“larval” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “larval”:

– They attack the egg or larval stages of at least 12 different insect orders.

– In their larval stage they attach to various animals and feed on skin, often causing itching.

– In “Drosophila melanogaster”, for example, the chromosomes of the larval salivary glands undergo many rounds of endoreduplication.

– The larvae live in rotting wood for several years going through three larval stages.

– The larval stage of large dragonflies may last as long as five years.

– As a result, the amphibian’s larval stage, the tadpole, is not needed by reptiles or birds.

– The indirect development has a long pelagic larval stage.

– Probably the most widely accepted theory explaining the evolution of larval stages is the need for “dispersal”.

larval how to use in sentences
larval how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “larval”:

- Flies in the genus called "Microdon" live in ant nests and eat waste or eat larval ants.

- There they metamorphose, and the larval gut generally rotates by up to 180°, so that the mouth and anus face upwards.

– Flies in the genus called “Microdon” live in ant nests and eat waste or eat larval ants.

– There they metamorphose, and the larval gut generally rotates by up to 180°, so that the mouth and anus face upwards.

– Most of the toxic cardenolides that make queens so unpalatable to its predators are sequestered from larval host plants.

– Their metamorphosis from the larval stage is incomplete, so that the adults retain gill slits, and lack eyelids.

– All three species have three larval color forms: usually green, brown, or yellow.

– In the third larval stage, the tsetse larva finally leave the uterus and crawl into the ground.

– As the levels of toxin vary depending on diet during the larval stage, because individual plants vary some monarchs will be more toxic than others.

– The young develop through complete metamorphosis — that is, they have a worm-like larval stage and an inactive pupal stage before they mature.

– Compared with land-dwelling salamanders, the sexually mature adult Axolotl is a chimera of larval and adult tissues.

– The egg hatches into a miniature version of the adult, without a larval stage.

– This means they get to sexual maturity and reproduce while still in a larval form.

– Usually, this means it is parasitic on the larval stage of the victim species.

– Length of larval life n twelve families of fishes at “One Tree Lagoon,” Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

– The larval and adult stages differ very much in their anatomy and behavior.

– The skin splits at a weak spot behind the head and the adult dragonfly crawls out of its old larval skin, pumps up its wings, and flies off to feed on midges and flies.

– A simplified life cycle might be: eggs laid in water, larval stages in water, young animal with limbs climbs out and instinctively moves to higher ground.

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