“informed” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “informed”:

+ With this new notification, editors creating pages will be informed when another editor connects this page to Wikidata.

+ I did leave a message for the user, but was informed that they believed they should “still import them, and leave others to edit them, or edit them later”.

+ Per the m:Global bans global policy, you are informed of the discussion above.

+ On July 6, Clark wrote “The Indian woman informed me that she had been in this plain frequently and knew it well….

+ He informed Lincoln that if the fort was not resupplied soon, he and his men would have to leave.

+ Rex defeats Biowulf and is informed by Serge that in order to save Aquania he must cure its Heart.

informed some ways to use
informed some ways to use

Example sentences of “informed”:

+ Management accounting or managerial accounting gives accounting information to managers within organizations, to provide them with the basis to make informed business decisions that will allow them to be better equipped in their management and control functions.

+ They also want to keep them informed about issues that concern the Muslim community.

+ Basically, how can you be more involved in helping to create features on Wikimedia projects? We are inviting all interested users to voice their ideas on how communities can be more involved and informed in the product development process at the Wikimedia Foundation.

+ The queen always tried to stay informed of political developments at court, and from the very beginning of his reign the new king consulted Louise on matters of state.

+ Lita was rehired later that evening when Christian informed her that he had persuaded Bischoff to reinstate her.

+ We look forward to a constructive discussion with you, so we can make a more informed decision together on this important topic.

+ The Court ruled that a suspect in police custody must be informed of the right to consult with an attorney before and during questioning.

+ Around 14:30, Hara informed Takagi that only 24 Zeros, eight dive bombers, and four torpedo planes from the carriers were working.

+ On May 25, 2020, a 44 year old white police officer named Derek Chauvin killed Floyd in Minneapolis by putting him in a chokehold during an arrest on suspicion of forgery when an employee from Cup Foods informed the Minneapolis Police Department that he had used a fake $20 bill to buy cigarettes and that he was believed to be awfully drunk and not in control of himself.

+ The therapy without informed consent is medical abuse and Article 18 of the Yogyakarta Principles prohibit to “care” any sexual orientation and gender identity though any therapy including this.

+ According to Dunham, after he arrived at the club in the evening and informed the emcee that he was a ventriloquist, the emcee reacted with derision, telling Dunham that he would be given a late time slot, and after that time slot came and passed, kept postponing Dunham’s stage time until Dunham left the club.

+ Management accounting or managerial accounting gives accounting information to managers within organizations, to provide them with the basis to make informed business decisions that will allow them to be better equipped in their management and control functions.

+ They also want to keep them informed about issues that concern the Muslim community.

More in-sentence examples of “informed”:

+ After being informed of the presence of the Parthian army, Crassus panicked.

+ Unless I was not informed about the sysop vote being a cooptation one it should be forbidden to use such an argumentation.

+ After being informed of the presence of the Parthian army, Crassus panicked.

+ Unless I was not informed about the sysop vote being a cooptation one it should be forbidden to use such an argumentation.

+ Researchers have made informed hypotheses about the living animal, including feeding, movement, and social behaviour.

+ More often than not, you are informed that they have been reviewed here, but the review will be on the article talk page.

+ The day after Dupuy resigned, on 14 January 1895, Casimir-Perier resigned, saying he was ignored by the ministers, who did not consult him before taking decisions, and did not keep him informed upon political events, especially in foreign affairs.

+ Baldwin was unhappy about this and informed him that his subjects would see it as morally unacceptable, because remarriage after divorce was opposed by the Church of England, and the people did not like Wallis.

+ If you would like to stay informed of future technical upgrades, consider becoming a Tech ambassador and.

+ After a few more raids across the Rhine, which resulted in the recovery of two of the three legion’s eagles lost in 9, Germanicus was recalled to Rome and informed by Tiberius that he would be given a triumph and reassigned to a different command.

+ As per complaints, grievances policy the “complainant” was informed every step and status of the claim by email and phone calls.

+ Winslow won the suit and a judgment for a larger sum, whereupon, according to the family, the District informed him that it simply didn’t have the money to pay the larger judgment.

+ Italy did not want to reveal the bank account number so in 1994 Slovenia opened a fiduciary account at Dresdner Bank in Luxembourg, informed Italy about it and started paying its US$55,976,930 share.

+ When possible, the user who copied the text should be informed about the rules for copying text between pages.

+ In this way each user is very well informed of reply messages by the bright orange “you have new messages” notice a user gets when their talk page is edited.

+ Her daughter, the later Queen Wilhelmina wrote in her autobiography that her mother’s home life was very modern and well informed for that time.

+ Backstage, McMahon informed Triple H that his previously scheduled match against Umaga was still going to take place, and that his newly-won WWE Championship would be on the line.

+ He was the one keeping ring members informed of any inspections.

+ The Marquis — being informed shortly after his arrival in Aberdeen that a meeting of Covenanters was to be held in Turriff on the fourteenth of February — resolved to disperse them, by occupying the town with 2000 men.

+ He is then informed about a rival agency threatening to take down the Agency 47 works for.

+ They must be informed of the right against self-incrimination.

+ Along the approach roads, the motor drivers are informed about free parkings.

+ After fending off the machines, picking up Haru and being informed that one of his earthbending friends Yuan was kidnapped, they travel to the library of Omashu for clues to where the machines might originate from.

+ That country’s proximity to Antarctica informed her writing of “Ice”.

+ After being informed by Nick through an earpiece, Angie and Joey are able to hide whilst the police search the building.

+ After the nephew died without heirs in 1835, President Andrew Jackson informed United States CongressCongress of the bequest, which amounted to 104,960 USD 500,000 $9,235,277 in 2005 U.S.

+ The paint had blocked all of Ward’s pores, which his bandmates were subsequently informed can be fatal.

+ Ko managed to sneak out from the house at 4:00 AM in the morning and informed the police.

+ During the negotiations, Hœnir heavily relies on Mímir to address any query, as the latter was better informed and knowledgeable.

+ After a reporter informed him of the show’s views, Jones initially refused to say he was sorry.

+ Thomas Gage, on February 20, 1773, already communicated to the governor of Louisiana, Luis de Unzaga y Amézaga ‘le Conciliateur’, his intention to return to the United Kingdom with his family, a fact that occurred 4 months later, in June Therefore, Gage was not present when the Boston Tea Party took place in December of that year, a city in which both Gage and Unzaga left confidants to be informed by their respective spy networks.

+ A Japanese prisoner captured at the Battle of Midway informed the U.S.

+ According to the Seattle Times the affected taxpayers were not informed of the reason for not getting their refund.

+ Less than a fortnight after his entry into office, Henry Stimson, his war secretary, informed him that the Manhattan Project was a success.

+ Several months later, he informed Percy of a plan that could lead to defeating Kronos.

+ On 31 December 2019, the Health Commission of Wuhan, Hubei, China, informed the WHO about a large number of acute pneumonia cases with unknown origin in its province.

+ On October 8, 1847, the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury informed his commanders that the service was low on funds.Horatio Davis Smith, “Early History of the United States Revenue Marine Service”, ed.

+ Nevertheless, a group of scientists informed them that they faced eminent and almost certain death.

+ A point of view which is informed and supported by inline citation support is good, solid, deserving encouragement.

+ The students are informed of the Yule Ball, a Triwizard Tournament tradition, which requires Harry to find a partner with whom to open the dance.

+ In very rare cases when players have to leave the game due to injury, or completely leave the game on their own terms outside of Tribal Council, Tribal Council is usually not held, with the other tribe being informed of the player leaving if still before the merge.

+ The flight controllers informed the shuttle crew that their flight status was “go” at the throttle-up stage.

+ Finally at the Ice-House in Pasadena in April 1990, after Dunham did the same segment, McCawley informed Dunham that he would finally get his “Tonight Show” appearance.

+ John was a fair-minded and well informed king, however.

+ In La Paz, the Municipal Direction of Civil defense informed that the first of 13temporary shelters would be opened and anticipated the evacuation of more than 2000people that lived in high-risk zones.

+ To my astonishment, my publisher informed me that certain words, phrases, sentences, and even passages, are at present taboo in England.

+ He has since been informed of his mistake, and the article has been.

+ McCawley informed Dunham on the day of the scheduled taping that he had been wrong in his initial assessment of Dunham, whom he now said was not ready for “The Tonight Show”.

+ Most of all, Jaisohn published a newspaper, “The Independent to transform Korean people into an informed citizenry.

+ Later that night, Sandra and Elizabeth Andersen called 9-1-1 and informed them that they had found their mother laying in the bathtub.

+ International trade with it is restricted and regulated under the Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent.

+ Although Springsteen informed the band in 1989 that he would not play with them they stayed friends and from 1999 onwards they again played and recorded together.

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