In sentence use of “surprised”

How to use in-sentence of “surprised”:

+ I’m quite surprised here just wanted to know from Admins here why the same person both account have right of Patrollers ? One is hardly seen active with only 56 edits.

+ I am surprised it seems nobody has had this problem before, as this seems like it would happen for any two rfds in the same year.

+ Don’t be surprised that this account has the admin rights.

+ The next morning he was surprised to see those soldiers with the mix he made up were much better than the soldiers who had been scalded.

+ The United States was very surprised when the Soviet Union sent Sputnik 1 into space.

In sentence use of surprised
In sentence use of surprised

Example sentences of “surprised”:

+ A herd of "Ouranosaurus" are surprised by a "Spinosaurus", which ignores them.

+ Both Kazuya and Heihachi are surprised at the attack, and begin fighting as a team against the Jack robots.
+ Everyone gets surprised but admires Pakhi as the daughter in law of Singha Roy family.

+ A herd of “Ouranosaurus” are surprised by a “Spinosaurus”, which ignores them.

+ Both Kazuya and Heihachi are surprised at the attack, and begin fighting as a team against the Jack robots.

+ Everyone gets surprised but admires Pakhi as the daughter in law of Singha Roy family.

+ She is very surprised when he comes to visit her in the unfashionable part of London and again is kind to her.

+ At the start, Rowling describes how in an ordinary suburb, somewhere in an English town, people are suddenly surprised to see witches and wizards in odd clothing riding on public buses and appearing at places where people would not expect to suddenly meet a wizard.

+ He surprised the Viking army and defeated them at the Battle of Stamford Bridge.

+ The surprised girl says she cannot go against her mother’s wishes.

+ During his last imprisonment a prison guard Henry Lesser gave Panzram a dollar to buy cigarettes; Panzram was so surprised by this one act of kindness that in return he wrote his autobiography—making it quite clear that he did not repent at all of the robberies, murders, arsons, and rapes which he had committed-writing a detailed summary of his crimes and nihilistic philosophy.

+ The landing surprised the Germans.

+ In 2010 scientists using NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope were surprised to discover, for the first time, that a nova can also emit gamma-rays.

More in-sentence examples of “surprised”:

+ On one occasion, Bart tells Milhouse that he is surprised to see him since he thought he had a " three-o-clock wedgie with Nelson and Milhouse says "I had to reschedule." Milhouse is easily reduced to crying even though he is allergic to his own tears.

+ The outlaws gave a display of horse riding and tricks which entertained and surprised their hostages.

+ On one occasion, Bart tells Milhouse that he is surprised to see him since he thought he had a ” three-o-clock wedgie with Nelson and Milhouse says “I had to reschedule.” Milhouse is easily reduced to crying even though he is allergic to his own tears.

+ The outlaws gave a display of horse riding and tricks which entertained and surprised their hostages.

+ In 2004, he surprised many people when he said that Israel will get out of the Gaza Strip, which is the place where many Palestinian people live.

+ Visitors to Turkey are often surprised by the importance given to Atatürk in present-day Turkey.

+ Of course, it’s natural to be surprised to see a female pilot,” she noted.

+ While Mularkey was known for creating exciting trick plays, Whisenhunt became more of a cautious play-caller, whose well-timed trick plays surprised the Steelers’ opponents because they were very unlike the conservative Pittsburgh run game.

+ The attack, when it came, completely surprised the Allied forces.

+ He was surprised at how easy it was to get close to the president—only one foot away at one event.

+ Pritam, goes to Geeta’s house to sort out the problem, but is surprised to see Geeta.

+ Later, when Isabella tells her that John is in love with her, she is really surprised and says no immediately.

+ The Armistice Day Blizzard in 1940 surprised many people with how fast the temperature dropped.

+ Macbeth is surprised and happy, but he starts thinking of ways to become king.

+ Jasmine is surprised by this.

+ Mazur later reported that Hall seemed lucid, and his first words were, “I imagine you’re surprised to see me here.” A massive rescue operation was assembled, and Hall was rescued.

+ The subject has canvassed on Twitter relating to that deletion discussion, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the same happened here.

+ He surprised many when he worked on the redecoration of the Gothic cathedral in Ribe, working on the murals, painted glass and mosaics to illustrate Bible stories from 1983 to 1987.

+ They were surprised at the discovery of a nearly complete skeleton of a hominin.

+ Alekhine’s victory surprised almost the entire chess world.

+ She was very surprised when he liked this idea very much.

+ I wouldn’t be surprised if we see him/her back after that, though.

+ Donkey is surprised to learn that this is Shrek’s first Christmas, because “ogres don’t celebrate anything.” Donkey says he is sorry for being annoying.

+ Cortés was surprised that Tenochtitlan was as great as Constantinople.

+ They were surprised to learn about Hasekura.

+ He qualified for the tournament for the World Chess Championship 2007, and surprised most observers by finishing joint second with reigning world champion Vladimir Kramnik.

+ That night the Germans had celebrated; drunk and asleep, they were surprised by Germanicus.

+ The couple were eventually surprised and killed by police in Bienville Parish, Louisiana.Hinton, Ted and Larry Grove.

+ The attack surprised Allied forces.

+ In 2003 Jan-Ove lost very surprised in the Round of 128 against the South Korean defender Joo Se-hyuk at the WTTC, on the Pro Tour he won the Swedish Open.

+ He was very surprised at the tools the Europeans had brought with them and said he would return to the woods where they were and bring them to us.

+ By swimming deep within the city’s submerged ruins, and translating underwater murals, he discovers that the Heart of Atlantis provides the city with power and extends their lives through the crystals worn around their necks; he is surprised that this isn’t mentioned in the journal, but upon examination realises a page is missing.

+ If you are surprised to know this, I am Hydriz, reporting to you about all these changes.

+ Am I surprised at this? Yes, I am, genuinely.

+ Boba Fett walked in next and Bib was very surprised to see him.

+ Barbarossa surprised the NKVD, whose jails and prisons in the annexed territories were crowded with political prisoners.

+ Moving a distracting tag-box can greatly improve the readability for readers, who might otherwise become surprised and alarmed by a 2-year-old gripe box which someone threw on the page, unopposed, years ago.

+ Kane surprised Chavo by emerging from underneath the ring instead of from the entrance stage.

+ They were surprised to discover flounder about 30cm long.

+ He was not very good at school, but liked the Officers’ Training Corps; later he returned to present prizes and told the pupils that his parents would have been very surprised to see him in the hall on speech day because he had never come close to winning any school award.

+ Very surprised at finding a Japanese submarine, Cargill called naval headquarters with his two way radio.

+ On the morning of July 14, Meade was surprised to learn Lee had withdrawn most of his army across the Potomac.

+ It is a compositional drawing in black chalk that depicts the history of Old Testament of Susanna Susanna, here portrayed on the right in nudity, surprised during the bath by two elderly people, whose figures are summarily portrayed.

+ In August 1609 John Smith was quite surprised to see more than 300 new settlers arrive.

+ On 18 April 2017 Theresa May surprised people by saying she wanted to have a snap general election on 8 June.

+ The British were surprised to see the American earthworks.

+ He is surprised and disgusted that Ichi is not the evil, cold man he imagined.

+ He was not surprised that “Dieu” was a failure.

+ When Edison adjusted the machine to play and cranked the lever, he was surprised to hear his voice play back to him.

+ Rachel was surprised to see that after six months, Leah’s sign language vocabulary had more words the vocabulary of hearing children her same age.

+ This surprised the world, and the United States quickly worked to launch their own satellite, starting the space race.

+ In fact, do not be surprised if I do not return when my ban on en: wiki expires.

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