“inaccessible” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “inaccessible”:

+ Xenoliths and xenocrysts provide important information about the composition of the otherwise inaccessible mantle.

+ Together with Gough Island, Inaccessible Island is a protected wildlife reserve, both make up the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Gough and Inaccessible Islands.

+ The Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 required clergy made sure that the area was inaccessible to the public.

+ The smallest flightless bird is the Inaccessible Island Rail.

+ They live in inaccessible forest and grassland regions of the high Andes.

+ Berthe Morisot, on the left, looks like a romantic and inaccessible heroine, the young violinist Fanny Claus and the painter Antoine Guillemet seem to display indifference.

inaccessible - example sentences
inaccessible – example sentences

Example sentences of “inaccessible”:

+ Tristan da Cunha also discovered in 1506 the Inaccessible Island; its present name was given by French Capt.

+ The waters of the Anacostia River were too shallow to accommodate larger vessels, and the Yard was deemed too inaccessible to the open sea.

+ An Adobe ID is a paid service that allows access to otherwise inaccessible content created by Adobe.

+ If the file system on the internal hard drive is unluckily damaged somehow, the drive may become inaccessible and the system may fail to start.

+ At one time Selsey was inaccessible at flood tide, and a boat was stationed at the ferry to take horses and passengers to and from Sidlesham.Horsfield.

+ Inaccessible Island is home to the endemic Inaccessible Island rail, the world’s smallest extant flightless bird.

+ The word “annamalai” in Tiruvannamalai means “the inaccessible mountain” and “Tiru” is a respectful title given.

+ The territory consists of the main island of Tristan da Cunha itself, which measures about, along with the uninhabited Nightingale Islands and the wildlife reserves of Inaccessible Island and Gough Island.

+ Three-column lists are inaccessible to users with smaller/laptop monitors and should be avoided.

+ They visited the crash site in Corsica and found many of the airplane’s parts still scattered on Mont San-Pietro, in rugged and inaccessible terrain.

+ It only runs part of the length of the line, the rest of the Line of Control is too inaccessible for construction of a barrier.

+ Largely because of their rugged, inaccessible habitat, they are very poorly known.

+ Tristan da Cunha also discovered in 1506 the Inaccessible Island; its present name was given by French Capt.

+ The waters of the Anacostia River were too shallow to accommodate larger vessels, and the Yard was deemed too inaccessible to the open sea.
+ An Adobe ID is a paid service that allows access to otherwise inaccessible content created by Adobe.

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