In sentence use of “unusual”

How to use in-sentence of “unusual”:

+ It is quite common in science for some studies to contradictioncontradict others, for example in cases where different methods are used to measure an outcome, or where human error or chance may lead to unusual results.

+ Insurance Actuaryactuaries have calculated that even if everyone were physically immortal, the average life span would still be only be 400 years because of the “accident rate”; eventually, everyone would die of a fatal accident and it would be very unusual to encounter anyone more than 800 years old.

+ It was unusual to be buried within a library or even within city limits, so this was a special honour for Celsus.

+ She was an unusual woman for her time.

+ These moths have many unusual features.

+ The wallabies have a very unusual breeding pattern.

In sentence use of unusual
In sentence use of unusual

Example sentences of “unusual”:

+ Some of the fold-outs have unusual shapes.

+ The result was the most unusual in American weather history: these storms moved at 8 mph, some of these tornadoes were anticyclonic, and they didn’t move in a straight line, with some looping back around.

+ Much of its appeal as a houseplant comes from the unusual leaves.

+ An unusual feature of the river is the Niger Inland Delta.

+ As a result, it supports some of the most unusual flora and fauna on the planet.

+ He is the author of many books which talk about unusual journeys through the United States, including cross-country trips by boat, about his journey in a 1975 Ford Econoline van.

+ He became friends with Debussy who was one of the only people who understood the serious reasons for Satie’s unusual behaviour.

+ They did not like some of his unusual ideas and he was very strict.

+ There is an advanced part of mathematics that is about measuring things with unusual characteristics.

+ The purpose of this unusual arrangement was to prevent the service being affected by ice forming on the live rail.

+ An unusual aspect of its orbit is that it is captured into a 1:11 orbital resonance with Jupiter; it completes one orbit for every 11 of Jupiter.

+ Some of the fold-outs have unusual shapes.

+ The result was the most unusual in American weather history: these storms moved at 8 mph, some of these tornadoes were anticyclonic, and they didn't move in a straight line, with some looping back around.

More in-sentence examples of “unusual”:

+ Some of the lochs contain a mixture of fresh and tidal salt water, giving rise to some complex and unusual habitats.

+ Snow is unusual in the Santa Monica Mountains, since they are not as high as the nearby San Gabriel Mountains.

+ Around 5 to 10 minutes before a tsunami hits, the sea seems to go back by an unusual distance.

+ Bacterial cell walls are made of peptidoglycan, which is made from polysaccharide chains cross-linked by unusual peptides containing D-amino acids.

+ In “The Cosmic Trigger he introduced Discordianism, Sufism, futurism, the Illuminati and other unusual subjects to the general public.

+ Kingston likes getting to play an unusual action hero female role.

+ His novels were notable for their unusual invention and stories that kept people interested.

+ The sullen mood and sad lyrics—”So go away, leave me alone, don’t bother me”—were unusual for the Beatles at the time but would become characteristic for Harrison.

+ Salvador Dalí Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dalí Domènech, Marquis of Púbol or Salvador Felip Jacint Dal Domènech was a SpainSpanish painter who became famous for the unusual images he used in his paintings.

+ Port Vale are not named after a place, which is unusual for an English league clubs.

+ He immediately recognized Gershwin’s unusual ability.

+ He is obsessed about unusual stuff.

+ Sometimes the tail is even described, if it is shown in an unusual way.

+ Five two-car units were built featuring an unusual body design.

+ Death penalty debaters argue about whether capital punishment is “cruel and unusual punishment”.

+ If you like to make articles about underrepresented groups, this may be for you, since these are all women journalists, and many from unusual places in the world.

+ Further unusual features are that the abdominal sternites are each composed of three sclerites, and they cement themselves to the substrate before molting.

+ The filling-in works with quite complex and unusual visual patterns, suggesting an active brain process works to mimic patterns surrounding the blind spot.

+ A person with pica may also have a strong want to eat unusual things that are normally considered food but not in the normal way, for example, uncooked potatoes, flour or starch.

+ Two moons, Psamathe, are unusual because they have the largest orbits for any moons discovered in the solar system so far.

+ In “Furman”, the Court had ruled that the death penalty was “sometimes” cruel and unusual punishment.

+ This was unusual in Indonesia after independence.

+ Over the next few years there, he developed an unusual style of music by mixing traditional Indigenous Australian musicindigenous music with modern Western music styles, particularly reggae.

+ Some poets and writers use very unusual rhymes.

+ Some of the lochs contain a mixture of fresh and tidal salt water, giving rise to some complex and unusual habitats.

+ Snow is unusual in the Santa Monica Mountains, since they are not as high as the nearby San Gabriel Mountains.

+ The solenodon is unusual among mammals in that its saliva is venomous.

+ There was an unusual circumstance at the 1993 election.

+ This is unusual for cities in the region.

+ Although the C96 is a little awkward to use, especially compared to most pistols today, it’s old and unusual appearance make it a popular weapon in Video gamevideo games, like ‘Metal Gear” series, the Zombies game mode in the “Call of Duty” series, “Bioshock: Infinite”, “Battlefield 1”, “Call of Duty: WWII”, “Far Cry 4”, and many others.

+ The humor of the show is very unusual and some people do not understand it.

+ It is very unusual for people to mention such dates so long ago, so when we really mean this date, we must specify a 4 digit date.

+ Many of his melodies stretch themselves over an unusual number of bars.

+ It has unusual ears for a cat.

+ Teppei’s apartment has many unusual items such as Thai artifact, a 30-year-old refrigerator, and a crystal apple.

+ Bordered by 23rd Street, 24th Street, L Street, and an alleyway, this is unusual because its short buildings from the 1800s to the 1960s, are different from the many new, tall buildings on the neighboring blocks.

+ The alto flute must not be confused with a bass flute which is even bigger and lower and very unusual indeed.

+ Some species, especially those with unusual bill shapes such as the Sword-billed Hummingbird and the sicklebills, are co-evolved with a small number of flower species.

+ Dedicated to the channel island of Guernsey, where he spent fifteen years of exile, Hugo’s story about Man’s battle with the sea and the creatures in its depths, started an unusual trend in Paris: squids.

+ Porcupines come in various shades of brown, grey, and the unusual white.

+ It was an unusual concert: three works by living composers were played in the first half.

+ The most famous Akita Hachiko was known for his unusual loyalty to his owner.

+ The two Byzantine outbreaks during the 8th and 9th centuries were unusual because the use of images was the main issue in the dispute, rather than a by-product of wider concerns.

+ Berg also writes for the voices in unusual ways: sometimes they have to half-speak, half-sing.

+ They are unusual in that the whole order is camouflaged.

+ Neptune’s second known moon Nereid, has one of the most unusual orbits of any satellite in the solar system.

+ The small circle has featured many unusual items since its creation.

+ His dance suites are made up of several dances such as galliard, bourree, sarabande, gigue, gavotte and allemande as well as more unusual dances.

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