“key” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “key”:

– In particular, Allied forces struggled to supply and retain the key naval and air base of Malta.

– Some have special scent glands; others squirt urine on key places.

– In a few scores, 6-sharp key signatures in the bass clef are written with the sharp for the A on the top line.

– Mary Baker Eddy said in her book “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” that prayer is effective and can heal disease.

– Requirements for membership of the Non-Aligned Movement coincide with the key beliefs of the United Nations.

– RC2 is a 64-bit block cipher with a variable key size and using 18 rounds.

– Clarridge was the chief of the Latin American division from 1981 to 1987 and a key figure in the Iran-Contra Affair.

– A key role was played in this process by the then Heads of State and Government Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Shri Jawaharlal Nehru of India, Ahmed Sukarno of Indonesia and Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia, who later became the founding fathers of the movement and its emblematic leaders.

key - example sentences
key – example sentences

Example sentences of “key”:

– For example, since the key signature of G major has one sharp, its relative minor, E minor, also has one sharp in its key signature.

– The key event in the decipherment of hieroglyphic writing was the discovery of the Rosetta Stone.

– Its key signature has two sharps.

– These are two key ingredients for life.

– Woodward and Bernstein were reporters for “The Washington Post”, and Deep Throat gave key details about the involvement of U.S.

– The thalamus is a key areas which is involved in what is known as the “half-second delay”.

– One key factor in the operation of the unconscious is ‘repression’.

– This is why the Battle of Marathon is often seen as a key moment in European history.Holland, Tom 2006.

- For example, since the key signature of G major has one sharp, its relative minor, E minor, also has one sharp in its key signature.

- The key event in the decipherment of hieroglyphic writing was the discovery of the Rosetta Stone.
- Its key signature has two sharps.

– The public key can be known to everyone- it is used to encrypt messages.

– Smuts and Botha were key negotiators at the Paris Peace Conference.

– Its key signature has two flats.

– A person can make a key out of numbers.

– A key supposedly taken from him is in Speaker’s House, Palace of Westminster.

More in-sentence examples of “key”:

– But when a relative key is on the opposite side of the circle from its home key, then in theory modulating to that key would involve adding so many sharps or flats that double-sharps and double-flats would have to be written in the key signature.

– Neal became the Trotters’ featured ballhandler, a key role in the team’s act.

– Mawson was a key expedition leader during the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration.

– Croton-on-Hudson is the original home of the Hudson Institute, a key Cold War think tank where the justification for nuclear war was developed.

– The central argument in “Principles” was that “the present is the key to the past”.

– CSS uses 40-bit cryptographic keys; because of different design problems, the effective key length is only about 16 bits.

– The chroma key is used in Cinematographyfilming for movies, television shows and music videos.

– Cudjoe Key is located at.

– Mamta Kaash played a key role in the hospital drama “Casualty”.

– A key factor in Japan’s surrender were the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasakiatomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

– Like many Liberals, he passionately believed that education was the key to social reform.

– For example, a large number of the possible key keys are tried in the key space.

– The numbers inside the circle show the number of sharps or flats in the key signature, with the sharp keys going clockwise, and the flat keys counterclockwise from C major.

– The option of remaining a colony was undesirable, for Britain had long adopted a “little Briton” policy, under which the key to economic efficiency, and reduction of bloat, was to cut off connections to its various colonies.

– Individual tasks should be generally kept to prose and the field should only list key people.

– Template puts pages in this category with a sort key of “1” when the page uses any of the following deprecated parameters: location, death_location, academyawards, emmyawards, goldenglobeawards, sagawards, tonyawards, imdbid, notable role.

– It also played a key role in defending the city from the British during the War of 1812.

– When Orihime is kidnapped by Ulquiorra Cifer of the Espadas, Aizen’s 10 most powerful Arrancars, Ichigo and his allies mount a rescue operation that turned out to be a distraction as Aizen’s forces appear in Karakura Town with intent of sacrifice the residents to create a key as part of Aizen’s plan to reach and assassinate the Soul King who reigns over the Soul Society.

– The backspace key is commonly used to go back a page when exploring folders in graphical environments, or when browsing the World Wide WebWeb in web browsers.

– Shylock is a key fictional charactercharacter and the play “The Merchant of Venice”.

– Other limb onset patients first see the effects of the disease on a hand or arm as they have a difficult time with simple tasks requiring hand dexterity, or ability to move small things, such as buttoning a shirt, writing, or turning a key in a lock.

– She was a key person of and witness to Marvel’s expansion from a two-person staff to a pop culture conglomerate.

– Persian limes are less acidic than key limes and do not have the bitterness that lends to the key lime’s unique flavour.

– His key publications in the fields of genetics, developmental biology, radiation and cancer are available in a book.

- But when a relative key is on the opposite side of the circle from its home key, then in theory modulating to that key would involve adding so many sharps or flats that double-sharps and double-flats would have to be written in the key signature.

- Neal became the Trotters' featured ballhandler, a key role in the team's act.

– Or maybe White will plough ahead with 10.c5, the key move on the Q-side.

– The key with understanding these terms, or others such as Celtic Restorationism, Neo-Celtism, “Senistrognata”, “Seandagnatha” “Ildiachas/Iol-Diadhachas”, etc.

– Alienation is also a key element in the existentialism of Sartre and Camus.

– Based on ships they are trained to land on and secure key points to around 50 miles inland.

– The tab key short for tabulator key is a key on a computer keyboard, found right above the caps lock key on the far left.

– Its key signature has four flats.

– Some of the key topics have been the evolution of enzyme function, the use of nucleic acid changes as a molecular clock to study species divergence, and the origin of non-functional or junk DNA.

– Avril is considered a key musician in the development of pop punk music since she paved the way for female-driven, punk-influenced pop music in the early 2000s.

– It is also a key part of many biological molecules.

– In such a situation, a key objective becomes the identification of the first “exemplar” before any split in the tradition.

– Press any key to continue.

– Lars KnudsenKnudsen and Mathiassen give some experimental evidence that indicate that the key schedule plays a part in providing strength against linear and differential cryptanalysis.

– Some key formulas under this category include the Pythagorean theorem, binomial theorem, Euler’s formula and De Moivre’s formula.

– Since the 1990s Punjab hosted several key sites of Pakistan’s nuclear program such as Kahuta.

– Its key signature has four sharps.

– Vodka is a key element of Slavic tradition in some countries of Eastern Europe.

– The final chapters of the text are speculations about more general topics, including the history of mankind – whose key events are related symbolically to the sequence of vowels and consonants in the alphabet –, a discussion of Christology dealing with issues related to the Council of Chalcedon, and reflections upon the name of “Adam”.

– Broadly, their skeleton was similar to earlier sauropods, but with a few key differences.

– The way we interact and collaborate online are key to building sustainable projects.

– He described nearly all the key differences of Morphology morphology of stem and root, showed that the flowers of the Asteraceae are built of multiple units, and correctly said that stamens are male organs.

– Karl Popper distinguished between two different forms of government, “Those where it is possible to change the government without bloodshed, in a popular vote, and those where it isn’t.” He said that this was the key difference, and not how the forms of government are named.

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