“lack” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “lack”:

+ CNN ran a segment criticizing the amount of coverage their competitors gave to the story despite what they characterized as a lack of new items to report, with CNN news anchor Anderson Cooper calling the coverage “downright ridiculous”.

+ By using Brenda to represent young single mothers in general, Shakur criticises the lack of support from the father of the baby, the government, and society in general.

+ They did lack the ability to pull their heads into their shell had a long, spiked tail ending in a club, a body form similar to that of ankylosaurs, resulting from convergent evolution.

+ If the higher classes were there on “merit”, then their lack of children was the exact reverse of what should be happening.

+ Publication of the “La Solidaridad” stopped in 1895 due to lack of money.

+ Each pore is surrounded on each side by chloroplast-containing guard cells, and two to four subsidiary cells that lack chloroplasts.

lack how to use?
lack how to use?

Example sentences of “lack”:

+ This is particularly useful for older books that lack an ISBN.

+ Kavalleriedivision”, Major General Kurt Feldt, had to go over the Enclosure Dike because of a lack of ships.

+ Later on, a research team arrives to study the penguins, and the humans discover they are overfishing the ocean, which had resulted in the lack of fish.

+ But they lack the water resistance of conventional plastics.

+ The trial process was criticised abroad for its lack of due process.

+ This leads to blaming, lack of trust, and unkind feelings towards others.

+ Vivid crimson colouring, slight moistness, elasticity, recent harvest date, and lack of broken-off thread debris are all traits of fresh saffron.

+ It has an implied lack of judicial neutrality, as noted in the transcripts of the Nuremberg trialstrial at Nuremberg of Josef Bühler.

+ This may be because of a lack of money, the need to use software which still runs on a DOS system, nostalgia for an older operating system, or the belief that text-based systems are more efficient.

+ When Biden was running for President, he criticized Obama, talking about his lack of experience, but later he supported Obama to become president.

+ The most important points were the lack of tradition and the small fan base.

+ As suggested above, editors banned from EN for “disruption” for lack of a better word, should now be banned from Simple, with immediate and retrospective effect.

+ This is particularly useful for older books that lack an ISBN.

+ Kavalleriedivision", Major General Kurt Feldt, had to go over the Enclosure Dike because of a lack of ships.

More in-sentence examples of “lack”:

+ Loneliness is a Sadnesssad isolated or feel a sense of lack of friends and family members.

+ The State-run health care is free, but the care system is neglected and has deteriorated in recent years due to lack of resources and underpaid staff.

+ The Catholic Legion of Decency objected to the “excessive brutality, lack of moral compensation and suggestiveness” in “The Wild One”.

+ After the Press conference ended, the PUP issued a press release saying that powers findings point to the Ministry of Health and the Hospitals Incompetence and lack of Accountability.

+ The lack of moisture, along with heat, destroyed huge numbers of crops.

+ The males lack external testicles, which are instead placed between the bladder and the rectum.

+ His lack of political aspirations could be proven by noting that he did not attempt to obtain any leading position after the King’s flight to Varennes in June 1791.

+ It is caused by lack of calcium deposited in the bones.

+ Later adaptive radiation was caused by a lack of competition and a wide variety of vacant niches.

+ So Saldivar knew that defeating Cawich would not be easy, despite the lack of his political Experience.

+ The opposition is severely hampered by the lack of a free press to express their views.

+ The Bolsheviks won the war, but the lack of food meant that between 3 and 10 million people died of hunger.

+ Fresh fruit could not be kept for long.The main cause of scurvy is lack of fresh fruits and vegetables.

+ People who support of the blockade consider the action taken at the Unisʼtotʼen checkpoint and the lack of consultation with hereditary chiefs to be violations of the United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

+ Being color blind means a lack of one or two types of cone cells.

+ The singular lack of armed protection afforded to the Yugoslav king, and the general laxity of security precautions when it was well-known that one attempt had already been made on Alexander’s life, are grim tributes to Pavelić organizational abilities.

+ The former two have been somewhat quiet for several months now, and it would be nice to have some articles brought to them for promotion! Many of the articles that do arrive also end up closing due to a lack of community input.

+ Unlike many nocturnal animals, tarsiers lack a light-reflecting area of the eye.

+ These plants are very simple: They lack an obvious stem or leaves.

+ Cuney called “Images” on her 1966 album “Let It All Out”, about the lack of pride in African-American women.

+ This is because when we have a lack of absolute proof we can still have overwhelming evidence or one explanation which is far superior to the alternatives”.

+ Complaints centered on bad and choppy graphics, the slow pace, that Dexter’s LaboratoryDexter, and The Powerpuff Girls were not available, and the lack of challenge.

+ Although “ugly” usually means “a lack of physical beauty”, the property of ugliness may also be used to describe other things such as music, literature, or human behavior.

+ Approaching midlife many people lack the energy to maintain their psychological defenses, including their compensatory acts.

+ They are often considered to be a group of annelids, although they lack the segmented structure found in other members of that group, and so may also be treated as a separate phylum.

+ Due to the lack of studies, it is not known whether drinking more fluids improves symptoms or shortens respiratory illness.

+ Loneliness is a Sadnesssad isolated or feel a sense of lack of friends and family members.

+ The State-run health care is free, but the care system is neglected and has deteriorated in recent years due to lack of resources and underpaid staff.
+ The Catholic Legion of Decency objected to the "excessive brutality, lack of moral compensation and suggestiveness" in "The Wild One".

+ Many plants which lack chlorophyll need fungi to break down organic material for them.

+ Photoelectric smoke detectors rely on detecting a lack of light to set the alarm off.

+ The user style sheet can be created at or earlier, which lack support for attribute selectors.

+ There are two points of view on what this lack of a deadline means.

+ However, the Metro extension has not been viewed as a huge success with frequency of services cut due to a lack of demand.

+ We perpetually bemoan the lack of editors we have, and yes, creating a flood of clearly “useless” stubs is pointless, but NU’s stubs “did” assert notability.

+ The only problems he saw were a lack of rain and good irrigation.

+ Because of this lack of space, Westvleteren beers are the only Trappist beers that do not have the official Trappist logo on the bottle.

+ Much more is now known about early Cuban jazz bands, though a full assessment is plagued by the lack of recordings.

+ The following body images lack transparency.

+ Unlike other types of jellyfish, scyphozoans lack a “velum”, a circular membrane which propels other jellyfish through the water.

+ Schlechter was a modest man, who was generally unlikely to win the major chess tournaments by his peaceful inclination, his lack of aggressiveness and his willingness to accept most draw offers from his opponents.

+ Others complained of lack of indication as to time necessary to complete levels coupled with each level’s time limit.

+ She talks about how the lack of traits can cause and effect developmental issues but genes are not always involved.

+ Because of its lack of polar covalent bonds, hydrocarbons cannot create hydrogen bonds with water and are hydrophobic.

+ In that case, the lack of pointe work would not interfere with their eventual employment.

+ It is possible to drive through buildings, up mountains, and even outside the level due to the lack of collision detection.

+ This can be due to lack of food.

+ It is very important for a credible encyclopedia to have a neutral style, so I believe in quickly removing anything that can be seen to have lack a neutral POV and/or makes critical and unsubstantiated claims about anyone.

+ Sometimes lack of rain creates problems for farmers.

+ This was because of the lack of bathing, the dead bodies, and the overflowing toilets.

+ In Christianity, Sloth is about a person not wanting to work, because of lack of motivation.

+ Because of the lack of physical characteristics that supportthis group, it is very possible that the subfamily as it is currently recognized could grow bigger.

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