“iodide” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “iodide”:

+ In this process lithium iodide converts methyl acetate to lithium acetate and methyl iodide, which in turn affords through carbonylation acetyl iodide.

+ That is why a solution of potassium iodide dissolves iodine.

+ It reacts with iodide to make iodide.

+ Potassium iodide is one of the most common iodides.

+ Phosphorus iodide is formed during the reaction.

iodide - sentence examples
iodide – sentence examples

Example sentences of “iodide”:

+ It has copper and iodide ions in it.

+ The thallium iodide does not form.

+ When it is diluted, it makes copper iodide again.

+ It breaks down when heated to tellurium iodide and iodine.

+ Tincture of iodine has about equal amounts of iodide and iodine.

+ Mercury chloride with a source of iodide ions.

+ It is better than potassium iodide because it does not oxidize to iodine and evaporate like potassium iodide does.

+ Cadmium iodide is used to make phosphors, photography, and electroplating.

+ It has copper and iodide ions in it.

+ The thallium iodide does not form.
+ When it is diluted, it makes copper iodide again.

+ Many times phosphorus iodide is made in the reaction.

+ It contains tin and iodide ions.

+ Cadmium iodide is a white or pale yellow solid.

+ A development attracting attention in 2008 concerns a S2 roundabout mechanism observed in a gas-phase reaction between chloride ions and methyl iodide with a special technique called “crossed molecular beam imaging”.

+ Phosphorus iodide is made by reacting iodine with white phosphorus dissolved in carbon disulfide.

More in-sentence examples of “iodide”:

+ The iodide also is toxic.

+ It is formed by the reaction of aluminium and iodine, or the action of hydrogen iodide on aluminium metal.
+ This makes copper iodide which is not stable.

+ The iodide also is toxic.

+ It is formed by the reaction of aluminium and iodine, or the action of hydrogen iodide on aluminium metal.

+ This makes copper iodide which is not stable.

+ Cadmium iodide was used as a medicine although it was toxic.

+ It is made by reacting potassium iodide with a strong oxidizing agent.

+ It does this because some of the iodide was oxidationoxidized to iodine.

+ It is made by reacting sodium iodidesodium or potassium iodide with arsenic trichloride.

+ Silver iodide is sprinkled in clouds to make rain.

+ Thallium iodide is used in mercury-vapor lamps.

+ Thallium iodide is a yellow solid.

+ Acetyl iodide is then hydrolyzed to acetic acid.

+ Tin iodide, also known as stannic iodide and tin tetraiodide, is a chemical compound.

+ When the person takes potassium iodide it fills up the thyroid with iodine so no radioactive iodine can come in.

+ It can also be made by reacting bismuth chloride with any iodide such as potassium iodide.

+ Silver iodide is used in photographic film and cloud seeding.

+ Most salt has iodine in it, in the form of iodide or iodate.

+ It can be made by electrolysis of an acidic iodide solution.

+ It is composed of sodium and iodide ions.

+ Bismuth iodide is a dark gray solid.

+ Copper iodide is a white solid.

+ It can be made by oxidation of sodium iodide with sodium hypochlorite in a nitric acid solution.

+ He referred Randolph to the specialist Thomas Buzzard, and continued to prescribe potassium iodide and mercury.

+ The silver iodide turns into silver and iodine.

+ Chlorine is reacted with seawater to change the iodide to iodine.

+ Copper does not form a stable copper iodide and iodine.

+ Arsenic acid reacts with iodide to make iodine.

+ Potassium iodide is a chemical compound.

+ Iodides are normally colorless but turn yellow after being in air because the iodide is oxidized to iodine.

+ Another way to make it is to react methanol with potassium iodide and some sulfuric acid.

+ It can become the colorless iodide ion if another atom or molecule gives an iodine atom one of its electrons.

+ Silver iodide is a yellow solid.

+ Sodium iodide is a chemical compound.

+ Iodine does not dissolve in water, but it does dissolve in a solution of an iodide in water.

+ Hydrogen iodide is a chemical compound.

+ Aluminium iodide is any chemical compound made up of only aluminium and iodine.

+ Acetyl iodide reacts with acetate salts or acetic acid to give the product.

+ Bismuth ions form a dark gray precipitate when reacted with potassium iodide because bismuth iodide was made.

+ The catalytic cycle has been shown to involve six steps, two of which do not involve rhodium: conversion of methanol to methyl iodide and the hydrolysis of the acetyl iodide to acetic acid.

+ It is made by reacting an iodide such as sodium iodide with silver nitrate.

+ Silver iodide is toxic.

+ Many other chemical compounds have a cadmium iodide crystal structure.

+ The iodide easily oxidizes to iodine.

+ It can also be made by reacting phosphorus chloride with hydrogen iodide or some other iodide.

+ It has potassium and iodide ions in it.

+ It also contains iodide ions.

+ Potassium iodide can reduce potassium permanganate to potassium manganate.

+ Tin iodide is a red-orange solid.

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