“infinite” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “infinite”:

– The well has zero potential energy inside a range and has infinite potential energy everywhere outside that range.

– The selection performed by nature is done in such a way that if the experiment were to be repeated an infinite number of times, then the relative frequencies of occurrence of each of the events would coincide with the probabilities described by the function “P”.

– Newton dealt with series in his works on “Analysis with infinite series”.

– However, the mythological story tells that Shiva ordered Bherav to cut one of the heads of Brahma because Brahma lied, saying that he had found the finite source of the actually infinite Linga of light that was Shiva’s manifestation.

– There is also infinite closure.

infinite use in sentences
infinite use in sentences

Example sentences of “infinite”:

- On the opposite, Cascading Style SheetsCSS and SVG do not define any specific maximum precision for numbers and measurements, that are treated and exposed in their Document Object Model and in their Interface-description-language interface as strings as if they had infinite precision, and do not discriminate between integers and floating point values; however, the implementations of these languages will typically convert these numbers into IEEE-754 double floating points before exposing the computed digits with a limited precision.

- His paintings revolve around the light of the sun, shown in infinite variety.
- There is a smallest infinite number, "countable infinity".

– On the opposite, Cascading Style SheetsCSS and SVG do not define any specific maximum precision for numbers and measurements, that are treated and exposed in their Document Object Model and in their Interface-description-language interface as strings as if they had infinite precision, and do not discriminate between integers and floating point values; however, the implementations of these languages will typically convert these numbers into IEEE-754 double floating points before exposing the computed digits with a limited precision.

– His paintings revolve around the light of the sun, shown in infinite variety.

– There is a smallest infinite number, “countable infinity”.

– This does not work for an infinite sequence.

– Most mathematicians who have studied the question think there are an infinite number of Mersenne primes.

– For example, for any sets of pairs of shoes, one can pick out the left shoe from each pair, but for an infinite collection of pairs of socks, the axiom of choice is needed.

– Eventually, after even longer time, there will be the word “Wik” because “Wi” appears infinite times and “k” has a 1 in 53 chance of following it.

– They divided the curve into an infinite number of very small pieces.

– For example, the Mandelbrot set is self-similar as it contains an infinite number of almost exact copies of itself.

– Some rational numbers, such as 1/11, need an infinite number of digits after the decimal point to write them in decimal form.

– Cauchy did not like mathematicians making assumptions, and he particularly did not like the way that earlier mathematicians, such as Euler and Lagrange, assumed that properties of finite expansions, meaning that we can count the number of terms, also worked for infinite series.

– When a Turing machine is started, a word must be present on the infinite tape of the machine.

– In this way, we produce an infinite list with all the rational numbers.

– The other kind is infinite sequences, which means that they keep going and never end.

– The continuum hypothesis, which describes the size of certain infinite sets, is an example.

More in-sentence examples of “infinite”:

– Actual infinity, on the other hand, refers to objects that are accepted as infinite entities.

– Because there is in an infinite number of possible organic compounds, language is needed to give a unique name to each one.

– Although an infinite of the group are commonly used, as all other representations of the group can be described as a linear combination of the irreducible representations.

– He has stolen the “Heart of Gold”, a spacecraft equipped with the Infinite Improbability Drive.

– In mathematics, a Taylor series shows a function as the sum of an infinite series.

– For finite sets, this axiom can be proved from the other axioms, but not for infinite sets.

– It would have an infinite number of digits after the decimal point.

– In creative mode, players have infinite items.

– Since Euclid’s time mathematicians have wondered whether there are an infinite number of twin primes.

– It is a basic fact of psychology that the “world provides an infinite array of things that might capture attention.

– There are three game modes for one player: the fast, time-limited Finite mode, the slower Infinite mode, and a versus mode against computer-controlled fighters.

– And not retribution in some remote infinite time and space, but here on earth, and that I could see myself.” But there “is” no absolute justice in the world.

– The three dots after 001, show that we cannot write the Kleene star of an alphabet in full because it is an infinite set.

– While “proceduralism” enables its practitioners to create infinite variation of models and animations, specific key pose is often left as random chance.

– The number of things, beginning with 0, 1, 2, 3,…, to include infinite cardinal numbers.

– But there are also some quasi-particles with an infinite lifetime like the cooper-pair in superconductors.

– The number of mathematical functions is the next infinite cardinal number,.

– That is really small, but since “W” and “i” appear an infinite amount of times in the monkey’s words it becomes certain.

– Since it is impossible to actually count infinite sets, we consider them countable if we can find a way to list them all without missing any.

– However, since “W” and “i” both will be presses by the monkey an infinite amount of time, “Wi” will actually appear an infinite amount of times too.

– There are an infinite number of great circles that can be drawn on any perfect sphere.

– Most computers have a large amount of space, but not infinite space.

– The first kind has 18 countably infinite families.

– There is no natural number that is infinite in size.

– But, since the “W” button will be pressed infinite times, the word “Wi” will appear infinite times too.

– However, we should keep in mind that indefinite is not infinite and if he refuses to accept mentorship, he should be able to appeal the ban or propose suggestions.

– We say that the natural numbers have infinite cardinality and the real numbers have infinite cardinality, but the cardinality of the real numbers is greater than the cardinality of the natural numbers.

– Not only that, we know “Wiki” will appear an infinite amount of times.

– Sometimes a set has infinite cardinality.

– The set of all integers is a set with infinite cardinality.

– However, Zeno’s questions remain problematic if one approaches an infinite series of steps, one step at a time.

– These are all thought to be infinite forms of the Para Shakti.

– Resultingly the parallel connected circuit will act as band-stop filter having infinite impedance at the resonant frequency of the LC circuit.

– Nadakhan gets Infinite wishes but is stopped when Jay wishes that “nobody ever found the teapot and that Nya took his hand”.

– By calculating the total amount of radiated energy, it can be shown that a blackbody would release an infinite amount of energy.

– This is a deliberate restriction, partly to prevent infinite loops, and partly to keep things simple.

– The model says that after a finite time there will be a final singularity, called the “Big Rip”, in which the observable universe will reach zero size and all distances will reach into infinite value.

– He proved that the Zeta function can be written as an infinite product of prime numbers.

– In set theory, the letter is used to represent a series of infinite cardinal numbers.

– That group, usually written Γ in the theory and with multiplicative notation, can be found as a subgroup of Galois groups of infinite field extensions.

– Intuitively, it looks like a flat infinite sheet of paper.

– However, since there are an infinite number of Pythagorean triples, is a whole number bigger than 2 but it is not possible to simply check every combination of numbers if they continue forever.

– This is an infinite product.

– It is less intuitive for sets with an infinite number of elements.

– They do not exist in the Newtonian theory of gravitation, in which physical interactions propagate at infinite speed.

– Nadakhan’s mission is to be married to Nya so he can get infinite wishes.

- Actual infinity, on the other hand, refers to objects that are accepted as infinite entities.

- Because there is in an infinite number of possible organic compounds, language is needed to give a unique name to each one.
- Although an infinite of the group are commonly used, as all other representations of the group can be described as a linear combination of the irreducible representations.

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