“innovation” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “innovation”:

+ He was transport, innovation and technology minister from 2007 to 2008.

+ He was Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Resources Mobilization at the University of Namibia from 2016 to 2018.

+ In 2017, he was promoted to Chief Innovation Officer.

+ It is a key innovation which has been very successful.

+ The Mozilla Foundation describes itself as “”a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving choice and promoting innovation on the Internet””.

innovation in sentences?
innovation in sentences?

Example sentences of “innovation”:

+ The main goal of the Turan educational corporation is to create a unique environment for obtaining knowledge,competencies and skills to prepare specialists. Turan University adopted a new academic policy towards innovation and entrepreneurship.

+ However, there are people who believe that a monopoly may become complacent and not do innovation at all as there is no competition in the market.

+ An example of a more modest innovation is the evolution of a fourth cusp in the mammalian tooth.

+ Assessing innovation in emerging energy

+ He is currently the Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills.

+ The British Academy is funded with an annual grant from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

+ The play used the innovation of assigning the role of jury in the trial to the audience, with theatre-goers voting on whether Archer’s character was innocent or guilty at the end of each night’s performance.

+ Certificate in International Relations from the University of Tampere, Bachelor’s degree in Geography and Sociology from the University of Namibia, Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D in Innovation Diffusion and Development from the University of Eastern Finland.

+ The main goal of the Turan educational corporation is to create a unique environment for obtaining knowledge,competencies and skills to prepare specialists. Turan University adopted a new academic policy towards innovation and entrepreneurship.

+ However, there are people who believe that a monopoly may become complacent and not do innovation at all as there is no competition in the market.

+ The cleidoic egg is a good example of an evolutionary innovation which permitted the invasion of a vast range of new habitats, and led to one of the greatest adaptive radiations in the history of the vertebrates.

+ The twisting of fibers in rope is what leads to its high tensile strength and this innovation allowed the rope to become a construction staple that has been used for millennia.

+ Introduced in 1912, this innovation was rapidly imitated by the other major pen makers.

+ This thus allows the monopoly to have money to do costly innovation or become more cost efficient in producing the products or services.

+ Their results, along with the small size of other theropods found at the base of paravian lineages, suggest that small size was not an innovation of early birds, but a common trait of early paravians.

+ They were the amniotes, whose key innovation was the cleidoic egg.

More in-sentence examples of “innovation”:

+ He was the James Martin Professor of Science and Civilization at Oxford University and Director of the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society.

+ Further work includes research on agricultural innovation systems and the role of capacity strengthening in agricultural development.
+ The authors explain how investors, entrepreneurs, and individuals can profit from technological innovation in these areas.

+ He was the James Martin Professor of Science and Civilization at Oxford University and Director of the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society.

+ Further work includes research on agricultural innovation systems and the role of capacity strengthening in agricultural development.

+ The authors explain how investors, entrepreneurs, and individuals can profit from technological innovation in these areas.

+ Graduate from the Paris Diderot University in innovation and public health, he starts his career at Inserm in 1994.

+ Breed Corporation then marketed this innovation first in 1967 to Chrysler.

+ She is an associate professor of medicine and epidemiology at the Yale School of Medicine, where she is also Associate Dean for Health Equity Research and founding director of the Equity Research and Innovation Center.

+ However, its centralized government found innovation and change difficult to handle.

+ This term was originally used by Karl Marx to describe the capitalist system, but Schumpeter used it differently: He says that each time innovation by entrepreneur occurs, it must change what already exists.

+ Cable was the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills in the Conservative Party Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government.

+ He was a member of the board of directors of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, a pharmaceutical lobby.

+ The Hartford technology innovation hub will focus on three key things- insurance, healthcare and manufacturing.

+ In November 2013, the theatre was recognised for its partnership with the University of Derby by winning the Excellence and Innovation in the Arts award at the 2013 THE Awards.

+ It is an evolutionary innovation unique to the genus “Argonauta”.

+ Indeed, after the “Burgundian School” came to an end, Italy became the leading exponent of Renaissance music and continued its innovation with the Venetian and Roman Schools of composition.

+ Two-phase increase in the maximum size of life over 3.5 billion years reflects biological innovation and environmental opportunity.

+ Winston-Salem is a center for innovation in biomedical sciencebiomedical and material sciences and information technology called the Wake Forest Innovation Quarter.

+ He was appointed the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, on 11 May 2015.

+ In his remaining years he brought innovation and change to typography, exhibition design, photomontage, and book design.

+ He was the first Director of the Wellcome Sanger Institute, and then Chair of the Institute for Science, Ethics and Innovation at the University of Manchester.

+ He won the German Future Prize for Technology and Innovation in 1998 and was named European Inventor of the Year in the category “Universities and research institutions” by the European Patent Office and European Commission in 2006.

+ The Lydian innovation spread to neighboring Ancient GreeceGreece, where several city-states operated their own mints.

+ In March 2018, Infosys said they would open a new technology innovation hub in Hartford.

+ Even so, in our postindustrial economy, economic development, including in emerging countries is now more and more based on innovation and knowledge.

+ In 2017, Phelps won the YWCA Knoxville Tribute to Women Technology, Research, and Innovation Award.

+ This was an innovation in the existing logo.

+ In 2009, the Modern Wing won a Chicago Innovation Awards.

+ In May 2010, a coalition government was formed between the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats and Vince Cable was made the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills.

+ He is the current Minister of State for Universities and Science in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

+ The Jockey Club Innovation Tower is at the northeastern side of the university campus.

+ The office is responsible for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

+ Shizenkan Graduate School of Leadership and Innovation opened in Tokyo in August 2018.

+ The first machine to combine all the disparate elements of the previous half-century of innovation into the modern sewing machine was the device built by English inventor John Fisher in 1844, thus a little earlier than the very similar machines built by the infamous Isaac Merritt Singer in 1851, and the lesser known Elias Howe, in 1845.

+ Rates of dinosaur body mass evolution indicate 170 million years of sustained ecological innovation on the avian stem lineage.

+ Although made of wood and reliant on sail for most journeys, “Gloire” was fitted with a propeller, and her wooden hull was protected by a layer of thick iron armor. “Gloire” prompted further innovation from the Royal Navy, anxious to prevent France from gaining a technological lead.

+ Apart from robust supply chains, Shivakumar also oversaw product innovation at Nokia.

+ From 2011 to 2013, Maher worked as an ICT innovation specialist at the World Bank.

+ County days are a recent innovation in some areas.

+ He is known for both his musical innovation and political commitment.

+ She writes in the Market section about technology, innovation and behavior.

+ From 2007 to 2010, Maher worked at UNICEF as an innovation and communication officer.

+ In 2012 Lei Jun said that the name is about revolution and being able to bring innovation into a new area.

+ Federal subsidy reductions of up to 15% have caused housing authorities to become leaner and to look toward innovation in order to succeed.

+ Later he held the chairmanship of the Technical Advisory Committee of the IBEX 35 and president of the La Salle Innovation Park.

+ If a group of animals all have a unique apomorphy, unique apomorphy = an innovation other groups do not have the most likely reason is that they descended from a common ancestor.

+ This innovation improved efficiency, but allowed governance by a self-perpetuating elite.

+ Its Office of Systems Innovation and Development provides technical support for Center education and research.

+ The film premiered at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival, where it won the Special Jury Award for Innovation in Non-fiction Storytelling.

+ According to PwC’s 2017 Global Innovation 1000 ranking, tech companies made up nine of the 20 most innovative companies in the world, with the top RD spender being Amazon, followed by Alphabet Inc., and then Intel.

+ The biggest innovation of the Game Boy Color was its colorful graphics.

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