In sentence use of “vinegar”

How to use in-sentence of “vinegar”:

– Female vinegar eels have ovaries and produce eggs.

– Olive oil and vinaigrette or balsamic vinegar are always on the table or nearby.

– It is made of finely sliced lettuce, scallions, and fresh dill, and dressed with salt, black pepper, olive oil and red wine vinegar or lemon juice.

– He compared the effects of various different acidic substances, ranging from vinegar to cider, on groups of afflicted sailors, and found that the group who were given oranges and lemons had largely recovered from scurvy after 6 days.

– Golpar is also mixed with vinegar into which lettuce leaves are dipped before eating.

– A variation of horseradish sauce, which in some cases may substitute the vinegar with other products like lemon juice or citric acid, is known in Germany as “Tafelmeerrettich”.

– Nematodes, such as the vinegar eels, have no circulatory system.

– The dressing is usually vinegar and oil.

In sentence use of vinegar
In sentence use of vinegar

Example sentences of “vinegar”:

- The most common preparation is a "Bain-marie" method where a reduction of vinegar is used to acidify the yolks.

- Mixing bleach with some things commonly found at home, like vinegar or even Juicefruit juice can produce chemicals like chlorine that are irritating or even dangerous.
- Depending on which seeds are taken, and/or how much vinegar is added, the mustard may turn out hotter or less hot.

– The most common preparation is a “Bain-marie” method where a reduction of vinegar is used to acidify the yolks.

– Mixing bleach with some things commonly found at home, like vinegar or even Juicefruit juice can produce chemicals like chlorine that are irritating or even dangerous.

– Depending on which seeds are taken, and/or how much vinegar is added, the mustard may turn out hotter or less hot.

– A male vinegar eels’ reproductive system is smaller than the female’s.

– However, some kinds use baking soda and occasionally a small amount of vinegar as raising agents.

– Strips of meat are seasoned with salt, coriander seeds, Black pepperpepper and vinegar then hung to dry in the shade.

– With this in mind, Brearley tested his chromiun steel with food acids such as vinegar and lemon juice.

– The preferred recipe includes ginger oil and brown sugar to be cooked with a base of noodles and vegetables, with rice vinegar and Sichuan pepper oil to be added after cooking.

– Cream can also be used as dressing, and vinegar can be added as seasoning.

– When they are first ground, and then mixed with water, vinegar and other ingredients, a condiment called mustard can be made.

– Horseradish sauce made from grated horseradish root and vinegar is a popular condiment.

– Typically Fish and Chips is eaten with lots of vinegar and salt.

– In English-speaking countries, “alici” are sometimes called “white anchovies”, and are often served in a weak vinegar marinade.

– Other cells make vinegar or lactic acid when they ferment sugar.

– For example, pickles preserved in a jar are heated then put in a mixture of vinegar and brine.

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