“keep up” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “keep up”:

– Some of these substances help the organism function, keep up cell structure, or are just stored food material such as oil or fat.

– These books needed to be produced quickly to keep up with demand.

– He does this to keep up his reputation, but Sandy does not know this and wishes she has never met him.

– They keep up breed standards.

– People who cannot keep up the walking speed may fall and hurt themselves.

– In a turn, the outside wheel has to go faster to keep up with the inside wheel.

keep up some example sentences
keep up some example sentences

Example sentences of “keep up”:

- All together, your editing is very well done so far and you definitely have the potential to become an administrator in the future if you were to keep up your editing on this site.

- I make this proposal fully cognizant of our policies and practices here that that it's hard to argue that the administrators can't keep up with the problems.
- In multiplayer mode, if one or more players do not keep up with the one in the lead, on some levels, the view will pan out a bit so that the player in the rear will still be in view.

– All together, your editing is very well done so far and you definitely have the potential to become an administrator in the future if you were to keep up your editing on this site.

– I make this proposal fully cognizant of our policies and practices here that that it’s hard to argue that the administrators can’t keep up with the problems.

– In multiplayer mode, if one or more players do not keep up with the one in the lead, on some levels, the view will pan out a bit so that the player in the rear will still be in view.

– Although oxen were used to pull the heavier field and siege guns, some on wagons rather than limbers, they were too slow to keep up with the infantr.

– Will soon falls for Gwen and does not keep up with the friends he made as a sidekick.

– So to keep up with his role, most of his scenes involved him sitting down.

– Judy was given amphetamines and barbiturates to keep up with the hectic pace of moviemaking.

– Also, it is a fluid list, which means it will be hard to keep up to date.

– The Dutch government wished to take a foothold in the spice market, as Portugal could not keep up with the demand and rising prices in Europe.

– The dance that gets faster and faster and the audience clap along, trying to keep up with the orchestra.

– He edited the first two magazines, but he was too busy to keep up with it.

– As the industrial revolution began they had to start teaching new parts of these sciences to keep up with the demand for new items.

– When Russia lost the Crimean War to England and France in 1856, it became obvious that Russia needed economic and social change to keep up with other countries.

– That’s similar to patrolling, but it would be more important to keep up with it.

– This has the advantage of saving energy during times when they cannot get enough food to keep up the higher temperature.

– Because of that, companies can not afford to keep up the amount of goods that are made, and have to lower that amount, as well as fire workers to make even a small profit.

– With racism and loss of hunting lands, it was impossible for them to keep up their traditional life style.

– Moreover, says the report, it is clear that nuclear power development cannot keep up with the pace of renewable energy commercialization.

– This means that they need heat to keep up their body temperature.Morgan, Sally 2004.

– The Black Death killed many people and the government did not keep up the work needed to stop the Yellow River from killing people when it flooded.

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