“innovations” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “innovations”:

+ He introduced the Schanks System and other innovations to the industry.

+ The Second Industrial Revolution was a period when advances in steel production, electricity and petroleum caused a series of innovations that changed society.

+ He is best known for the innovations in Electron microscopeelectron microscopy and cell fractionation which helped lay the foundations of modern molecular cell biology.

+ It would also give simple: the benefit of the extensive LoPbN structural innovations over about the last 3 years, which make the entries much more accessible and IMO more likely to be used.

+ In April 2020, the group Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations said that scientists were looking at 115 compounds that could be a vaccine.

+ In the past decade, recent innovations in inverted hydraulic jacks have eliminated the costly process of drilling the ground to install a borehole jack.

+ Over the years many innovations have been made to improve solar panels.

+ Among Bulgakov’s innovations was the establishment of passenger-carrying mail-Stagecoachcoaches between the major towns of Russia and the Baltic provinces.

innovations use in sentences
innovations use in sentences

Example sentences of “innovations”:

+ His technical innovations and enormous influence had a lasting effect.

+ Technological innovations affect, and are affected by, a society’s cultural traditions.

+ Beethoven’s fourth piano concerto includes a last-movement cadenza, and many composers have made innovations – for example Liszt’s single-movement concerti.

+ That was the first airplane with some technical innovations like a system for increased buoyancy, a split rudder, and rotating magazine for nuclear weaponnuclear or conventional weapons.

+ His innovations with the orchestra staff were to abolish deputies.

+ One of Thucydides’ major innovations was to use a strict standard of chronology, recording events by year, each year consisting of the summer campaigning season and a less active winter season.

+ The 19th-century innovations were largely the work of Antonio Torres.

+ In the 1970s and 1980s, Brabham introduced innovations such as the controversial but successful ‘fan car’, in-race refuelling, carbon brakes, and hydropneumatic suspension.

+ Games, and CES exhibitions are somewhat the equivalent of ‘Olympic games’ for companies, whereby they introduce their innovations and skills, same as athletes do.

+ His technical innovations and enormous influence had a lasting effect.

+ Technological innovations affect, and are affected by, a society's cultural traditions.
+ Beethoven's fourth piano concerto includes a last-movement cadenza, and many composers have made innovations – for example Liszt's single-movement concerti.

+ He was best known for his innovations and discoveries in the interpretation of music.

+ For 25 years from Head was technical director at Williams Grand Prix Engineering, and responsible for many innovations within Formula One.

+ Innovations are intended to make someone better off, and the succession of many innovations grows the whole economy.

+ Mobility, the second characteristic, grew in scale, in the technical innovations supporting migration, and the infrastructure supporting migration.

+ Roebling introduced a number of innovations in the design, materials and manufacture of wire rope.

+ It had many innovations which are still in use today, including brakes which adjusted themselves and a very powerful V-8 engine called the “FE-series” that would be used for many years in later Fords.

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