In sentence use of “stack”

How to use in-sentence of “stack”:

– The stack is one of the most important data structures in computer science.

– If the last card we put on our stack of cards was an ace, then the first card we pulled from the top is that same ace.

– From then on it runs parallel to Wallgrove Road north towards the Great Western Highway and the Light Horse interchange, a stack junction with the M4.

– Players start with a stack of cards that have not been sorted.

– These are examples of algorithms for sorting a stack of cards with many different numbers, so that the numbers are in order.

– On that step, the resulting stack from adding 5 and 8 is automatically raised one rank after adding in the new value 4.

– You can look at the item at the top of the stack without removing it.

– Once it is done following the instructions, the ISR then takes back what it put on the stack and continues with what it was doing before the interrupt happened.

In sentence use of stack
In sentence use of stack

Example sentences of “stack”:

– The basic implementation of a stack is also called a “Last In First Out” structure; however there are different variations of stack implementations.

– Bowe was married to actor Robert Stack from 1956 until his death in 2003.

– A bunk bed is a stack of two or more beds.

– Some plants with corms regularly replace their older corms with a stack of younger ones.

– This algorithm goes through the stack of cards, one card at a time.

– The washing machine is usually on the bottom of the stack because the water in it makes the machine heavier than the dryer.

– A stack is called a last-in-first-out collection.

– The result of this is shown in the without stack section below.

– These rings then stack together to make the solid red selenium.

– Freud’s work led to other great psychoanalytic theorists such as Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, and Harry Stack Sullivan.

- The basic implementation of a stack is also called a “Last In First Out” structure; however there are different variations of stack implementations.

- Bowe was married to actor Robert Stack from 1956 until his death in 2003.

– A stack is a basic data structure that can be logically thought as linear structure represented by a real physical stack or pile, a structure where insertion and deletion of items takes place at one end called top of the stack.

– The stack interchange is the largest of its type in the southern hemisphere.

– The term fold is used in geology when one or a stack of originally flat, level surfaces, such as sedimentary strata, are bent or curved as a result of pressure and high temperature.

– Benigno and Stack gave a good review for the choreography of “Make ‘Em Laugh”.

– Parameters for individual objects in an overlapping stack can also be added, separated to the left by “__”.

– Because of this, postfix is relatively easy to do with computers that have a stack to do calculations.

– Notice how by adding this stack template, the left floating image.

– This template can be used to stack images and other floating content such as infobox templates without causing problems with spacing and floating.

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