In sentence use of “rounded”

How to use in-sentence of “rounded”:

+ However, the “round half up” tie-breaking rule is not symmetric, as the fractions that are exactly 0.5 always get rounded up.

+ Compared with the rounded Romanesque style, the pointed arch of the Early English Gothic looks more elegant and, more importantly, is better at distributing the weight of the stonework above it.

+ The skeletonized wooden stock is a more rounded version of that provided on the SVD rifle; it has a rubber shoulder pad and can be removed when the rifle is dismantled for compact storage.

+ The MPFR package gives correctly rounded arbitrary precision results.

+ When seeing 17.50000…, for example, the first three figures, 17.5, determines that the figure would be rounded up to 18.

+ The bowler hat is a hard felt hat with a rounded crown.

In sentence use of rounded
In sentence use of rounded

Example sentences of “rounded”:

+ In addition, many languages provide a “printf” or similar string formatting function, which allows one to convert a fractional number to a string, rounded to a user-specified number of decimal places.

+ Jews were rounded up by the thousands and crammed into trains that took them to concentration camps like Auschwitz as well as death camps.

+ All African Adders have wide, triangular heads, a large, rounded snout, and small eyes.

+ These are sandstone deposits containing rounded pebbles.

+ The male louse, whose posterior margin of the abdomen is more rounded than those of male lice.

+ The IEEE floating point standard guarantees that add, subtract, multiply, divide, square root, and floating point remainder will give the correctly rounded result of the infinite precision operation.

+ If insufficient precision is available then the number is rounded in some manner to fit the available precision.

+ For example, by this rule the value 23.5 gets rounded to 24, but −23.5 gets rounded to −23.

+ Bull sharks have a very sturdy body, and have a blunt, rounded snout, giving the Bull shark its name.

+ In addition, many languages provide a "printf" or similar string formatting function, which allows one to convert a fractional number to a string, rounded to a user-specified number of decimal places.

+ Jews were rounded up by the thousands and crammed into trains that took them to concentration camps like Auschwitz as well as death camps.

+ The symbols were originally adopted from Kanji characters and have changed overtime into their distinct, rounded shapes.

+ A mountain stream runs through the Wolong Valley ; the stream is heavily armoured with boulders and smaller rounded stones.

+ That is, half-way values “y” are always rounded up.

+ A cradleboard also has a rounded cover over the infant’s head that is similar to a canopy or a modern-day baby carriage hood.

+ It has a large, rounded first dorsal fin, and very long, wide, paddle-like pectoral fins.

+ In the ancient Egyptian measurement system, the Eye Of Horus defined an Old Kingdom rounded off number one = 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + 1/64, by throwing away 1/64.

More in-sentence examples of “rounded”:

+ A large, slim shark, the Silky shark has a fairly stretched, rounded snout, a relatively slanting first dorsal fin with a blunt top that is located behind the edges of the pectoral fins, a small second dorsal fin with an extremely long free rear tip.

+ In financial calculations, a number is often rounded to a given number of places.
+ There are three Mountain chainchains of low and rounded hills in the department.

+ A large, slim shark, the Silky shark has a fairly stretched, rounded snout, a relatively slanting first dorsal fin with a blunt top that is located behind the edges of the pectoral fins, a small second dorsal fin with an extremely long free rear tip.

+ In financial calculations, a number is often rounded to a given number of places.

+ There are three Mountain chainchains of low and rounded hills in the department.

+ Some ancient clay tablets found in Mesopotamia contain tables with rounded values of reciprocals and square roots in base 60.

+ If it were not for the 0.5 fractions, the roundoff errors introduced by the round to nearest method would be quite symmetric: for every fraction that gets rounded up that gets rounded down, by the same amount.

+ These small rounded starch which becomes gelatinized by heating.

+ This is roughly half again as large as an ostrich egg, and very different in shape from the more rounded ratite eggs.

+ It has a pointed snout, small rounded ears, a body-length scaly tail and a high breeding rate.

+ The first dorsal fin is very large with a rounded tip, and is just in front of the pectoral fins.

+ The problem was caused by the index being recalculated thousands of times daily, and always being rounded down to 3 decimal places, in such a way that the rounding errors accumulated.

+ They bear panicle inflorescences with rounded grass grain fruits.

+ The slightly rounded top board is usually made of “tong” wood 『桐』, the Chinese parasol tree, or Chinese paulownia.

+ In 1923 It had a rounded top that would fit through the arch.

+ The numbers given after the “FireWire”, or the “S” give the approximate speed in MBit/s, rounded up to the next 100.

+ Who likes my rounded tabs and greater line height? I’m curious to know…

+ It is possible to use rounded arithmetic to evaluate the exact value of a function with a discrete domain and range.

+ These are bony fishes with paired rounded fins.

+ To the west of the department there is a Mountain chainchains of low and rounded hills in the department, the “Cuchilla de Haedo”.

+ Secondly, it should be rounded and polished, because inside a gizzard any genuine gastrolith would grind against other stones and fibrous materials, like the action of a rock tumbler.

+ For example, in floating point arithmetic, a result is rounded to a given or fixed precision, which is the length of the resulting significand.

+ These chains of low and rounded hills are named “cuchillas” in the country.

+ Most 20th century screens also had rounded corners.

+ Inside the fruiting bodies, cells develop into rounded myxospores with thick cell walls.

+ Teams start the Relegation round with their points from the Regular season halved, rounded upwards, and no other records carried over from the Regular season.

+ It has a broad, triangular head, with short and rounded snouts.

+ The deltoid muscle is the muscle forming the rounded contour of the human shoulder.

+ They are typically very short and were originally made from nylon with contrasting binding, side slits, and rounded corners, with a waistband at the top—a style popular in the 1980s.

+ Tough, rounded scales protected the top of the skull, while four large pyramidal horns projected outwards from its rear corners.

+ It consists of low rounded granite hills, topped with bare rock.

+ Muffins are similar to cupcakes: they have round bases, rounded tops, and are usually Sweet.

+ They are slender fish, with rounded scales and forked tails.

+ Some fossil gastroliths are rounded and polished, many stones in living birds are not polished at all.

+ The conversion is rounded off to the nearest multiple of to the power of this number.

+ Use condensed, rounded values.

+ The pectoral fins are large and semifalcate with narrowly rounded or pointed tips.

+ The value for pounds is rounded to the nearest 100.

+ They have long, broad, and rounded wings.

+ This means that too many genealogical details should be removed for a better-flowing, more rounded article.

+ For example, suppose that “y” is an accurate measurement of an audio signal, which is being rounded to an integer “q” in order to reduce the storage or transmission costs.

+ The result is rounded down.

+ On May 8, 1942, the Nazis conducted an “Aktion” in which many Jews were rounded up and transported to a death camp.

+ The iPhone SE looks almost identical to the iPhone 5 and 5S, except the iPhone SE has got rounded edges and a stainless steel Apple logo on the back.

+ Curitiba has a wavy topography of smooth rounded hills, an terrain a little wavy, giving a relatively regular appearance.

+ The first four methods are called directed rounding, as the displacements from the original number “y” to the rounded value “q” are all directed towards or away from the same limiting value.

+ Contrary to typical engineering precision, where whole multiples of 10 are considered rounded to the nearest 10, this template treats the numbers 10, 20, 30 as being rounded to the nearest 1 unit, as precision 0.

+ When they fly their wings are short and rounded and have a white crescent on the feathers.

+ For example, the number 23.17 would be rounded up to 24 with probability 0.17, and down to 23 with probability 1 – 0.17 = 0.83.

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