“job” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “job”:

+ Bassists, like other musicians, have a much lower average income than many other job categories, such as accountants or administrators.

+ That job is done by a Town Clerk or Chief Executive, who is appointed to a full-time paid job.

+ Before the 1951 season, O’Malley offered Robinson the job of manager of the Montreal Royals starting at the end of Robinson’s playing career.

+ In each quarter of the city, these “Lighthouses of Knowledge” have been implanted containing library and room of computer science, to public use, mainly by students; job training, social welfare and educational programs are coordinated, and often supply labor to improve the city’s amenities or services, as well as education and income.

+ The Association of Tennis Professionals is the most important organization for men’s professional tennis, meaning men who play tennis for their job instead of just for fun.

job in-sentences
job in-sentences

Example sentences of “job”:

+ The users who do a good job will keep the rights, the ones who doesn't do a good job will lose it.

+ Their job was to clear the jungles for settlement and early public works.
+ Lord Mandelson lost his job twice, once in 1998 for not declaring a loan he was given to buy a house, and once in 2001 for trying to arrange a passport for an Indian businessman who had given £1,000,000 to the Labour Party.

+ The users who do a good job will keep the rights, the ones who doesn’t do a good job will lose it.

+ Their job was to clear the jungles for settlement and early public works.

+ Lord Mandelson lost his job twice, once in 1998 for not declaring a loan he was given to buy a house, and once in 2001 for trying to arrange a passport for an Indian businessman who had given £1,000,000 to the Labour Party.

+ A Cleveland police officer Walter Emerick, who took the picture using his camera phone was suspended from his job for eight days for sending the photo to other people, eventually leading to it being leaked on the Internet.

+ In addition, two more government-controlled Medical Services exist for those who work in a job affiliated with them.

+ But days after the Home Minister’s visit, that singer had complained that he was not allowed to speak to his guest and seek a job or opportunities for higher education for his daughter.

+ In part of my current job I have to deal with special needs students.

+ His first acting job was in a supporting role in the TV Series “Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide”.

+ A drummer is a person who plays the drums as a job or as a hobby.

+ A court jester had the job of making the king feel happy when he was sad.

+ If a founder is already listed in the founder parameter, do not list them again here as a founder; if the founder still holds an executive job with the company, you may however list them along with their job title.

+ He recommended him for the job of conductor at the German Opera in Prague.

+ Some services have been centralised, leading to job losses at some offices.

+ He lost the job between 1709 and 1711, when he was reappointed.

+ His successor is Job Cohen, who used to be the mayor of Amsterdam.

+ He stayed in Lübeck for four months and so he got into trouble when he went back to his job at Arnstadt.

+ After graduation, Black took a teaching job in Singapore for three years.

+ He fired Bismarck, who lost his job in 1890, and Wilhelm II started a new foreign policy.

More in-sentence examples of “job”:

+ In Hampton, Parks found a job as a hostess in an inn at Hampton Institute, a historically black college.

+ The word "sleeping" in "Your job description does not include sleeping" is a gerund and not a present participle.
+ The Apartheid policy was that Blacks were no real citizens of South Africa and had to live in remote so-called ‘homelands’ where there were no job opportunities.

+ In Hampton, Parks found a job as a hostess in an inn at Hampton Institute, a historically black college.

+ The word “sleeping” in “Your job description does not include sleeping” is a gerund and not a present participle.

+ The Apartheid policy was that Blacks were no real citizens of South Africa and had to live in remote so-called ‘homelands’ where there were no job opportunities.

+ Both communication overload and communication underload can affect the level of job satisfaction.

+ In the 1400s many other artists in Italy were given the job of painting churches or chapels.

+ Goh was given the job of Senior Minister, and the older Lee the job of Minister Mentor.

+ The main character, Guy Montag, has a job as a “fireman”.

+ Eptalon did a very good job of trying to revive the process, and it is now running fairly smoothly.

+ Around 1563 Byrd got the job of Organist and Choir Master of Lincoln Cathedral.

+ A censor is a person whose job is to look at all types of media and remove material.

+ I also believe it doesn’t matter how “much” an admin does, but if that person is doing the job “right”.

+ A gamemaster can be said to wear four “hats” in their role, meaning the four main jobs they do as part of the overall job of GMing.

+ He made use of a lot of writers, the most famous was Samuel Johnson, who was always thankful to Cave for having given him his main job for many years.

+ Prime Minister of ItalyPrime Minister Minister of Defence, a job he had from January 1995 through May 1996.

+ After the 1929 general election, Chamberlain lost his job as Foreign Secretary.

+ I found them, they are there; their job is to find their successors.

+ Sometimes a mansion does not belong to a private family, but to a town council, to a big business company, to a church or college and is a place for a person with an important job to live and to entertain guests.

+ One job Kerouac could fall back on, thanks to Cassady, was as a railroad brakeman.

+ Its sole source of revenue is paid job ads in select cities.

+ He kept this job until 1901.

+ He disguises himself as a swineherd and gets a job tending the pigs at the palace.

+ By the time he got his first job he had already published two books of madrigals.

+ About 1945, he moved to Winnipeg, and in approximately 1954 he retired from his job as a Railroad engineerlocomotive engineer, having worked for the Canadian National Railways.

+ When he was 20 he got his first job at Helsingborg in the Marienkirche where his father had been organist some years before.

+ The Catholic ChurchRoman Catholic Church also began to discourage Irish as did Nationalist leader Daniel O’Connell, although an Irish-speaker himself, saying that most job opportunities were in the English-speaking United States and wider British Empire.

+ They may do the same job on living organisms, in which case other terms are used to describe them.

+ In the 1470s, Lorenzo Medici and his brother Giuliano gave Verrocchio the job of making a statue of David.

+ Being in danger to lose his job a lot of the fans declared their solidarity.

+ McNair was given the starting job in Baltimore over the disappointing Kyle Boller.

+ Soon he joined the Sistine Chapel, where he had the job of “magister puerorum and later he became choirmaster.

+ Her first jobs were stories that did not interest “the big boys.” She went to London on an early job to photograph the residents of Soho and Mayfair.

+ Later, he got a full-time job copy editing.

+ As a young man, Pascal found a job tending horses in Hungary.

+ Sir Patrick Allen McLoughlin born English politician and the current Chief Whip, which is the same job he had in opposition.

+ A scribe’s job involved reading and writing, especially during the Renaissance.

+ Zelda did not think that Fitzgerald’s job was good enough and she broke off their engagement.

+ This was the only job he had in his life which was not at a cathedral, but his choir at Leeds was probably better than any of the cathedral choirs he had.

+ German nationalists would not let Eisler get a job in Vienna, because he was Jewish.

+ After a short while at Eisenach he got the job of organist at the Predigerkirche in Erfurt.

+ In January 1919, he got a job at the South Australian Museum as entomologist’s assistant to Arthur Mills Lea.

+ Their job was to put in place an action plan to protect the lake called the Lake Macquarie Improvement Plan.

+ Then, the day before Sunny’s birthday arrives and PaRappa is assigned the job of getting a cake.

+ His brother Muqan Qaghan finished the job and annihilated the Rouran in 555.

+ At 18 he got a job as organist at Melton Mowbray church.

+ In 1971 Pierre Boulez became the first Frenchman to have the job of conductor of the Philharmonic.

+ This was a job several people before Carson had not been able to do.

+ He gave up his job to spread the message on how to be a good person.

+ Instead of wearing the complex formal gowns that female Elf noblewomen were seen wearing in previous films, Tauriel wears Elven military garb, which is better-suited to her job as a border guard and soldier.

+ Krabs catches Squidward and SpongeBob sleeping on the job and gets mad.

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