constitutional amendment would be necessary for such legislation to overcome the Court’s objections.

– Garvey served as its executive director until 1983, through two Strike actionstrikes and invoking antitrust legislation in his many court battles with the league.

– Some historians argue that the legal doctrines and legislation passed during the operations against Pancho Villa constitute a sixth declaration of war.

– AONBs are created under the same legislation as the national parks, the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949.

– In his first year as Governor, Gilmore pushed for car tax reduction legislation that was eventually passed by the Democratic-controlled General Assembly.

– The two types of secondary legislation are delegated legislation and prerogative legislation.

– Bush said that he would veto the legislation if it had reached his desk.

– The legislation set no guidelines or criteria for educational programs and had no provisions for enforcement.

– In most instances less important legislation was involved.

– When Casley declared himself a prince, the administration board was abolished and the Hutt River Principality became a benevolent absolute monarchy, with a legislation committee to draft new legislation.

– Differences in legislation may also be a driving force.

– According to the constitution, legislation was the matter of two organs.

– Claiming lead from Justice Ruth Ginsburg’s minority opinion, which invited the Congress to take action by amending the law, the Democrats announced their intention to intervene: Party leaders of the United States House of RepresentativesHouse Majority Leader Education and Labor Committee Chairman George Miller said that a bill was to be passed to avoid future court rulings in line with “Ledbetter”, clearly putting that “a key provision of the legislation will make it clear that discrimination occurs not just when the decision to discriminate is made, but also when someone becomes subject to that discriminatory decision, and when they are affected by that discriminatory decision, including each time they are issued a discriminatory paycheck”, as said by Rep.

– Financial legislation must start in Dáil Éireann, and the Seannad can only suggest changes, it cannot force the changes to be accepted.

– This piece of legislation aimed to ensure the safety of vape products include vape kits and included the limitations of nicotine-containing e-liquid bottles to 10ml, vape tank sizes to 2ml as well as nicotine strength of e-liquid to a maximum of 20mg.

- Between 1746 and 1967, any reference to England in legislation included Wales.

- The legislation led to significant 2011 Wisconsin protestsprotests at the Wisconsin State Capitol and an effort to recall Walker.

– The new regulations, however, did nothing to stem criticism about the availability of narcotics in particular and around 1910 there was a new round of legislation aimed to strengthen requirements for their sale and remove ‘loopholes’ in poison laws.

– It is in charge with leading foreign-policy legislation and debate in the Senate.

– The president may also veto legislation or send legislation to the Constitutional Court for review.

– In Disraeli’s first short period as prime minister, his government passed legislation which had wide support.

– Significant federal legislation affecting the Forest Service includes the Weeks Act of 1911, the Multiple Use – Sustained Yield Act of 1960, P.L.

– The election of the City Council and of the local head of government, which takes place at the same time, is based on legislation introduced on 20 June 2002.

– On January 1, 1808, the first day it was permitted to do so, Congress approved legislation prohibiting the importation of slaves into the United States.

– The Commonwealth Parliament keeps the power to overturn territorial legislation and to give or take powers.

– The Constitutional Court of Hungary has the right to challenge legislation on the grounds of constitutionality.

– In 1990, Congress passed legislation to help those affected by mining.

– Federal civil rights legislation passed in the mid-1960s over the opposition of the WCC.

– At some levels, various legislation has created alternative types of administrative division.

– On the first day of his term, in an unprecedented and controversial move, Fenty introduced legislation to restructure the school system to give him full responsibility for schools.

– The European Parliament prohibits “ex post facto” legislation by all member nations.

– In an April 11, 1978 news conference, Carter said his biggest surprise “in the nature of a disappointment” since becoming president was the difficulty Congress had in passing legislation for an energy reform bill.

– The 2019-20 Hong Kong anti-extradition bill protests were caused by the the Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation Bill 2019 proposed by the Government of Hong Kong.

– The legislation under scrutiny, prevented employers from engaging in “unfair labor practices” such as firing workers for joining unions.

– Senate passed legislation to phase out the sale of non-prescription mercury thermometers.

– In 2005, he made it easier for bosses to get rid of workers by introducing the controversial WorkChoices industrial legislation introduced by his Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews.

– The G.D Paton report, an offshoot of the inquiry became the cornerstone of the first banking legislation in the country: the banking ordinance of 1952.

– Lee introduced legislation giving the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau greater power to conduct arrests, search, call up witnesses, and investigate bank accounts and income-tax returns of suspected persons and their families.

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