In sentence use of “vital part”

How to use in-sentence of “vital part”:

+ Under Nero, he was a member of the imperial team, and played a vital part in exposing the Pisonian conspiracy of 65.

+ Commercial Fishing, including lobster trapping, is a traditional and still vital part of the coastal economy.

+ The theatre has since evolved to being a hub of multi-faceted and multi-cultural activities hosting classics, new writing, international plays from overseas companies, live Greek music events, and Greek tragedies and is embedded as a vital part of London`s multi-cultural lanscape.

+ Dams, tunnels and bridges are a vital part of the province’s road system.

+ Huasos are an important part of the culture of Chile, and are a vital part of parades, parties, and holidays.

In sentence use of vital part
In sentence use of vital part

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