“integer” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “integer”:

– Since quarks all have a spin of 1/2, three of them will never add up to an integer spin.

– You can use wiki-markup or HTML tags to format the text, but you must separately format the integer and decimal parts independently and there is no way to format the decimal-point itself using these methods.

– For example, right now at, which is an integer expression for the day of the week with 0 representing Monday.

– If the decimal fraction includes an integer part, it is retained in the output.

– The term “harmonics” is also related to Eigenvalues, in the case where the frequency of one wave is an integer multiple of the frequency of another wave.

integer - example sentences
integer – example sentences

Example sentences of “integer”:

– Now we will prove that we can write an integer greater than 1 in “only one” way as a product of prime numbers.

– However, a meson is made of one quark and one antiquark, which each do not have an integer spin.

– This proves that we can write a positive integer as a product of primes in only one unique way.

– Other kinds of rounding had to be programmed explicitly; for example, rounding a positive number to the nearest integer could be implemented by adding 0.5 and truncating.

– This function converts an integer value into a numeral followed by ordinal indicator.

– An integer spin is simply 0, 1, or 2.

– This instruction adds the value of the 2 byte integer stored at 1000h to ax and stores the answer in ax.

– For example, the x86 instruction set architecture has 8 integer registers, x86-64 has 16, many RISCs have 32, and IA-64 has 128.

- Now we will prove that we can write an integer greater than 1 in "only one" way as a product of prime numbers.

- However, a meson is made of one quark and one antiquark, which each do not have an integer spin.

– There are many ways of rounding a number “y” to an integer “q”.

– The value of this integer would be found by using given conditions.

– If no integer parameter is specified, the default is a single column.

– Even numbers are defined to be integer multiples of two.

– In case of are integer constants, the wavelet transform is called discrete wavelet transform.

More in-sentence examples of “integer”:

– The same definition is sometimes used for functions that take real or integer values.

– All bosons have an integer spin so many of them can be in the same place at the same time.

– The column of the CSV file contain float or integer values.

– The series is in the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences as A005101.

– Several languages follow the lead of the IEEE-754 floating-point standard, and define these functions as taking a double precision float argument and returning the result of the same type, which then may be converted to an integer if necessary.

– For example, if we know that an integer “n” is a perfect square, we can compute its square root by converting “n” to a floating-point value “x”, computing the approximate square root “y” of “x” with floating point, and then rounding “y” to the nearest integer “q”.

– An integer that is not an odd number is an even number.

– Converts an integer in the range -999,999 to 999,999 into an ordinal number in the English language.

– Hilbert’s problemsHilbert’s tenth problem was to find an algorithm to decide, whether a given Diophantine equation has an integer solution.

– If this example is executed right after the previous one, the 2 bytes at 1000h and 1001h will be a 2 byte integer with the value of 20.

– In that representation, all significant digits are in the fractional part of the absolute mantissa whose integer part is always zero.

– If an integer was expected, then typically the method would have a return type of, as int is the common name for an integer in computer science.

– For positive numbers, the decimals will be dropped and the integer part of the value displayed is incremented.

– This template extracts the current integer second on two digits.

– This template simply returns the integer minute on two digits for the time in parameter.

– For example, consider the set of integer numbers between two and three.

– If the exponent is an integer less than 0, then the power is the reciprocal raised to the opposite exponent.

– Once the user has logged on, the operating system will often use an identifier such as an integer to refer to them, rather than their username.

– Keys that don’t end with an integer are stored in a subtable named.

– Allows a number be raised to a small integer power.

– Parameter can be any integer between 1 and 20.

– A port is a software structure that is identified by the port number, a 16 bit integer value, allowing for port numbers between 0 and 65,535.

– Rounding a number “y” to the nearest integer requires some tie-breaking rule for those cases when “y” is exactly half-way between two integers — that is, when the fraction part of “y” is exactly 0.5.

– This template simulates decimal-alignment for a table cell by splitting a decimal number to place integer and fractional portions into two separate cells and minimizing the space between those cells.

– To sum up, an integer is a whole number that has no decimals.

– This template creates a reference to the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.

– This template extracts the current integer minute on two digits.

– Since the process is inverted to most cases of scientific notation, as it involves making a faction into an integer rather than turning a large integer into a fraction, exponents are generally negative to move the decimal place to the left; in decimal this would be turning your integer 145 back into the fractional number 1.45 by multiplying it by.

– In this example, the table contains only integer values.

– An integer divided by an integer is sometimes not an integer.

– For example, there are infinitely many whole numbers, but there is no integer which is infinitely big.

– Bagels, FirstBank Holding CoFirstBank, and The Integer Group.

– A computer can check an IBAN by changing it into an integer and dividing the number by 97.

– The most common type of rounding is to round to an integer; or, more generally, to an integer multiple of some increment—such as rounding to whole tenths of seconds, hundredths of a dollar, to whole multiples of 1/2 or 1/8 inch, to whole dozens or thousands, etc..

– Serial numbers are made in such a way that they change by a fixed discrete integer value, each time a new serial number is needed.

– The parameter must be an integer between 0 and 32 for IPv4 addresses, or an integer between 0 and 128 for IPv6 addresses.

– The negative answer means that we cannot make an algorithm that can say whether a Diophantine equation has integer solutions.

– It can also be written as an improper integral involving the floor function, a function which outputs the greatest integer less than or equal to a given number.

– This converts an integer into “st”, “nd”, “rd” or “th”.

– Takes a table and returns an array containing the numbers of any positive integer keys that have non-nil values, sorted in numerical order.

– And the inverse of any integer is its opposite number.

– Fifty is the integer that is after forty-nine and before fifty-one.

– This template is not the same as the mod operator in the #expr parser function, which first truncates both operands to an integer before calculating the remainder.

– An integer is a decimal number with all zeros after the decimal separator.

– An integer is a rational number with no “fraction”, or part.

– In modern designs it is common to find two load units, one store, two or more integer math units, two or more floating point units, and often a SIMD unit of some sort.

– These are games that have integer overflow.

– For negative numbers, it will also truncate the displayed decimals but the integer part of the absolute value displayed is incremented.

– The algorithm for such rounding is presented in the Scaled rounding section above, but with a constant scaling factor “s”=1, and an integer base “b” 1.

– He was known for his fundamental work in developing integer and disjunctive programming.

- The same definition is sometimes used for functions that take real or integer values.

- All bosons have an integer spin so many of them can be in the same place at the same time.
- The column of the CSV file contain float or integer values.

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