In sentence use of “solvent”

How to use in-sentence of “solvent”:

– A solvent is the bigger part of a solution and is the substance that the solute dissolves in.

– The ideal flow rate is one gallon of solvent per pound of garments per minute, depending on the size of the machine.

– Turpentine is a solvent fluid got by distillationdistilling resin from live trees, mainly pines.

– Solvation, commonly called dissolution, is the process of attraction and association of molecules of a solvent with molecules or ions of a solute.

– The TLC plate should be removed before the solvent reaches the top of the plate.

– In this discontinuous extraction process, the extraction solvent inside the boiling flask is evaporated and re-condensed in the distillation column above.

In sentence use of solvent
In sentence use of solvent

Example sentences of “solvent”:

– During the wash cycle, the solvent in the chamber is filtered and then fed back into the chamber.

– The authors also state that the cheletropic reaction doesn’t seem to be influenced by either solvent acidity or basicity.

– Choosing the correct solvent and temperature conditions is very important to make sure that the reaction happens.

– It was first called the Process Solvent Company.

– Until this time the cleaning is done in normal temperature, the solvent is never heated in dry cleaning process.

– To enhance cleaning power, small amounts of detergent are added to the working solvent and are essential to its functionality.

– Usually, this side-reaction may be limited by the volatile solvent vapors displacing air above the reaction mixture.

– This pure solvent rinse prevents discoloration caused by soil particles being absorbed back onto the garment surface from the “dirty” working solvent.

– Based on the results of a TLC experiment, a larger volume of mixture may be separated by another technique using a similar solvent system.

– Modern machines recover approximately 99.99% of the solvent that was used.

– Some textile dyes are “loose and will release dye during solvent immersion.

– A solvent is usually a liquid, but can also be a solid or gas.

– Fire concerns led William Joseph Stoddard, a dry cleaner from Atlanta, to develop Stoddard solvent as a slightly less flammable alternative to gasoline-based solvents.

– The exhausted warm air from the machine then passes through a chiller unit where solvent vapors are condensed and returned to the distilled solvent tank.

– During the wash cycle, the chamber is filled approximately one-third full of solvent and begins to rotate, agitating the clothing.

– The density of perchloroethylene is around 1.7 g/cm³ at room temperature, and the sheer weight of absorbed solvent may cause the textile to fail under normal force during the extraction cycle unless the mesh bag provides mechanical support.

– The solvent temperature is maintained at 30 degrees Celsius, as a higher temperature may damage it.

– Soc.; 2006; 128 DOI: 10.1021/ja055505+ With a reaction solvent such as toluene and a reaction temperature of 110°C, the yield increases going from methyl to isobutylmethyl to trimethylsilylmethyl.

- During the wash cycle, the solvent in the chamber is filtered and then fed back into the chamber.

- The authors also state that the cheletropic reaction doesn’t seem to be influenced by either solvent acidity or basicity.
- Choosing the correct solvent and temperature conditions is very important to make sure that the reaction happens.

More in-sentence examples of “solvent”:

– The effect of the solvent of the cheletropic reaction of 3,4-dimethyl-2,5-dihydrothiophen-1,1-dioxide was kinetically investigated in 14 solvents.

– There are no government standards for how much solvent is allowed to remain in the fabric.

– The flavours from plant material get into the solvent by putting in the plant material and letting it stay there for quite a time.

– This solvent is called the mobile phase.

– Working solvent from the washing chamber passes through several filtration steps before it is returned to the washing chamber.

– The most common solvent in everyday life is water.

– Chemists use it as a solvent for chemical reactions and in cromatography.

– The condensed solvent is fed into a separator unit where any remaining water is separated from the solvent and then fed into the ‘clean solvent‘ tank.

– It also can be made by reacting bromine in an organic solvent with ozone.

– It has 25 to 40 per cent dye suspended in a solvent of “oil”.

– It is used as a solvent for many reactions, especially in biochemistry.

– Flux methods add a salt of relatively low melting point to the mixture to act as a high temperature solvent in which the desired reaction can take place.

– The extraction cycle begins by draining the solvent from the washing chamber and accelerating the basket to 350 to 450 rpm, causing much of the solvent to spin free of the fabric.

– This includes studying how different conditions such as temperature, pressure or solvent used affect the speed of a reaction.

– Infusion is the process of getting plant chemicals into a solvent such as water, edible oiloil or alcohol.

– Finally, the solvent passes through a polishing filter, which removes any soil not previously removed.

– The amount of solute added to the solvent determines the concentration of the solution.

– In enclosed machines, solvent recovered during the drying process is returned condensed and distilled.

– Around this time many European countries and United States of America had established huge solvent extraction plants for recovering directly almost all the available oil in the oilseeds like Cottonseed and Soybean.

– The reaction rate constants of the forward and reverse reaction in addition to the equilibrium constants were found to be linearly correlated with the E solvent polarity scale.

– Much stricter controls on solvent emissions have ensured that all dry cleaning machines in the western world are now fully enclosed.

– The clean solvent is then returned to the working solvent tank.

– The first step is a button trap, which prevents small objects such as lint, fasteners, buttons, and coins from entering the solvent pump.

– When no more solvent can be spun out, the machine starts the drying cycle.

- The effect of the solvent of the cheletropic reaction of 3,4-dimethyl-2,5-dihydrothiophen-1,1-dioxide was kinetically investigated in 14 solvents.

- There are no government standards for how much solvent is allowed to remain in the fabric.

– In general, gas phase reactions and solution phase reactions of this type follow the same trends, even though in the first, solvent effects are dropped.

– It is also used in reflux where it makes sure that the solvent used does not boil and go away.

– It is also used as a solvent because it can dissolve many other chemicals and is not very toxic.

– It measures the highest amount of substance mixed into a liquid solvent while they are both at equal amounts.

– As the solvent evaporates, the adhesive hardens.

– This results in high solvent recovery rates and reduced air pollution.

– At times the solvent is used under pressure at temperatures higher than the normal boiling point.

– Ether is used as a solvent by scientists for chemical reactions.

– During the drying cycle, the garments are tumbled in a stream of warm air that circulates through the basket, evaporateevaporating any traces of solvent left after the spin cycle.

– The solvent is called “perc” in the industry and “dry-cleaning fluid” by the public.

– The solvent used is usually tetrachloroethylene.

– As the solvent moves up the TLC plate by capillary action, the compound will also move.

Solvents can also be used to solvent extractionextract soluble compounds from a mixture, the most common example is the brewing of coffee or tea with hot water.

– The mobile phase is either a pure solvent or a mixture of solvents.

– In small scale reactions, the solvent vapors do not have enough space to protect the magnesium from oxygen.

– Today’s nail polishes are usually nitrocellulose in a solvent such as butyl acetate or ethyl acetate.

– Because the construction industry grew in the 1950s, Process Solvent Company starting making construction and building maintenance products.

– At the end of the wash cycle, the machine starts a rinse cycle wherein the garment load is rinsed with fresh distilled solvent from the pure solvent tank.

– A solute is a substance that is dissolving in a solvent and is the smaller part of the solution.

– Items such as plastic pens will dissolve in the solvent bath and may damage textiles beyond recovery.

– Chemists use a solvent such as ether or alcohol in the extractor.

– The shell holds the solvent while the rotating drum holds the clothing.

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