“lantern” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “lantern”:

+ There is no national holiday with time off work, but different events go on for the full traditional 2 weeks up to the Lantern Festival.

+ The dispatcher in the station would have to go outside and show a red lantern to the freight train, because there were no signals in the station.

+ A legend says that it started when a cow knocked over a lantern in Catherine O’Leary’s barn on De Koven Street.

+ The church is known to most Americans because it was here that a lantern signal was sent by sexton Robert Newman from the church steeple on the evening of April 18, 1775 to warn American patriots that British soldiers were approaching Lexington and Concord by sea and not by land.

+ The Sichuan lantern drama is popular in Sichuan.

+ The lantern which Guy Fawkes carried in 1605 is in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.

+ The festival is held at Sanam Chan Palace, and features beauty pageants, krathong contests, hanging lantern contests, and local entertainment, among others.

lantern some ways to use
lantern some ways to use

Example sentences of “lantern”:

+ The city holds the annual Giant Lantern Festival every December where large lanterns are displayed in competition.

+ It started as a local traditional ice lantern show and garden party during Chinese Spring Festival.

+ It changes quickly to the lantern festival car which a doll is removed, and displayed 500 lanterns on the all sides of the festival car at night.

+ Characters such as The Atom, Green Lantern and the JSA, now reinvented as the Justice League of America soon followed and a new superhero boom was kicked off.

+ Link also has a magic meter like in “Zelda II”, which he needs to use items like the Lantern and Ice Rod.

+ It included things such as americium from smoke detectors, thorium from camping lantern gas mantlemantles, radium from clocks, and tritium from gunsights.

+ Chinese New Year, the day before it, the day after it, and the Lantern Festival are national holidays in Brunei.

+ Typically rear projection was used to keep the lantern out of sight.

+ Eventually, Edmund heals is crowned to the Great Western Wood by Aslan as King Edmund the Just, co-ruler of Narnia with Queen Lucy, Queen Susan and High King Peter, and is knighted as Duke of Lantern Waste, Count of the Western March, and Knight of the Noble Order of the Table.

+ At the top is an octagonal lantern from the 18th century.

+ People go out and watch the lantern festivals everywhere.

+ The city holds the annual Giant Lantern Festival every December where large lanterns are displayed in competition.

+ It started as a local traditional ice lantern show and garden party during Chinese Spring Festival.

+ The other lantern was the Earl of Surrey.

+ Perry is then seen in a dark forest, holding a lantern and trying to escape it like a maze.

+ The Seoul Lantern Festival is a festival that takes place in Seoul, South Korea.

+ The Chinese Festival of Arts starts on the 5th day and runs for the rest of the holiday until the Lantern Festival.

+ Chinese New Year used to last 15 days until the Lantern Festival on the year’s first full moon.

+ After an alien creature invades Earth, a history buff named Kriyad travels back in time from the 98th century to acquire a Green Lantern power ring.

+ A lantern is a device that can be moved from one place to another, used to create light and to light up open areas.

+ Each Green Lantern wears a power ring that allows the Green Lantern to control the physical world by strength of will.

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