“infinitely” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “infinitely”:

– A spectrum is a condition or value that is not limited to a specific set of values but can vary infinitely within a continuum.

– The Dirac delta function is zero everywhere, except at one point, where it is infinitely large.

– Using a probability density function, it is possible to determine the probability for people between, even though there are infinitely many values between these two bounds.

– This line represents objects that are infinitely far away.

– It is still not known if there are infinitely many Mersenne primes and perfect numbers.

– Just as God created gravity to bring order to the physical world, He created karma as a divine system of justice that is self-governing and infinitely fair.

– In the case of lines, the cone extends infinitely far in both directions from the apex, in which case it is sometimes called a double cone.

infinitely how to use?
infinitely how to use?

Example sentences of “infinitely”:

- Starting at a point "P" and moving inwards along the spiral, one has to circle the origin infinitely often before reaching it; yet, the total distance covered on this path is finite.

- So energy density would become infinitely large at the high frequency end of the spectrum, but experimentally observed that it approaches zero.
- Aristotle resolved these paradoxes by developing the notion of an infinitely divisible continuum, and applying it to Space space and time.

– Starting at a point “P” and moving inwards along the spiral, one has to circle the origin infinitely often before reaching it; yet, the total distance covered on this path is finite.

– So energy density would become infinitely large at the high frequency end of the spectrum, but experimentally observed that it approaches zero.

– Aristotle resolved these paradoxes by developing the notion of an infinitely divisible continuum, and applying it to Space space and time.

– The wavefunction of the particle must be zero anytime the walls are infinitely tall.

– Second, there are infinitely many possible surfaces “S” that have the curve “C” as their border.

– Some theoretical physicists suspect that the problem is in the Standard Model, which represents each particle by a zero-dimensional point that in principle can be infinitely small.

– There are infinitely many square numbers, as there are infinitely many natural numbers.

– The normal wikilink, as we all know, is created by placing a double pair of square brackets either side of an article name, making into the infinitely more useful apple.

– The schema theorem holds under the assumption of a genetic algorithm that maintains an infinitely large population, but does not always carry over to practice: due to sampling error in the initial population, genetic algorithms may converge on schemata that have no selective advantage.

– The statements “there is a guest to every room” and “no more guests can be accommodated” are not equivalent when there are infinitely many rooms.

– In the case of line segments, the cone does not extend beyond the base, while in the case of half-lines, it extends infinitely far.

– Real numbers can be thought of as an infinitely long ruler.

– In an attempt to share her experiences, she creates installations that immerse the viewer in her obsessive vision of endless dots and nets or infinitely mirrored space.

– Thus we have this modified form of the parallel postulate: In hyperbolic geometry, given any line “l”, and point “P” not on “l”, there are exactly two lines through “P” which are asymptotic to “l”, and infinitely many lines through “P” ultraparallel to “l”.

– Before 212 BC, Archimedes had developed a method to get a finite answer for the sum of infinitely many terms which get progressively smaller.

– When the universe was first beginning, it was infinitely hot.

– Even given infinitely fast dependency checking inside a normal superscalar CPU, if the instruction list itself has many dependencies, this would also limit the possible performance improvement, so the amount of built-in parallelism in the code is another limitation.

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