“inaccurate” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “inaccurate”:

– There is almost certainly inaccurate information in it, somewhere, which has not yet been discovered to be wrong.

– The study showed that the ways diagnosis was done was very inaccurate in telling people with mental disorders and people without mental disorders apart.

– Numerical weather predictions are too inaccurate to give a good local prediction of the weather, so other methods are used to adjust them.

– Do not use where the source does not use stars, because it is inaccurate and misleading.

– The results are usually too inaccurate to be used for predicting the weather at any place.

– Bullets are affected by gravity, and weapons are highly inaccurate when fired “from the hip”.

– Early of January this year, after joining the #JusticeForChristineDacera trending topic on Twitter, Francis and other prominent public figures and celebrities like TV personality Bianca Gonzales, and singer Kakie Pangilinan, all later issued their public apologies on social media, after admitting to having shared inaccurate and misleading information surrounding the death of PAL Flight Attendant Christine Dacera, and to having unwittingly made the “persons of interest” in the ongoing case by the Philippine National Police look guilty.

inaccurate - some sentence examples
inaccurate – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “inaccurate”:

– The depiction of the dromaeosaur in the original “Jurassic Park” movie, while accurate for its time, is now known to have been inaccurate in some respects, such as the lack of feathers.

– They said that this would cause people to think that modern-day Jews were guilty because of this and increase antisemitism and inaccurate beliefs of Jews.

– With this information, witness testimonies now must be interpreted with the notion that the witness may be unaware of their own inaccurate perception.

– It is a physiological disorder that is characterized by undereating, due to an inaccurate body image.

– Making inaccurate things accurate.

– Each measurement is usually inaccurate and includes some amount of error.

– Were it not for the community, we would not have such a large repository, or collection if you will, of knowledge and the world would still be using boring out-of-date encyclopedias, which sets us apart because if you see something wrong or inaccurate you can just edit it, whereas in Encyclopedia Brittanica you can’t…

– We know from everyday life that trying to weigh something on a bathroom scale placed on a washing machine in spin cycle will produce inaccurate results because the needle on the scale will jiggle badly.

– They called it grossly inaccurate and pure Hollywood.

– Any claim by Djsasso or Osiris that I am a net negative is patently false, and so inaccurate as to border on a personal attack.

– In the early 20th century, the term Old Empire was sometimes given to this era of Maya civilization in an analogy to Ancient Egypt; the term is now considered inaccurate and has long been out of use by serious writers on the subject.

– When I first came across that article, it was an inaccurate 1-line stub article.

– Please remove the inaccurate and offensive part or remove the article.

– If someone feels that my counting is inaccurate / wrong, please say so.

– The Volleyball article is inaccurate and offensive.

– This will lead to inaccurate results because the observer program itself affects the CPU performance.

– Somewhat surprisingly, the origin of this anomaly is uncertain, with stories ranging from surveyors who were drunk, attempting to avoid hostile Native Americans, or taking a shortcut up the Connecticut River; Massachusetts residents attempting to avoid Massachusetts’ high taxes for the low taxes of Connecticut; Massachusetts’ interest in the resources represented by the Congamond Lakes which lie on the border of the jog; and the need to compensate Massachusetts for an amount of land given to Connecticut due to inaccurate survey work.

– I have contacting you today to inform you about the article “coolie” this article is very inaccurate and offensive because it classes collies as slaves when it is a fact that collies were indentured laborers and indentured laborers are not slaves.

- The depiction of the dromaeosaur in the original "Jurassic Park" movie, while accurate for its time, is now known to have been inaccurate in some respects, such as the lack of feathers.

- They said that this would cause people to think that modern-day Jews were guilty because of this and increase antisemitism and inaccurate beliefs of Jews.

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