In sentence use of “symbolism”

How to use in-sentence of “symbolism”:

+ But the symbolism shows this is futile due to the fact that it will never happen, and Lennie ends up being shot in the back of the head as a mercy killing, like Candy’s dog.

+ Alanine Nomenclature and symbolism for amino acids and peptides.

+ Esotericism can also be about understanding symbolism and hidden meanings of many different books.

+ The Aztecs used symbolism in their art.

+ More a philosophy than an actual style of art, symbolism in painting influenced the contemporary Art Nouveau style and Les Nabis.

+ Christian symbolism gives objects or actions a meaning that shows Christian ideas.

+ Vishnu is often portrayed resting under Shesha’s hood or laying on Shesha, but this symbolism can be found among other deities too.

+ However, in texts and artwork of either tradition, the mutual salutes are symbolism for complementarity.

In sentence use of symbolism
In sentence use of symbolism

Example sentences of “symbolism”:

+ They are designed to bring humans and gods together, using symbolism to express the ideas and beliefs of Sanamahism.

+ Anyone who understands logical symbolism can understand this argument.

+ They are designed to bring humans and gods together, using symbolism to express the ideas and beliefs of Sanamahism.

+ Anyone who understands logical symbolism can understand this argument.

+ The study of subcultures often involves the study of symbolism attached to clothing, music and other visible things by members of subcultures, and also the ways that these same symbols are seen and understood by members of the dominate culture.

+ Symbolism in painting was even more widespread geographically than symbolism in poetry.

+ He is regarded as the most important representative of symbolism in Portuguese literature.

+ There is a lot of symbolism in “The Matrix”.

+ He was a very important painter for religious Symbolism symbolism in Russian art.

+ There is some uncertainty as the artwork that has survived is damaged and they show some overlap with meditative Buddha-related artwork, but the presence of Shiva’s trident and phallic symbolism in this art suggests it was likely Shiva.

+ A special focus on symbolism was emphasized in interpretation.

+ His fascination with colour symbolism and psychology continued as he grew.

+ His works reflect the infuence of classic tradition and French symbolism and his poetry reflects nostalgia.

+ The symbolism is more complex.

+ Davy has described in great details Romanesque Symbolism as it developed in the Middle Ages in Western Europe.

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