In sentence use of “spectrum”

How to use in-sentence of “spectrum”:

– The power spectrum of the sound of the bottom key on a piano would have a high value at the frequency corresponding to its note, and low values elsewhere.

– In terms of chemistry, felsic rocks are on the other side of the rock spectrum from the mafic rocks.

– The mass spectrum of a sample is a pattern representing the distribution of ions by mass in a sample.

– Also, scientists measured brain activity of people on the autism spectrum with Functional magnetic resonance imagingfMRI while they were thinking about their own emotions.

– In Indian general election, 19711971, Swatantra joined a “Grand Alliance” of parties from across the political spectrum who aimed to defeat Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

– He had to figure out how to express amplitude in a way that took account of the fact that hydrogen lamps do not radiate at all frequencies, and do not radiate across a continuous range of frequencies in the part of the spectrum that people can see.

In sentence use of spectrum
In sentence use of spectrum

Example sentences of “spectrum”:

– Vega was the North Starnorthern spectrum recorded.

– He was also the first Chief Scientist of the Federal Communications Commission where he created its Office of Science and Technology and which facilitated the commercial deployment of new technology that included spread spectrum technology.

– Autism spectrum disorder includes a wide range of symptoms, skills and levels of disability.

– A natural example of a spectrum is a rainbow.

– Expert contributors and commentators from across the political spectrum will be commissioned daily.

– It is one of a group of disorders called autism spectrum disorder.

– The spectrum seen when light passes through a prism is an example of the dispersion of light.

– For him, the spectrum could be explained by the simpler phenomena of colour arising from the interaction of light and dark edges.

- Vega was the North Starnorthern spectrum recorded.

- He was also the first Chief Scientist of the Federal Communications Commission where he created its Office of Science and Technology and which facilitated the commercial deployment of new technology that included spread spectrum technology.

– A wiggler has a broader spectrum of radiation than an undulator.

– The short wavelength limit is likely to be the Planck length, and the long-wavelength limit is the size of the universe itself, though in principle the spectrum is infinite.

– You can see this in the visible part of the spectrum as the magnificent green-blue arc in the picture to the right.

– Another symptom of autism spectrum disorder is OCD, which has also been linked to anorexia.

– This shade of indigo, called “indigo dye is darker than the spectrum indigo shown above.

– Heisenberg created a math model that predicted the correct intensities for the bright-line spectrum of hydrogen, but without intending to do so he discovered that certain pairs of physical quantities disclose an unexpected uncertainty.

More in-sentence examples of “spectrum”:

- It has an extremely wide spectrum of subjects, beginning with mathematics and science, social sciences, economy, engineering, laws, philosophy, historical subjects, theology, medicine, and languages even including Chinese and Polish.

- They play their home games at the Spectrum Center.

– It has an extremely wide spectrum of subjects, beginning with mathematics and science, social sciences, economy, engineering, laws, philosophy, historical subjects, theology, medicine, and languages even including Chinese and Polish.

– They play their home games at the Spectrum Center.

– The spectrum of NGC 6302 shows that its central star is one of the hottest stars in the galaxy.

– The spectrum contains all of the wavelengths of light that we can see.

– The infrared spectrum is similar to P-type asteroids but with a possible indication of water.

– The first three of these disorders are also called autism spectrum disorders.

– The frequency range used covers not just visible light but whole the spectrum from the microwave range, the terahertz range, infrared light, visible light up to the range of ultraviolet light.

– Individuals are now diagnosed on an autism spectrum with varying levels of intensity.

– Zub is a computer game made for use on the Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum computers which was released in 1986 by Mastertronic.

– The unusual spectrum brings Leonisis’ membership in the Flora family into doubt.

– The electromagnetic spectrum is made of many types of waves that are like light, but you can not see all of them.

– Esterath controls the Glory, the focal point of the Omniversal spectrum which underlies all existence.

– The nanometre is also commonly used to measure the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation near the part of the spectrum that can be seen by humans.

– Spread spectrum systems transmit the message using a bandwidth that is wider than the bandwidth actually needed by the message signal.

– On January 18, 2008, Global Spectrum publicly announced that it wants to hold WrestleMania in 2010.

– Space observatorySpace telescopes gave access, for the first time in history, to the entire electromagnetic spectrum including rays that had been blocked by the atmosphere.

– He was the winner of the 2009 Spectrum Grand Master Award from “Locus Online” and the 2018 Grand Prix at Angoulême.

– The risk for autism spectrum disorders can be increased if the mother uses thalidomide, Valproatevalproic acid or drinks too much alcohol during pregnancy.

– For humans, the visible spectrum ranges approximately from 380 to 740nm, and there are normally three types of cones.

– In a study published in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, the authors found that movements similar to those exhibited by those with autism may help provide needed feedback to the body.

– DECT also provides Frequency-hopping spread spectrum over TDMA/TDD structure.

– When Sinclair Research stopped making the ZX Spectrum there had been more than 10,000 different Video gamesgames available and lots of peripheral equipment.

– The combination of beam conditioning devices controls the thermal load at the end station; the spectrum of radiation incident at the end station; and the focus or collimation of the beam.

– It has been reported by ophthalmologists that those who have their lenses removed and replaced with clear plastic intraocular lenses can see partway into the ultraviolet and view electric purple on the spectrum beyond Violet because it has been shown that the retina has some ultraviolet sensitivity which is normally blocked by the natural lens.

– When a full spectrum of light some specific colours do not show up on the other side.

– The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible electromagnetic radiation.

– There may be many different causes for the different types of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

– Autism is a spectrum disorder.

– They could not sell in the United States, due to FCC spectrum restrictions at that time.

– They occupied a vast spectrum of roles from apex predator to detritus-nibbling bottom dweller.

– Asperger syndrome is considered to be at the highest functioning end of the Autism spectrum disorders.

– The spectrum of a ring is a thing studied in the branch of mathematics called algebraic geometry.

– How different are girls and boys above and below the diagnostic threshold for autism spectrum disorders?.

– People on the autism spectrum show a lower ability for executive function.

– While working on the series “The Stations of the Spectrum Baer painted over their white surfaces to make them gray.

– The company said the MediaFLO spectrum could be used for electronic magazines or newspapers, although such services could be offered alongside existing broadcast channels.

– Every element has a different atomic absorption spectrum because of the different light wavelengths it absorbs.

– An image is created of the spectrum of light with black breaks where the light has been absorbed.

– But, there are some animals in the province such as Deer, Maleo, Taong, Mini Tarsius Spectrum in Bitung City Nature Reserve And Coelacanth off the coast of Manado.

– With the release of the fifth edition of the DSM in 2013 the subtypes of autism are summarized into the general term Autism Spectrum Disorder.

– Ultraviolet rays are near the violet end of the light spectrum and infrared are near the red end.

– The second part of the infrared spectrum is called the fingerprint region; it is associated with types of motion allowed by the symmetry of the molecule and influenced by the bond energies.

– Rainbows show the entire spectrum of visible light.

– The convention was originally scheduled to be held at the Spectrum Center Spectrum Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, but on June 2, 2020, Trump and the Republican National Committee pulled the event from Charlotte, the North Carolina state government declined to agree to Trump’s demand to allow the convention to take place with a full crowd and without public health measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

– The rings are slightly red in the ultraviolet and visible parts of the spectrum and grey in near-infrared.

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