“inclusive” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “inclusive”:

– Dromaeosauridae was first defined as a clade by Paul Sereno in 1998, as the most inclusive natural group containing “Dromaeosaurus” but not “Troodon”, “Ornithomimus” or “Passer”.

– Countries must admit that persons with disabilities have the right to inclusive education without discrimination and with equal chance, also education for adult and lifelong learning.

– It still promotes the practice of inclusive design, and is working with artists to communicate ideas about environmental sustainability.

– It is a calculated way for improved operations inclusive of Production lineproduction support and life cycle build/maintenance activities.

– Another way of saying it: “the inclusive fitness of an organism is not a property of itself, but a property of its set of genes”.

– We hope to design an inclusive process that makes space for everyone: editors, community leaders, affiliates, developers, readers, donors, technology platforms, institutional partners, and people we have yet to reach.

inclusive use in-sentences
inclusive use in-sentences

Example sentences of “inclusive”:

– The first explanations were kin selection, and inclusive fitness.

– The theory of inclusive fitness says that the fitness of an organism is also increased to the extent that its close relatives also reproduce.

– This is a special case of a more general model, called inclusive fitness.

– Effectiveness and difficulty of education on nosocomial infection control for pre-clinical practice in the clinic, so-called inclusive clinical practice phase I, for students in the Faculty of Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University.

– The consuls who governed the republic slowly became more inclusive of the “poblani”, or common people, and the Commune increased its territory as the surrounding feudal nobles in their fortified castles submitted to the urban power.

– Domain is the most inclusive of these biological groupings.

– A saint is a holy person.”Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia”, “saint”, “Christians in general are ‘saints’ in NT usage, and the term is common in reference to the inclusive membership of a local church.

– This paper also contains the first outline of the idea that natural selection might select for menopause and post-reproductive life in females, although Williams does not explicitly mention grandchildren or the inclusive fitness contribution of grandparenting.

– Separate from the merits of this RfD, we want to be more inclusive of subjects from the global south and from where English is commonly used.

- The first explanations were kin selection, and inclusive fitness.

- The theory of inclusive fitness says that the fitness of an organism is also increased to the extent that its close relatives also reproduce.
- This is a special case of a more general model, called inclusive fitness.

– Questioning the various processes by which globalization or globalisation has favored rapid Anglo-cultural dominance over a more gradual, egalitarian evolution towards an inclusive world civilization, Meyjes argues for cultural policies that support “ecological” relations between local ethnocultural traditions, by protecting cultural specificity in the short term and allow as many cultural groups as possible to organically contribute to the whole.

– She found that Islam was very inclusive to other religions.

– The group of words gender and sexual diversity has been shown as a different option to LGBT by some, as it is seen as more inclusive and less limiting.

– So basically, TaaS may be a very new concept to people at this point, specifically because it is “very new”, but that does not merit the article’s deletion but instead its promotion so that more and more trading as a service providers can build better and broader and more inclusive platforms that can truly help economies grow faster and include more of their non-participating SMB counterparts.

– A Horn clause is a Inclusive disjunctionlogic disjunction of literals, where at most one of the literals is positive, and all the others are negative.

– A bitwise OR is an operation that takes two bit patterns of equal length and performs the logical inclusive OR operation on each pair of bits.

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