“lacking in” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “lacking in”:

– The albums have been compared with Marvin’s seen as successful, whereas Wonder’s seen as “self-indulged, undistinguished, pretentious” and overall lacking in unity and flow.

– As I said on ST, this is lacking in comprehensive coverage.

– Overall, Wii Sports was received well by critics for its basic pick-up and play style, even though it was criticised for lacking in graphic quality and not having much depth.

– The Latin “jejunus” also gave rise to “jejune” means lacking in nutritive value and devoid of substance, significance or interest, that is dull.

– The article, while seemingly comprehensive, is sorely lacking in in-line references.

– Not known for his batting abilities and lacking in power, Kendall was a great defensive catcher.

– Phloem sap is “nutrient-rich compared with many other plant products and generally lacking in toxins and feeding deterrents, it is consumed as the sole diet by a very restricted range of animals”.

lacking in - sentence examples
lacking in – sentence examples

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