“incidental” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “incidental”:

+ His orchestral works mostly consist of incidental music.

+ The theme song over the end credits was written by Peter Brewis, who also created incidental music on many episodes.

+ A famous example is the incidental music for Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” composed by Felix Mendelssohn in 1842.

+ He also wrote the masque “Peleus and Thetis” and songs for John Dryden’s “Secular Masque”, incidental music for William Shakespeare’s “The Tempest The Tempest”, “Cymbeline”, “Romeo and Juliet” and “The Winter’s Tale”, and a lot of chamber music including a set of twelve trio sonatas.

+ In Berlin the king asked him to provide incidental music for Shakespeare’s play ” A Midsummer Night’s Dream “.

incidental - example sentences
incidental – example sentences

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