“intelligent” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “intelligent”:

+ While he is drinking, he struggles with two images of her; the lonely drunkard and the intelligent woman he was close to.

+ The talented and intelligent Bruno Tomberg was was first seen as Kuusik and Velbri’s successor; however, he started to be strongly attracted to design, and in 1966, established the respective department.

+ But some people said intelligent design was not creationism.

+ This was a time when people were becoming interested in how intelligent animals were.

+ They are societysociable, intelligent animals.

+ More recently, the intelligent design movement has taken an anti-evolution position which avoids any direct appeal to religion.

intelligent use in-sentences
intelligent use in-sentences

Example sentences of “intelligent”:

+ The idea is that one can infer the existence of intelligent design by looking at an object.

+ Created by Kevin Kopelow and Heath Seifert, the show follows the partnership between polar opposites — Austin, an extroverted musician/singer, and Ally, an intelligent yet shy songwriter and their two best friends, Trish and Dez.

+ Henderson wrote the letter to protest rules about teaching intelligent design in public schools.

+ People who do not agree with evolution usually believe in creationism or intelligent design.

+ Although less schooled than his father, and despite his drinking habits, he was intelligent and steady in character.

+ The pigs, who are the most intelligent animals, begin planning a rebellion.

+ In 1978 Tim left Plessey to join D.G Nash Ltd, where he wrote among other things typesetting software for intelligent printers, and a multitasking operating system.

+ The main component in the kit is computer module that controls the robot’s movements and actions called the “NXT Intelligent Brick”.

+ Memory, which starts out as short-term memory allows for learning, and helps intelligent behavior.

+ Simak includes an intelligent kind of alien that uses natural wheels.

+ The idea is that one can infer the existence of intelligent design by looking at an object.

+ Created by Kevin Kopelow and Heath Seifert, the show follows the partnership between polar opposites — Austin, an extroverted musician/singer, and Ally, an intelligent yet shy songwriter and their two best friends, Trish and Dez.

+ Many intelligent Russians left the country and went to England, France and Germany.

+ In a few places, they have been successful in teaching intelligent design alongside evolution in public schools.

+ The show tells the adventures of a young boy and his intelligent pet kangaroo.

+ He was very intelligent as a child, learning to read at three and being very bright at his studies.

+ Charles Wallace Murry  –  Meg’s extraordinarily intelligent five-year-old younger brother who is capable of reading minds and understanding other creatures in a way that none of the other Murry children can.

+ A school district in Dover, Pennsylvania wanted to tell the students about intelligent design.

+ Johnson was seen as the father of the intelligent design.

+ The younger one is intelligent but ugly.

More in-sentence examples of “intelligent”:

+ Henry was intelligent and well educated.

+ There are many intelligent people in the world, and once software monopolies quit promoting bad technology, then computers can quickly improve.

+ Henry was intelligent and well educated.

+ There are many intelligent people in the world, and once software monopolies quit promoting bad technology, then computers can quickly improve.

+ He was an intelligent and careful general.

+ The Democratic “Chicago Times” said, “The cheek of every American must tingle with shame as he reads the silly, flat and dishwatery utterances of the man who has to be pointed out to intelligent foreigners as the President of the United States”.

+ Capuchins are considered among the most intelligent of the New World monkeys; they have been the subject of many studies on behaviour and intelligence.

+ Humans and all of biology are all a coding construct of intelligent nature that have developed over a plethora of trials and errors.

+ His absence from Rome allowed the intelligent Octavian to build up support.

+ Ramona Marquez plays the daughter, Karen, who is intelligent and asks a lot of questions.

+ Gorillas are intelligent and understand simple sign language.

+ The Board of Education required teachers to teach intelligent design.

+ Octopods are active and intelligent predators, with good eyesight and brains.

+ Hyaenas are intelligent creatures.

+ Therefore that information, like computer programming, has to come from an intelligent source and cannot be made randomly.

+ In 1999 and 2005, the Board of Education voted to teach intelligent design in science classes.

+ Mouse and Mrs Jumbo, they are free spirits who serve nobody, and intelligent characters aware of the power of self-confidence and of what means being ostracized and marginalized, unlike the Stepin Fetchit stereotype common at that time and in the previous decade.

+ He was the University of California, BerkeleyUC Berkeley law professor and co-founder of the pseudo-scientific intelligent design movement.

+ Observation is an activity of an intelligent living being.

+ Like its cousin “Troodon”, “Saurornithoides” was an intelligent predator, with large eyes and good vision.

+ The Puli is an intelligent and active dog.

+ They are under the control of the vampire who bites them, eat human flesh, and are intelligent enough to use firearms.

+ They are intelligent birds, so many people keep them as companion animals.

+ Dover Area School District, et al., Intelligent design, Watchmaker analogy and Evolution seem to explain the views of people who support evolution more than other views.

+ They are intelligent and have good memories.

+ She is one of the most intelligent characters on the series, with an I.Q.

+ Capuchins are the most intelligent New World monkeys.

+ That is why these do not convince people that they are intelligent and still cause them to believe they do not deserve to be where they are.

+ Most English Cocker Spaniels are loving, happy, friendly and intelligent animals.

+ The intelligent goddess of happiness, Ama-no-Uzume, took a big bucket, turned it upside down near the cave entrance, and began a dance on it, tearing off her clothing in front of the other Kami.

+ Therefore, schools can not teach intelligent design, as that would be saying one type of religion was true.

+ Her methods were sometimes vicious, but she was very intelligent and talented.

+ Monk parakeets are very intelligent and social birds.

+ In his “Lives of the Artists”, Giorgio Vasari tells the story of how Giotto was a shepherd boy, a merry and intelligent child who was loved by all who knew him.

+ Put simply, companies of that type are keen to hire intelligent people.

+ They say that the universe seems to be fine-tuned for intelligent life.

+ Queen Seondeok was an intelligent and capable ruler who established the foundation of Silla’s unity of Korea peninsula.

+ Other companion Spitz-type dog breeds is the American Eskimo Dog, and the intelligent Japanese Spitz.

+ The biologist Robin Holliday has written that, because there are no living things with wheels, creationism and intelligent design are less likely to be right.

+ Pictographs of a similar looking dog were found at ancient and intelligent breed and the Phrenean Shepherd is one of the oldest existing dog breeds.

+ According to Zhu Xi, knowledge and action were indivisible components of truly intelligent activity.

+ Both intelligent patrons of literature and art, Anna Amalia and Charles Augustus attracted to their court the leading scholars in Germany, including Goethe, Schiller and Herder, and made Weimar an important cultural centre.

+ The younger son is Michael, who is very intelligent and coming outcomes out as gay.

+ Cao Dai teaches that there are 36 levels of Heaven, and 72 planets having intelligent life.

+ It is an intelligent Old World monkey.

+ Therefore, the idea of warm-blooded dinosaurs insulated by feathers led to the idea that they were more active, intelligent and faster runners than previously thought.

+ A serpent said them that God does not want you both to be as intelligent as he is so this forced Eve to disobey God’s orders.

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