“increasing” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “increasing”:

+ During the 1960s, the government of Hong Kong thought they need to accommodate increasing road traffic that growing Hong Kong’s economy would bring.

+ According to the Book of Exodus, Moses was born in a time when his people were increasing in number and the Egyptian Pharaoh was worried that they might help Egypt’s enemies.

+ Conversely, a continuous migration of Bangladeshis between 1971 and 1995 led their population increasing to more 1.6 million.

+ A 2006 report by World Vision Middle East/Eastern Europe funded by the Canadian government and supported by six United Nations agencies and the International Organization for Migration reported that the sexual exploitation of children, child trafficking and sexual violence towards minors is increasing and that Russia is becoming a new destination for child sex tourism.

+ So, let’s get back on track: this request is about whether they should continue be entrusted with powerful tools, given their very poor judgment in a matter of importance, and where after being called out for it on their Talk page, at first calmly, then with increasing alarm, there was no recognition or acknowledgement on their part of anything wrong; on the contrary, there was nonchalant assertion that it was all fine, accompanied by derails into things never at issue.

+ With transaction-based applications such as network routing and web-site serving greatly increasing in the last decade, the computer industry has re-emphasized capacity and throughput issues.

+ The number of Muslims from Mali who go to Mecca is increasing and some study in Arab countries.

increasing use in sentences
increasing use in sentences

Example sentences of “increasing”:

+ They cause increasing disability and, eventually, death.

+ The workers in the cities, with increasing levels of education, began to develop an interest in politics and the creation of political parties in order to try and change their lives for the better.

+ The surface of the water behaves like an elastic film: the insect’s feet cause indentations in the water’s surface, increasing its surface area.

+ In programs such as Adobe Illustrator or Microsoft PowerPoint, increasing the line symbol of a curve will increase the curviness of the curve.

+ This operation allows the South and the Southeast an increasing use of electricity for domestic and industrial use.

+ Since the 1970s, tourism has played an increasing role in the local economy.

+ The stadium has just seen an expansion of the Main Stand increasing the capacity to 54,167.

+ While Cream were popular and had several hit records, problems between Baker and Bruce, and the increasing drug use of all three caused tensions that eventually broke the band up in 1969.

+ Literature in the regional languages continued through to the 18th century, although increasing eclipsed by the rise of the French language and influenced by the prevailing French literary model.

+ Fortune Head records the beginning of a period of increasing biological diversity known as the “Cambrian explosion”.

+ Derivatives are used in Newton’s method, which helps one find the zeros of a function..One can also use derivatives to determine the concavity of a function, and whether the function is increasing or decreasing.

+ By increasing the number of people that free-thinking books can reach, we’ll be able to weaken fundamentalism in Bangladesh.” Tutal also called for freedom for Bangladeshi writer and publisher, Shamsuzzoha Manik.

+ As the online classified advertising sector develops, there is an increasing emphasis toward specialization.

+ This ideal location adds to the increasing appeal of White Plains.

+ On the copper side, the two electrons received allow it to convert a copper ion from solution into an uncharged copper atom which deposits on the copper electrode, increasing its mass.

+ The Ethiopian wolf is threatened by increasing human populations, habitat loss through overgrazing, disease and interbreeding from dogs.

+ They cause increasing disability and, eventually, death.

+ The workers in the cities, with increasing levels of education, began to develop an interest in politics and the creation of political parties in order to try and change their lives for the better.

More in-sentence examples of “increasing”:

+ After the acquisition of Royal Prussia in 1772, Frederick also changed his title from the “King “in” Prussia” which had been the royal title used since the coronation of Frederick I, to the “King “of” Prussia” underscoring the increasing prominence of his state and his own importance as a ruler.

+ The factoring system works by having a number for each class, where the results are worked out by increasing in number the look time by the factored number.

+ Physicists kept on improving particle accelerators by increasing their energy.

+ When anxiety occurs, the mind’s first response is to seek rational ways of escaping the situation by increasing problem-solving efforts, and a range of defense mechanisms may be triggered.

+ Online transactions in Bangladesh have been increasing over the years.

+ Wall Of Voodoo added Bill Noland from L.A.’s quirky outfit Human Hands as a keyboardist in 1982, but increasing tensions within the band eventually led to a breakup of the band after the Us Festival in 1983.

+ In 2011, a new wing opened to help hold the museum’s increasing collection.

+ The station was originally not going to be open with the rest of the East West Line in between 1988 and 1989 as there were only private houses surrounding it, but increasing pressure from Members of Parliament and the public forced SMRT to open this station.

+ Malnutrition becomes a bigger problem during famine because most of the people do not get enough food, hence increasing the death rate.

+ It is the result of division by zero, or to indicate that a series is increasing without bound.

+ It is associated with the increasing use of agricultural mechanization, which have enabled a substantial increase in production, yet have also dramatically increased environmental pollution by increasing erosion and poisoning water with agricultural chemicals.

+ In meteorology and climatology, global numerical models of atmospheric flow are of increasing interest which use grids that are based on an icosahedron instead of the more commonly used longitude/latitude grid.

+ The rocks making up the crust below the sea floor are youngest at the axis of the ridge and age with increasing distance from that axis.

+ His increasing frailty, however, raised concerns about his ability to stand for long periods while carrying the heavy weapon.

+ This method is based on increasing the temperature of the hashish to 170-200 degrees Celsius which is about the temperature THC vaporizes but is far below the point when “carbons” begin being burned.

+ In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to vibrationvibrate with increasing frequencies of excitation.

+ Under increasing requests for its products, the Monkwearmouth-Jarrow scriptorium adopted a faster script style used in later works.

+ If a diver gets decompression sickness it can be treated by putting the diver in a decompression chamber, and increasing the pressure to squeeze the bubbles to a smaller size where they do less harm, and by giving the diver pure oxygen to breathe, which helps to get the bubbles to dissolve again.

+ Giant planets are commonly said to lack solid surfaces, but it is more accurate to say that they lack surfaces altogether since the gases that constitute them simply become thinner and thinner with increasing distance from the planets’ centers, eventually becoming indistinguishable from the interplanetary medium.

+ As well as this it stated that heritage tourism within Conwy was increasing as a result of the changes that they made and that the volunteering support that was bring provided by the Conwy Culture Centre was worthwhile as two of the volunteers who took part were awarded with well-known awards.

+ Jeremy Corbyn won the election with 313,209 votes, increasing his share of the vote from 59.5% to 61.8% compared with the result of the 2015 leadership election, and receiving some 62,000 more votes than in 2015.

+ Electric utilities are facing increasing demands By Candace Lombardi, CNET.

+ It does this by increasing the acidity of the cervical mucus and by moving debris out of the cervix.

+ Below are charts showing all the different sizes of paper that are usually made, listed in increasing order of size.

+ Such moments occur because long periods of prosperity and rising values lead to increasing speculation with borrowed money.

+ In more recent times, computers have found an increasing role in the recording studio, as their use eases the tasks of cutting and looping, as well as allowing for instantaneous changes, such as duplication of parts, the addition of affects and the rearranging of parts of the recording.

+ The photoelectrons then make secondary electrons from the pipe walls with increasing frequency and density up to 7×10.

+ This variant is almost never used in most computations, except in situations where one wants to avoid rounding 0.5 or −0.5 to zero, or to avoid increasing the scale of numbers represented as floating point.

+ Other factors which could have placed increasing pressure on the fragile kingdoms include the aggression of the ‘Sea Peoples’, the effect of pirates on maritime trade, drought, Cropscrop failures, and famine.

+ In January 2009, Jill Berry, president of the Girls’ Schools Association and head teacher at the Dame Alice Harpur School in Bedford, cited medical dramas such as “Holby City” as an inspiring force in increasing numbers of female students deciding to pursue careers in medicine.

+ As a result of these changing household demographics, median household income rose only slighly despite an ever increasing female labor force and a considerable increase in the percentage of college graduates.

+ By then, student protests were increasing in Seoul and Gwangju.

+ The Ministry also reported 1 new fatality, increasing the total number of fatalities to 10.

+ He also wrote a book on the methods of increasing agricultural output, published in Prague in 1835.

+ The Turkish government justified the move as making it much easier to learn to increasing literacy.

+ By the beginning of the 20th century, Russian influence was increasing in China.

+ At the same time, increasing numbers of Cubans left the area for the suburbs in western Miami.

+ This is because of the increasing number of people living in the Campbelltown region.

+ This is in conjunction with the environment for Wales act and mentions that they are introducing agricultural grading to their land to ensure it returns its essential nutrients and increasing peat productions.

+ Stools can be made softer and larger by increasing fiber intake.

+ So in this case increasing the area in contact with the container decreases rather than increases the potential energy.

+ Male enhancement supplements work by increasing the amount of blood flow the genital region receives and the volume of blood that it can retain.

+ Training commonly uses the technique of progressively increasing the force output of the muscle through incremental increases of weight, elastic tension or other resistance, and uses a variety of exercises and types of training equipment to target specific muscle groups.

+ And people who belong to both group were increasing gradually.

+ The hardness increases with increasing atomic number.

+ A tissue behind the retina reflects light back, thereby increasing sight in darker waters.

+ This is because home prices are increasing much faster than wages.

+ An Garda Síochána also use unmarked patrol cars in their duties and use of such vehicles is increasing becoming a matter of cost rather than the need to hide the vehicles, as the amendments to the exterior of the vehicle such as LED strobes, Tetra aerials and bumper LEDs in particular are extremely visible.

+ After the acquisition of Royal Prussia in 1772, Frederick also changed his title from the "King "in" Prussia" which had been the royal title used since the coronation of Frederick I, to the "King "of" Prussia" underscoring the increasing prominence of his state and his own importance as a ruler.

+ The factoring system works by having a number for each class, where the results are worked out by increasing in number the look time by the factored number.
+ Physicists kept on improving particle accelerators by increasing their energy.

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