“intentional” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “intentional”:

– MD5 is no longer considered acceptable for protecting against intentional malicious changes to data, but it is still considered OK to protect from accidental changes, for example single-bit changes caused by noise on a network connection.

– Over the years, this apparent unintended “jar” seems to have been transformed into an intentional collision.

– Whether intentional or not this has become their hallmark.

– They found that medical doctors at Guantanamo ignored or hid medical evidence of intentional harm and torture.

– And any intentional violations of the rules result in a warning, short block, and lastly, non expiring block.

– In an intentional injury a person “tries” to hurt another.

– Battery is the intentional and offensive or harmful contact with another person.

– As with any other walk, an intentional walk entitles the batter to first base without being able to be put out, and entitles any runners to advance if forced.

intentional - some sentence examples
intentional – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “intentional”:

– Another version of base on balls is called intentional base on balls or intentional walk.

– The intentional loss of material to get a more important result.

– Plasmid host-to-host transfer requires direct, mechanical transfer by conjugation or changes in host gene expression allowing the intentional uptake of the genetic element by transformation.

– Military engineers handle explosives and arrange intentional explosions during wartime.

– It is also called an intentional tort.

– There is a limit to how many levels of transclusion are allowed to prevent accidental or intentional infinite loops, which will cause the translating program to get stuck.

– He was best known for co-founding “The Farm The Farm”, a famous spiritual intentional community.

– For example, if one person punches another person in the nose, it might be an intentional tort called “battery”.

– This affair ends tragically for Ivan Zhuravlev – he dies because of the intentional air crash.

– Any intentional walks issued to Robinson before that year would be listed in the walk category.

- Another version of base on balls is called intentional base on balls or intentional walk.

- The intentional loss of material to get a more important result.

– This resists intentional and unintentional interference with the transmitted signal.

– A fuse is made as an intentional weak spot in a circuit that will melt when too much current is flowing through it, shutting off the power to the rest of the circuit.

– He founded and led Intentional Software.

– Artificial selection is the intentional breeding of plants or animals.

– Ableism can be intentional or unintentional.

– Murder, bodily injury and property damage – intentional or unintentional – is considered a civil dispute under sharia law.

– Thompson was not the first goaltender to actually register an assist, but he was the first to make an intentional assist with his stick.

– Dithering is the intentional use of noise to reduce the error of compression.

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