“insure” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “insure”:

+ It was difficult to insure for them healthy growth.

+ The manifest may be used by people having in interest in the transport to insure that passengers and cargo listed as having been placed on board the transport at the beginning of its passage continue to be on board when it arrives at its destination.

+ Kent could no longer afford to insure it.

+ This would insure the Confederate States of America could remain an independent country.

+ Thus, to insure proper sorting, editors must either use one calendar for all dates, or pick a specific changeover date ; this would be done on an article-by article basis.

+ The car grew in size so that Ford could put its biggest engines in it, but insurance companies were charging very high prices to insure powerful cars and sales began to drop.

insure - sentence examples
insure – sentence examples

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