“in the hope that” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “in the hope that”:

– All other Communists were imprisoned and Jewish families were taken hostage in the hope that the partisan movement would cease its operations.

– I have unblocked him, in the hope that he can help us make this encyclopedia better.

– Terry is shocked to find that Alison is now a young single mother, but decides to rekindle their relationship in the hope that former mistakes are behind them.

– It was sent to Meyerbeer in the hope that he would finish it, but he did not seem interested.

– Faust uses magic in the hope that it will tell him everything about life.

– They imitate the behaviour they saw the Westerners do, in the hope that some spirits will send them more cargo.

– The President before Bush, Bill Clinton, maintained sanctions and made occasional air strikes in the “Iraqi no-fly zones” or other restrictions, in the hope that Saddam would be overthrown by his many political enemies.

– The marquis had engraved on the five gates of the villa Palombara and on the walls of the mansion, the content of the manuscript with symbols and riddles in the hope that one day someone would be able to understand them.

in the hope that in sentences?
in the hope that in sentences?

Example sentences of “in the hope that”:

– Many valuable items were buried with the dead Pharaohs, in the hope that they would take them to the afterlife.

– There is a joke about a man who sent ten different puns to friends in the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh.

– Critics of supply-side economics say that the wealthy gain a lot of money in the hope that a very small amount of it will trickle down to the poor, and they call it voodoo economics.

– I’m writing this in the hope that it will encourage others to pop up and do the above.

– I just do this in the hope that we get at least two successful candidates for oversight.

– The Duke was a younger brother of King Edward IV, and the king had given him the title of “Lord Protector” in the hope that he would look after Prince Edward until he was old enough to be the real king.

– Some editors also use these tags to mark pages that obviously require merging, in the hope that someone else will merge the pages.

– These tasks were said to have been designed by Hera herself in the hope that they would kill Herakles.

– Giving business people presents in the hope that they will want to do business with you may just seem like good manners at times, but in some cases, it may seem more like bribery.

– After World War II the United Nations was founded in the hope that it could solve arguments among nations and keep wars from happening.

– Reluctant closed as demoted: I’d been deliberately avoiding closing this in the hope that all the problems would be resolved, however it’s now been sat without edits for five days and has already had an additional week since the original closure, with my ‘delay’ effectively giving it a double-extension, and then some.

- Many valuable items were buried with the dead Pharaohs, in the hope that they would take them to the afterlife.

- There is a joke about a man who sent ten different puns to friends in the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh.

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