In sentence use of “themselves”

How to use in-sentence of “themselves”:

+ Today, only very few people who call themselves Arawak remain.

+ Before Europeans came to New Zealand, the Māori did not need a name for themselves as a people.

+ Very often, however, the performers were expected to know or even decide for themselves the sharps and flats.

+ It is unknown if the Internet was shut down by the rebels themselves or by civilians.

+ Most Benedictines see themselves as part of the Catholic Church.

+ Arnulf I also Boulogne-sur-MerBoulogne as a minority King Lothar had taken Ponthieu and given it to Hugh Capet, and the first counts of Guînes had established themselves there.

In sentence use of themselves
In sentence use of themselves

Example sentences of “themselves”:

+ Ungulates' hooves trim themselves when they walk on the ground.

+ What makes all this more complicated is that the last three kanji are almost never written by themselves in Japanese, if at all, since they are usually used in adjectives, verbs, and adverbs.

+ Ungulates’ hooves trim themselves when they walk on the ground.

+ What makes all this more complicated is that the last three kanji are almost never written by themselves in Japanese, if at all, since they are usually used in adjectives, verbs, and adverbs.

+ When the brothers, under the leadership of Judah all offer themselves in Benjamin’s place, Joseph asks why they would give up everything for “a spoiled half-brother”, Judah, who does not recognize Joseph, tells him the truth about how he and his brothers sold Joseph into slavery out of jealousy and how they want more than anything else.

+ Also, we begin to see references to the sculptors themselves in writings of the period.

+ Cyrenaicism is where people make themselves happy in the fastest amount of time.

+ Many species have established themselves on remote islands, such as Kerguelen or Hawaii.

+ Journalists sometimes expose themselves to danger, especially when reporting in areas of Wararmed conflict or in places that do not respect the freedom of the press.

+ All people must wash themselves before they pray.

+ Lipstick feminists still see themselves as feminists, but they also want to keep some of their attributes as women, such as their sexuality, or attractiveness.

+ War resumed, however, when Spain and Austria allied themselves with Holland, and Louis signed a treaty with England in 1670 to keep the English navy neutral.

+ Other related types of mythical or legendary creatures are water fairies and selkies, animals that can transform themselves from seals to humans.

+ This Wiki is a nice idea, however, I would encourage anyone who would like to learn English to challenge themselves by exploring the EN Wiki.

+ Introspection forms no essential part of its methods, nor is the scientific value of its data dependent upon the readiness with which they lend themselves to interpretation in terms of consciousness.

+ Both Mormonism and Christianity established themselves by reinterpreting a preceding faith.

+ These words were later used by the Nazis to make themselves appear stronger.

+ Social workers are employed in human services track, like hospitals, clinics, NPOs, or publicly as a staff that gives adequate welfare and helps people who cannot help themselves including physically disabled people, person with other disabilities.

+ Orangutans are not comfortable on the ground since they have to push themselves along with fists.

+ Vaccinations usually contain dead bacteria or antigen so the antibodies can familiarise themselves and kill it.

+ In the particular case of bacteriumbacteria and fungi, the reactions needed to feed and reproduce increase at higher temperatures, up to the point that the proteins and other compounds in their cells themselves begin to breakdown, or denature, so quickly that they cannot be replaced.

+ The applicant does not buy a coat of arms: the arms themselves are freely given, but fees must be paid to the heralds and artists involved as professionals, and to support the buildings and other running costs of the College.

More in-sentence examples of “themselves”:

+ People in the Persian Empire would light giant campfires made of cannabis, exposing themselves and other neighbors to the smoke.

+ These larger molecules then find themselves at the bottom of the column whereas smaller molecules have a longer path to travel.

+ People in the Persian Empire would light giant campfires made of cannabis, exposing themselves and other neighbors to the smoke.

+ These larger molecules then find themselves at the bottom of the column whereas smaller molecules have a longer path to travel.

+ The Tlingit organized themselves into tribes, which they called “Ḵwáan”.

+ The best way for a person to protect themselves against the Zika virus is to protect themselves against mosquitoes.

+ Many great people taught themselves when there was no formal teaching in the topics which interested them.

+ Most of the Maroon populations established themselves in mostly in rivers, hills/mountains, coastal and in caves.

+ He worked as a secretary until 1841 when he became a journalist and joined the poor artists and writers who called themselves Bohemians.

+ They claimed for themselves a prestigious Banu Hashim descent from Jaafar ibn Abi Talib, son of Abu Talib and brother of Ali ibn Abi Talib.

+ It features three girls, all born in 1996, that call themselves Molly, Holly and Polly.

+ Katydids may disguise themselves brilliantly.

+ One by one, the remaining eleven “republics” of the Soviet Union also declared themselves as sovereign and independent states.

+ Similarly, having to ask people to repeat themselves and having to try very hard to hear people speak are also signs.

+ They call themselves a “fantasy band”.

+ Mages use magic to protect themselves and others so they use a light clothing.

+ Other people may believe that they can control their fate by being brave and trying to “overcome” fate by improving themselves and their lives.

+ In the 1830s, they organized themselves into quartets, bands, and other ensembles and performed in theatres and other halls.

+ They associated themselves with Jesus’s biblical journey.

+ The Order of Queen Maria Luisa or “Royal Order of Noble Ladies of Queen Maria Luisa” was an Order created by King King Carlos IV of Spain by ryal decree in Aprile 21 1792, at the request of his dominating wife, Queen Maria Luisa, to reward noble women who distinguished themselves for their services and talents.

+ Because they spent so much time in cold water, they have to groom their fur often to stop themselves from freezing.

+ The perpetrators had gained access to Twitter’s administrative tools so that they could alter the accounts themselves and post the tweets directly, with the access gained either possibly through paying off Twitter employees to use the tool, or hacked an employee’s account to access the tool directly.

+ A concerted effort to capitalize on casual games grew in the 1990s and 2000s, as many developers and publishers branded themselves as casual game companies, publishing games especially for personal computers, web browsers, and, after 2007, smartphones.

+ Common examples of this are razor shells, which can dig themselves into the sand with great speed to escape enemies, and cockles.

+ One common “plane mirror” is a piece of special flat glass that a person can look into to see a reflection of themselves or what is behind them.

+ An E Prime user chooses to say “This apple looks red to me” to remind themselves that “seeing red” involves both the apple and the eye and brain of the person looking at the apple.

+ Khas peoples call themselves by their group names such as Bahun, Kshetri, Sanyasi/Sannesi, Kami, Damai, etc.

+ He even suggested that viewers position themselves as little as eighteen inches away from the canvas so that they might experience a sense of intimacy, as well as awe, a transcendence of the individual, and a sense of the unknown.

+ The government agencies that were accused could not defend themselves or respond, because they were not named as defendants.

+ There may be somebody who will watch a romantic comedy so that they can put themselves in the shoes of the characters and feel love.

+ Groups who were not involved at the beginning can easily be sucked in, as they fight to defend themselves against both sides.

+ In this work he rejected the idea that individuals could not improve themselves through moral choices.

+ In Israel, Jews do not call themselves Reform, Conservative, or Orthodox.

+ The promotion of their articles will, not only, give them inspiration into creating/expanding more articles, it can lower bad tension being built from them and can also make them feel better of themselves because they had accomplish a mile stone and could help push them into achieving even larger goals.

+ It tries to stop people from Self-harmhurting themselves or committing suicide, and help them through counselling.

+ His family had so little money that they had no land themselves and needed to borrow other people’s farmland.

+ The people who read Austen saw themselves as clever readers.

+ They should be able to decide for themselves what they want to see, and what they do not want to see.

+ Because of his authority and his use of the title “king of the “gens Anglorum”” his people began calling themselves English peopleEnglish instead of Saxons, Jutes or Angles.

+ Charles’s many enemies then fought among themselves in spring 1648.

+ The kings of Prussia and the German emperors styled themselves Princes of Orange till 1918.

+ The patient takes the medicine themselves in the presence of someone trained in its use.

+ Dan Kelly’s sister, Maggie Skillion, and a Catholic priest Father Gibney tried to go to the hotel to tell Steve and Dan to give themselves up, but were stopped by the police.

+ Heineken UK called themselves Scottish Newcastle until 2009.

+ They call themselves the “people of the tent”, because they travelled around, living in tents.

+ The wrestler then uses the momentum to throw their legs against the ropes and uses the spring that is gained to throw themselves backwards and back onto their feet.

+ The recipients must have distinguished themselves at the risk of their own life above and beyond the call of duty in action against an enemy of the United States.

+ The Muslims fled Mecca in 622 after years of persecution and established themselves at Medina.

+ Obviously, this ecclesiology it at variance with other groups that indeed consider themselves to be “the Church”.

+ WikiGnomes who are feeling familial or desirous of a grander sense of purpose often adopt a typo, gaining fulfillment by raising themselves into existence on the.

+ The nation is bordered by the Hindu Kush and Sulaiman MountainsSulaiman Mountain ranges in the west, Karakoram mountain range in the north, Sutlej river and Thar desert in east, and Arabian Sea in the south, The country in its present form was created by the Pakistanis themselves out of the imperial colonial British Raj Indian Empire, the Indus people themselves who are now mostly Muslims.

+ They were called the Huron by the French in Canada, but they called themselves Wendat.

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