“involve” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “involve”:

+ Moulting can involve the Epidermis, and hair, fur, wool, or other external layer.

+ Hot or cold buffets usually involve dishware and utensils, but a finger buffet is designed for small pieces taken by hand, such as cupcakes, slices of pizza, foods on cocktail sticks, etc.

+ This change will involve new serif fonts for some headings, small tweaks to body content fonts, text size, text color, and spacing between elements.

+ It will involve cleaning and repair, as well as improving general ability for people who are disabled to move around the station.

+ It doesn’t involve any actual movement of charge, but it nevertheless has an associated magnetic field, as if it were an actual current.

involve how to use?
involve how to use?

Example sentences of “involve”:

+ But when a relative key is on the opposite side of the circle from its home key, then in theory modulating to that key would involve adding so many sharps or flats that double-sharps and double-flats would have to be written in the key signature.

+ The most common regulations related to IM at work involve the need to produce archived business communications to satisfy government or judicial requests under law.

+ Deception need not involve speaking.

+ These celebrations often involve bonfires, dances, songs, divination and children’s games.

+ These are held using large yachts and involve racing for a number of days without stopping.

+ One would hope that DYK, GA, VGA involve the nominator placing his credibility on the line.

+ But when a relative key is on the opposite side of the circle from its home key, then in theory modulating to that key would involve adding so many sharps or flats that double-sharps and double-flats would have to be written in the key signature.

+ The most common regulations related to IM at work involve the need to produce archived business communications to satisfy government or judicial requests under law.
+ Deception need not involve speaking.

+ This may be because they involve people.

+ This project of ‘’Editing Articles in Simple English by Language Learners’’ will involve 36 students in the areas of science, history, and literature.

+ Thus begins the adventures of the puppet into a real boy, which involve many encounters with a series of unpleasant characters.

+ Curve fitting may involve either interpolation Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python 3.

More in-sentence examples of “involve”:

+ Since you clearly do not advocate that practice, and instead want to go on about petty nonsense like NPOV that has no basis in reality, you should not involve yourself in this sensitive case.

+ Depending on the local jurisdiction and community standards, lap dances can involve touching of the dancer by the patron, touching the patron by the dancer, neither, or both.

+ They can involve arrangements of syllables into repeated patterns called “feet” within a line.

+ Control Point maps involve both teams attacking and defending the opposing team’s Control Points.

+ Research on the primary visual cortex can involve recording nerve impulseaction potentials from mice, or monkeys.

+ A GFCI / RCD can also prevent fires from short circuits and other electrical faults that don’t involve humans such as a low current short where the current never reaches the trigger point for a circuit breaker.

+ Many sports involve violent physical contact and may be highly dangerous if the players are unprotected.

+ Palliative care can involve pain relief and help for the patient and family to come to terms with death.

+ The parable of the Faithful Servant and parable of the Ten Virgins, adjacent in Matthew, involve waiting for a bridegroom, and have an eschatological theme: be prepared for the day of reckoning.

+ All involve spinning the disc to give it gyroscopic stability, and accelerationaccelerating its mass to a certain velocity.

+ Centre-left and centre-right politics both involve a general association with centrism combined with leaning somewhat to their respective sides of the spectrum.

+ Opposed to this are computations that only occur once, and that do not involve learning.

+ This would involve investigating abuse from IPs and compiling this into a report, then contacting ISPs and requesting their assistance.

+ It does not involve information gain because it does not incline towards a specific result more than the other.

+ Physical weathering does not involve any chemical changes in the rock, just its physical breaking apart.

+ Subjects like Logic, Philosophy and Mathematics all involve the intellect.

+ These definitions should not be taken too strictly as many artistic disciplines involve aspects of the visual arts as well as arts of other types.

+ These last for only a few seconds and involve a simple thing the player must do.

+ In passing years this story changes into a gerbil, and was made to involve to many named male celebrities that were publicly thought to be gay.

+ Head injury is a broader category that may involve damage to other structures such as the scalp and skull.

+ Most of such hearings, however, are not a trial in the technical sense of the term, though they may involve a judge and lawyer and so on.

+ In August 2017, Sanders published another political book titled “Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution” which is aimed to help teenagers to get involve in the political scene.

+ Dysthymia does not involve mania, hypomania.

+ A race can also involve any other type of goal like eating.

+ It is not determined by area, but is created by relationships that involve a high level of personal commitment to, involvement with, or dependence upon, a person, subject, idea, tradition, or organization.

+ Since you clearly do not advocate that practice, and instead want to go on about petty nonsense like NPOV that has no basis in reality, you should not involve yourself in this sensitive case.

+ Depending on the local jurisdiction and community standards, lap dances can involve touching of the dancer by the patron, touching the patron by the dancer, neither, or both.

+ Other social issues involve the increasing presence of the Central American gangs known as Maras, and illegal immigration from Central America in general.

+ The humor elements of the show involve a satire of the Best Buy chain of electronics stores.

+ Several types of motorsports involve racing off-road vehicles.

+ These involve more direct competition, so risk comes from the competitor who may do it better.

+ About two thirds of the cases in the Supreme Court involve the government.

+ These games often involve fighting role-play.

+ Orogens develop while a continental plate is crumpled and thickened to form mountain ranges, and involve a great range of geological processes collectively called orogenesis.

+ These killings could also involve the relatives of an offender.

+ Matches between them sometimes involve violence between supporters.

+ These phenomona involve the exchange of information between a person and their environment, without the use of the five senses.

+ Conserving electricity can involve many different activities, from replacing an inefficient appliance to turning off a light.

+ Both perception and remembering are processes which involve the brain.

+ Mansell and Wehn state that development has been understood since the second World War to involve economic growth, increases in per capita income, and attainment of a standard of living equivalent to that of industrialized countries.

+ This will involve editing one or more “other” articles.

+ Gang rapes usually involve three or more men as the ones who commit the crime.

+ These positions involve a penis going into a vagina, or anus.

+ Modern day forms of intensive crop based agriculture involve the use of mechanical ploughing, chemical fertilizers, plant growth regulators or pesticides.

+ He is the assumed leader of the group, despite being rather shorter than the others, and does not involve himself in the battles between the other three.

+ In all “Metroid” games, there are different goals to achieve, but nearly all of them involve looking for items and exploring.

+ Sometimes, such proofs involve other areas of mathematics or show connections between different areas.

+ Response prompts do not involve a change in the antecedent.

+ Anglo-American matches after World War II, of which there were a number, did not involve Culbertson.

+ Other Condorcet methods involve an entirely different system of counting, but are classified as Condorcet methods because they will still elect the Condorcet winner if there is one.

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