“isolated” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “isolated”:

+ In geography, an oasis is an isolated place in the desert where there is vegetation.

+ These include South Georgia, the volcanic South Sandwich Islands and the South Orkneys in the Scotia Sea as well as the remote South Shetland Islands near the Antarctic Peninsula and the small isolated volcano Bouvet Island.

+ In a nuclear power plant, the cooling tower is isolated from the nuclear reactor by a heat exchanger, and the steam from the cooling tower is not radioactive.

+ Micro-hydro systems are generally used in developing countries to provide electricity to isolated communities or rural villages where electricity grid is not available.

+ Mbembe interprets Africa not as a defined, isolated place but as a strange relation between itself and the rest of the world which plays out simultaneously on political, psychic, semiotic, and sexual levels.

isolated in sentences?
isolated in sentences?

Example sentences of “isolated”:

+ By the late 19th century, scientists found that air could be turned into a liquid and the compounds in it could be isolated by compressing and cooling it.

+ In the show, contestants are isolated in a remote location and compete for cash and other prizes.
+ It states that, in an isolated system, entropy can increase but cannot decrease.

+ By the late 19th century, scientists found that air could be turned into a liquid and the compounds in it could be isolated by compressing and cooling it.

+ In the show, contestants are isolated in a remote location and compete for cash and other prizes.

+ It states that, in an isolated system, entropy can increase but cannot decrease.

+ The two “trans” alkenes react head-to-tail, and the isolated isomer is called “truxillic acid”.

+ Some differences in “halakha” itself are found among Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, Sephardi, Yemenite and other Jews who historically lived in isolated communities.

+ The presence of dromaeosaurs in the Middle Jurassic is shown by isolated fossil teeth, though no dromaeosaurid body fossils have been found this early.

+ Possibly because it was relatively isolated from other dinosaurs, “Balaur” developed unique features.

+ There are reports of isolated acts against Muslim institutions: Red crosses were found on a mosque in Créteil, near Paris, the day after the attacks.

+ The country is composed mainly of the mainland, but near the coast there are a few isolated small islands.

+ The name “Vibrio” derives from Filippo Pacini who isolated microorganisms he called “vibrions” from cholera patients in 1854.

+ In Lake Victoria, an isolated lake which formed recently in the African rift valley, over 300 species of cichlid fish radiated from one parent species in just 15,000 years.

+ Badghis Province is in the isolated hills of northwestern Afghanistan.

+ In North Queensland, the town of Ingham, QueenslandIngham became isolated as the Herbert River peaked.

+ It was isolated from populations in Asia for at least 5,000 years.

More in-sentence examples of “isolated”:

+ According to ancient Meitei scriptures, the Khamnung kingdom is described as a generally dark and cool place, whose capital city is the "Khamnung Sawa", which remains isolated from the rest of the areas, as the ""Ashi Turel"" flows encircling the charmed city of Thongalel.

+ It teaches that to achieve true socialism and become self-sufficient, the state must become fully isolated from the rest of society.
+ Although Barrow is in the land of the North American continent, Barrow is isolated from any other city.

+ According to ancient Meitei scriptures, the Khamnung kingdom is described as a generally dark and cool place, whose capital city is the “Khamnung Sawa”, which remains isolated from the rest of the areas, as the “”Ashi Turel”” flows encircling the charmed city of Thongalel.

+ It teaches that to achieve true socialism and become self-sufficient, the state must become fully isolated from the rest of society.

+ Although Barrow is in the land of the North American continent, Barrow is isolated from any other city.

+ As in the conventional star network, individual nodes may thus still be isolated from the network by a single-point failure of a transmission path to the node.

+ Because of a deep neighboring strait, Flores remained isolated during the last ice age.

+ It is on top of an isolated rock plateau, like a mesa.

+ In the Northern Territory, these sections include the Dean, Mannanana, Ilyaralona, Curdie and Piultarana Ranges, the Pottoyu Hills, and several isolated mountains.

+ In respects to this rule, the total amount of energy that exists within an isolated system will always be the same, no matter what changes have been made to it.

+ He isolated it by developing an aqueous Pancreaspancreatic extract which, when injected into a diabetic dog, proved to have a normalizing effect on blood sugar levels.

+ Pressure, density and temperature differences in an isolated system, all tend to equalize if given the opportunity; density and pressure, but not temperature, are affected by gravity.

+ However, for the very pliant systems such as base isolated structures, with a relatively low bearing stiffness but with a high damping, the so-called “damping force” may turn out the main pushing force at a strong earthquake.

+ Ernst Mayr’s formulation cleared up the issues which Wagner had left unresoved: “A new species develops if a population which has become isolated from its parental species acquires during this period of isolation characters which promote or guarantee isolation when the external barriers break down”.

+ An ADC may also provide an isolated measurement.

+ They lived isolated lives and used simple gestures to communicate with their friends and family.

+ In fact, more than 900 restriction enzymes, some sequence specific and some not, have been isolated from over 230 strains of bacteria since their discovery.

+ Cannibalism was widespread in the past among humans in many parts of the world, continuing into the 19th century in some isolated South Pacific cultures, and to the present day in parts of tropical Africa.

+ Some data shows that Gay, Lesbian and Transgender people are more likely to be socially isolated because they are less likely to have children and start their own family and because they might no longer be accepted by their relatives and friends because of homophobia.

+ Rayleigh had noticed a difference between the density of nitrogen made by chemical synthesis and nitrogen isolated from the air by removal of the other known components.

+ They occur singly as isolated folds and in extensive fold trains of different sizes, on a variety of scales.

+ The Kalash people live in three isolated valleys.

+ The yellow-billed magpie became isolated in the warm climate of California and adapted to it.

+ While some tribes live in isolated huts, those in the north have strongly walled villages.

+ It was selected as a penal colony because it was isolated from the rest of Tasmania.

+ One example of natural speciation is the three-spined stickleback, a sea fish that, after the last ice age, invaded freshwater, and set up colonies in isolated lakes and streams.

+ Students who may have felt lost and isolated in a large school often thrive in the smaller and more personalized setting of the Village School.

+ At lower frequencies, there are always isolated points and nothing connects the dots.

+ The hormone was first isolated and purified in 1901 by Japanese chemist Jokichi Takamine.

+ The population of each subspecies is geographically isolated and they can be distinguished primarily by differences in body size.

+ This means it probably came from an isolated sauropod population on an island in the Lower Saxony basin.

+ This may include caves, desert oases, isolated valleys and isolated mountains.

+ On March 12, 2020, Trudeau and his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau isolated themselves, after she showed flu-like symptoms during the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.

+ The benefit of this is that unlike in a big combined program, each task is isolated so it is easy to manage and troubleshoot the program after completion.

+ Erosion by wind and rain has left an isolated pillar of 350 million year old sandstone.

+ The cluster members are of similar age and chemical composition, so their properties are more easily studied than for isolated stars.

+ But Japan was not completely isolated under the “sakoku” policy.

+ I suspect this isn’t a problem isolated to the wiki I mod.

+ The reunified Vietnam suffered further internal repression and was isolated internationally due to the continuing Cold War and the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia.

+ The monks who live there live very isolated lives, growing their own food and looking after one another.

+ The Justice Party was isolated in contemporary Indian politics by its many controversial activities.

+ Italy is the poorest country in the world, GDP is only 3.5 billion USD and GDP per capita is only 200, due to isolated and dangerous.

+ Around 23 million years ago, the Drake Passage opened between Antarctica and South America, resulting in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current that completely isolated Antarctica.

+ Rawal Lake is located within an isolated section of the Margalla Hills National Park.

+ There was no school in Granite Downs, and they were concerned about raising their children in such an isolated location.

+ However, its support to independentist movement in French Indochina and to strikes isolated it from other parties.

+ The peninsular is served by the isolated narrow gauge Eyre Peninsula Railway.

+ The island is very isolated and some 30% of its plant species are found only on Socotra.

+ Montgomery’s contribution to restoring the situation was that he turned a series of isolated actions into a coherent battle fought according to a clear and definite plan.

+ Several small islands are found off the coast, the three Îles du Salut which include Devil’s Island, and the isolated Îles du Connétable further along the coast towards Brazil.

+ They may lose interest in activities they usually like, or become isolated and lonely.

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