In sentence use of “unfinished”

How to use in-sentence of “unfinished”:

– Together with Weldon Irvine, Simone turned Lorraine Hansberry’s unfinished play “To Be Young, Gifted and Black” into a civil rights song.

– The building work had stopped for so long that weeds and bushes were growing out between the stones of the unfinished building as if it was a cliff.

– After he died, he left behind many unfinished notes.

– After Hardouin-Mansart’s death, de Cotte completed his unfinished projects.

– Folkspraak is an unfinished at Langmaker It works a lot like a lingua franca for people who speak Germanic languages.

– The tallest building in Orange County is the 37-story One Broadway Plaza, an unfinished building in Santa Ana.

In sentence use of unfinished
In sentence use of unfinished

Example sentences of “unfinished”:

- He was left unfinished because the inventor died before giving him human hands.

- It is thought to be unfinished because it did not have a note to tell the reader it was ended.

– He was left unfinished because the inventor died before giving him human hands.

– It is thought to be unfinished because it did not have a note to tell the reader it was ended.

– Then Alexsandr Tamanyan fell from the roof of his still unfinished opera house, and even today Armenians – with their Arab-like desire to believe in “заговор” the plot – ask the obvious questions.

– She even has many unfinished books lying around.

– Both he and his elder brother, Sahib Ram, left their studies unfinished to take part in the freedom movement.

– Beauvais Cathedral is an unfinished cathedral in Beauvais, in northern France.

– It was unfinished when it was shown in the Cannes Film Festival.

– There is also one unfinished seal of the Harappan government found in the ruins.Indian Archaeology 1976-77, A Review.

– However, he learned a lot from working at these unfinished works, and developed his own style which was to be used in his greatest work: “Boris Godunov”.

– I have been trying to find out how to save an unfinished article, ie when it has been started but isn’t ready to be published yet.

– The game was released unfinished and is missing many features, including collision detection.

– He often borrowed music from one composition and put it in another, or used unfinished works in new compositions.

– River Park Drive was laid out in 1899, but the Broadway entrance remained unfinished until 1914.

– Stevie Wonder gave Robinson an unfinished song he’d begun in the studio, to see if he could add lyrics and a tune.

– It is the unfinished church Sagrada Familia, which is the symbol of Barcelona.

– She also wrote two earlier works, “Lady Susan”, and an unfinished novel, “The Watsons”.

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