“intermediate” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “intermediate”:

– It is notable as there is 22 miles between this station and Machynlleth railway stationMachynlleth station, the longest distance between two intermediate stations in the whole of Wales.

– It was the only intermediate station on the Stamford and Essendine Railway, later Great_Northern_Railway_Great Northern Railway, single track line between Stamford and Essendine.

– It still played a role in administration becauset was close to border of the competing Herakleopolis MagnaHeracleopolitan and Theban dynasties of the First Intermediate Period.

– Ten enzymes are needed for the ten intermediate compounds in this process.

– They occur wherever mafic or intermediate lavas push out under water.

– This was so that they could serve the intermediate stations on outer suburban services from London Paddington to Oxford.

– When he was 13, he attended McGarvin Intermediate School in Westminster, California.

– An intermediate station, Lam Tin Lam Tin, started operations on 1 October 1989.

intermediate in-sentences
intermediate in-sentences

Example sentences of “intermediate”:

– The intermediate territory will naturally contain some grey areas.

– He completed his intermediate from Sindh Madressah-tul-Islam, Karachi in 1911.

– It stores input data, intermediate results, programs, and other information temporarily.

– The oxidation of a Grignard reagent with oxygen takes place through a radical radical intermediate to a magnesium hydroperoxide.

– Maps with a ratio of 1:50 000 to 1:250 000 are considered intermediate scale.

– Remember, though, these should mainly be done when the intermediate rank subgroups are not worthy of separate articles; taxoboxes are too small to include too much duplicate information.

– Heena Shahab born in November, 1976 at Siwan district completed her higher education at Daud Memorial Girls High School Bihar, Patna in 1985 and got a certificate for Intermediate From Z.A.

– Some had canines more intermediate relationship between the saber-toothed cats and felids.

– There are however many intermediate strategies; for example when a pursuit predator is faster than its prey over a short distance, but not in a long chase, then either stalking or ambushing becomes part of the strategy.

– A school for intermediate education was needed because of a large population growth in the area.

– However, it is important not to confuse an intermediate with a transition state.

– In 1997 Egyptologist Kim Ryholt published a new version of the list in his book, “The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period c.1800-1550 B.C.” Egyptologist Donald Redford has also studied the papyrus and has noted that many of the list’s names match historic monuments and other documents.

- The intermediate territory will naturally contain some grey areas.

- He completed his intermediate from Sindh Madressah-tul-Islam, Karachi in 1911.
- It stores input data, intermediate results, programs, and other information temporarily.

More in-sentence examples of “intermediate”:

– The cursor can also record an intermediate result on any of the scales.

– This Intermediate Area is where the Mesoamerican and Andean indigenous cultures mixed together.

– He included kings from the Third Intermediate Period, even such short-lived kings like Amenemnisu.

– An intermediate instead is at a point of minimum energy, i.e.

– Most of the crude oil found in the onshore mid-continent oil field is the mixed base or intermediate type.

– Computer memory is used as an intermediate store.

– West Texas intermediate benchmark in oil pricing.

– He received intermediate level education from Government Murray College, Sialkot in 1973.

– The addition of this intermediate step is what differentiates an internal vs.

– The United States courts of appeals are the intermediate federal appellate courts.

– He has an intermediate level in English and Arabic, Hamza is married and has two children.

– Ascot has 20% more Higher and Intermediate managerial, administrative or professional households than the national average.

– Like a transition state, however, an intermediate is between reagents and products of a reaction.

– The Subtropical cyclones are intermediate in size.

– Hatshepsut established the trade routetrade networks that had been disrupted during the Hyksos occupation of Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period.

– Magmas can be intermediate between both types.

– While the template will handle missing set overlay values at the start, that is the first overlay item does not have to be overlay1, the template treats intermediate missing overlays as though they exist for column balancing, and it does not allow for any text wrapped new lines within an overlay item’s text.

– Finally, if the carbocation intermediate can rearrange to a more stable carbocation, it will give a product derived from the more stable carbocation rather than the simple substitution product.

– The 7.62 x 39mm, pronounced “seven-six-two by thirty-nine”, is an intermediate cartridge used for Russian guns.

– Unlike, no intermediate jumps are necessary, and simple text descriptions may be used to describe the location.

– In the late 19th century and early 20th century, most American elementary schools had grades 1 through 8, and this organization still exists, where some concepts of middle school organization have been adapted to the intermediate grades.

– In other words, the sperm is not inserted into the female’s body by the male’s genitals but by an intermediate stage.

– The cranial features on the bone seem to be intermediate between those found on “Homo erectus” and those of later species such as “Homo heidelbergensis” which dominated Europe long before “Homo neanderthalensis”.

– However, pressure from competition in the chemical industry led UCIL to implement “backward integration” – the manufacture of raw materials and intermediate products for formulation of the final product within one facility.

– The route runs from the Howard Howard Terminal on the north side of Chicago, through the southern part of Evanston and to the Dempster Terminal in Skokie, Illinois, making one intermediate stop at Oakton Street in Skokie.

- The cursor can also record an intermediate result on any of the scales.

- This Intermediate Area is where the Mesoamerican and Andean indigenous cultures mixed together.
- He included kings from the Third Intermediate Period, even such short-lived kings like Amenemnisu.

– The trapezius has three functional regions: the superior region, which supports the weight of the arm; the intermediate region, which retracts the scapulae; and the inferior region, which rotates and depresses the scapulae.

– Those with DNA genomes use an RNA intermediate during genome replication.

– Narayan studied at jageshwar High school Kunauli,supaul,Bihar India and later obtained his intermediate degree from Ratna Rajya Laxmi Campus Kathmandu Nepal.

– Where bunchberry, a forest species, and “Cornus suecica” a bog species, grow near each other in their overlapping ranges in Alaska, Labrador, and Greenland, they can Hybrid ize by cross-pollination, producing plants with intermediate characteristics.

– Before his appoinment as an Associate Justice to the Supreme Court of the Philippines on May 31, 1984, he was Associate Justice to the Intermediate Appellate Court.

– The Old Kingdom was followed by a period of disunity and relative cultural decline that is called the First Intermediate Period by Egyptologists.

– For intermediate values stored in digital computers, it often means the binary numeral system.

– MERS-CoV emerged in humans from bats through the intermediate host of camels.

– INDO stands for Intermediate Neglect of Differential Overlap.

– The “linac” is in turn fed by particles accelerated to intermediate energy by a simple high voltage power supply, typically a Cockcroft-Walton generator.

– The Rhind papyrus dates to the Second Intermediate Period of Egypt.

– It is between the Second Intermediate Period and the Third Intermediate Period.

– The Indigenous peoplesindigenous people of Costa Rica belong to the Intermediate Area.

– Revoy wants to change the comic book industry by removing intermediate steps in the production process.

– Thirty 4-car units were built, formed of two outer driving motor vehicles, sandwiching two intermediate trailers.

– Glycolysis has ten intermediate compounds, catalysiscatalysed by ten different enzymes.

– The idea for an intermediate cartridge came with the Nazi GermanyGerman StG-44.

– When Soviet soldiers found StG-44’s, they too got the idea to make rifles that fired intermediate cartridges.

– The Torlakian dialect group is intermediate between Bulgarian, Macedonian and Serbian.

– In order to evolve to another, higher peak, the species would first have to pass through a valley of maladaptive intermediate stages.

– ATP, the biological energy source, reacts with luciferin with the aid of the enzyme luciferase to yield an intermediate complex.

– In mathematical logic, he developed an intermediate logic, already studied by Kurt GodelKurt Gödel: the Gödel–Dummett logic.

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