“instead” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “instead”:

+ Frederick’s years dedicated to the arts instead of politics ended upon the 1740 death of Frederick William and his inheritance of the Kingdom of Prussia.

+ Caesar made Cassius a legatuslegate, employing him in the North Africa, but Cassius refused to join in the fight against Cato and Scipio in Africa, choosing instead to retire to Rome.

+ One Egyptian ruler, the Second Dynasty of Egypt2nd dynasty Seth instead of Horus.

+ Among the advantages of using such IM clients over SMS are: IM clients use data instead of SMS text messages; IM-like chat mode, faster and quicker messaging.

+ The Association of Tennis Professionals is the most important organization for men’s professional tennis, meaning men who play tennis for their job instead of just for fun.

+ It is often called the “Royal Society of Arts” instead of by its long formal name.

+ Pick up games are when teams are chosen on the court instead of having official teams.

+ David grew stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker.”, 2 Samuel 3: 1 NIV Later, Abner slept with one of Saul’s concubines, and Ish-Bosheth asked, “Why did you sleep with my father’s concubine?” Ish-Bosheth suspected that Abner wanted to be king instead of him.

instead - sentence examples
instead – sentence examples

Example sentences of “instead”:

+ In December 2017, Saleh said he would not support the Houthis and instead sided with his former enemies – Saudi Arabia and president Hadi.

+ This helps them to be carried in a group instead of one by one.

+ The gods were patient with the giantess, and convinced Skaði to ultimately accept a form of compensation instead of seeking vengeance.

+ For added flexibility a parameter set with a ‘D’ value instead of a number will override the master values with a more general Default.

+ After serving two terms, he was instead elected Senator and returned to Washington D.C.

+ In 2017, a brothel was opened with sexbots instead of human workers.

+ In summer 2005, he debuted and became a first choice goalkeeper instead veteran goalkkeper Hayato Okanaka.

+ Though she had been heavily criticized by the media, many think that she did not perform as bad, instead the media had over-emphasized on her singing that night.

+ This sometimes causes words to form that are not found in Maltese, Italian, or English, but instead are a mix of the three.

+ However Odin never knew Baldr was not his son but instead his nephew: Frigg’s and Vé’s son.

+ They are noted for having a tap dancer, Jamie Pressnall, instead of a drummer.

+ In December 2017, Saleh said he would not support the Houthis and instead sided with his former enemies – Saudi Arabia and president Hadi.

+ This helps them to be carried in a group instead of one by one.

More in-sentence examples of “instead”:

+ A typewriter is a machine that is for typing on a piece of paper instead of writing by hand.

+ Kim was offered the chance to study at the most prestigious universities in Korea, but instead chose to attend a provincial university.

+ Sunny, on the other hand however, confuses him for “looking real manly today” instead of needing to go to the backroom.

+ Often, ceramic powder is used instead of deer antler powder, but the quality is not as good.

+ For example, sometimes the planets seemed to move back and forth instead of moving around the Earth.

+ In fact it seeks to curb economic interventionismsstate intervention in the economy, favoring instead privatization and deregulation.

+ At any time, a contestant may choose to “double” instead of answering the question.

+ Higgs bosons obey the conservation of energy law, which states that no energy is created or destroyed, but instead can be transferred or change form.

+ He was also credited for creating 365 days instead of 360.

+ The show’s producers and creators presented material in a narrative format instead of the more traditional magazine format.

+ Other animals such as ox, cattle or donkeys are sometimes used instead of a horse.

+ Samuel Todd Francis was an advisor to Pat Buchanan, a paleoconservative who believed that instead of trying to defend capitalism Republicans should try to get rid of free trade and to tell the middle class that the policies conservatives had always supported only helped the rich.

+ Artur Balder writes, in relation to the work of Castejón, that “an indispensable condition of the Gesamtkunstwerk, with a base of either visual, literary, or musical representation, is its timeless condition, its ability to withstand the test of time itself by rising instead of sinking into the spasm of momentary fashion, and perish with it a few years, and only to be seen in that context, as in a narrow place of history.

+ If you want to make a link that sends “all” users to the secure server, then instead use.

+ As computers got bigger, it was more convenient to group bits by four instead of three.

+ Another possibility is that it preferred to hunt juveniles instead of fully grown adults.

+ It is like a garage but for aircraft instead of cars.

+ Some countries such as Switzerland, the Philippines and the United States do not use the term “ministry” for their government departments, and instead simply call them departments.

+ Yuzu uses a network service called Boxcat instead of Nintendo’s BCAT dynamic content network.

+ Scandinavian Airlines System decided to use the Boeing 737-600 instead of the MD-95 in March 1995.

+ Finally, embedded templates do not function inside as a wrapper instead of this template.

+ In battle, the dogs often ran toward the smell of diesel fuel from the Soviet tanks instead of the intended German targets.

+ There wasn’t enough time, money, or materials so instead of having a subway, they planned to use trolleybuses.

+ From late 2013, Hasebe played as defensive midfielder with Hotaru Yamaguchi instead of Endo.

+ There he persuaded a number of Ali’s supporters to accept him as caliph instead of Ali’s son, Hasan.

+ A typewriter is a machine that is for typing on a piece of paper instead of writing by hand.

+ Kim was offered the chance to study at the most prestigious universities in Korea, but instead chose to attend a provincial university.
+ Sunny, on the other hand however, confuses him for "looking real manly today" instead of needing to go to the backroom.

+ Altersexuality was created to be used on a large scale, but not exclusively, for fictional characters, describing body plans that are a mixture of things, instead of naturally found configurations, such as salmacian.

+ The authorities instead wheeled her around the town in the ducking chair.

+ At 05:52 “Hood” opened fire at what they thought was “Bismarck” but instead of “Prinz Eugen” while “Prince of Wales” fired on “Bismarck”.

+ Since the movie was made by Universal instead of Touchstone Pictures, Shyamalan asked the Walt Disney Company to use David Dunn as a character and got to use him for free in exchange for a follow-up to both movies.

+ Sections of the wall were built with bricks and stone instead of earth.

+ It made it easier for people to live in the city instead of the country.

+ He replied not the answer to the Lord’s question, but instead of how he had “been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty” and how the Israelites were being unfair to him.

+ Their original destination was the Virginia Colony but they were forced to land instead at the Cape Cod hook.

+ The template can include simplifying, and if the page is not simplified within a time, it can be deleted instead of QD it directly.

+ It is very common that the company will instead register the copyright to avoid their employees from claiming their works.

+ This means that instead of living in just one place, they followed the migration of the animals they wanted to hunt.

+ In 2008, the British news reported that Watson was going to be the model for the fashion house Chanel instead of Keira Knightley, but both Watson and Knightley said that this was not true.

+ Caliban is represented by the dangerous and invisible “monster from the id”, a projection of Morbius’ psyche born from the Krell technology instead of Sycorax’s womb.

+ They also have teeth instead of tentacles.

+ In that event the teams played each other twice instead of once before the final.

+ Some editors like to use flag icons instead of country names.

+ The reason why is that metals like to give away electrons, so when the microwaves “push” at their magnet-like electrons, instead of turning, they just give the electrons away.

+ Some of the soldiers at first fired in the air instead of at the people.

+ Transport and communication can be used instead of each other.

+ The WMF Board of Trustees wants to know our opinion on whether to transfer to a CC-BY-SA licence instead of the current GFDL licence.

+ Ever since then, Jynx has purple skin instead of black skin, and anime episodes featuring it were banned due to argument.

+ A nail is similar to a claw but it is flatter and has a curved edge instead of a point.

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