In sentence use of “respiration”

How to use in-sentence of “respiration”:

– The ANS controls many different things, like heart rate, digestion, respiration rate, salivasalivation, pupils, the discharge of urine, and erection.

– It is capable of aerobic respiration using oxygen.

– Nudibranchs with smooth or warty backs have no visible gill mechanisms and respiration may take place directly through the skin.

– Physiological responses to variable environments: storage and respiration in starving rotifers.

– During respiration in yeast and bacteria, oxygen is not involved in the oxidation of food.

– Eukaryote aerobic respiration produces about 30 additional molecules of ATP for each glucose molecule.

– During the tadpole stage of the amphibian life cycle, most respiration breathe by means of external or internal gills.

– Hydrogen cyanide, present in Zyklon B, is a Poisonpoisonous gas that interferes with respiration in cells.

In sentence use of respiration
In sentence use of respiration

Example sentences of “respiration”:

– For respiration to happen, the body needs a constant supply of oxygen, which is done by breathing.

– If the victim is not breathing, or if a heartbeat cannot be felt, artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation could be needed to keep a person’s blood circulating long enough for medics to attempt revival.

– Finally, the carbon dioxide from cellular respiration is breathed out of body from the lungs.

– Both plant and animal cells use the process of respiration to release energy from glucose.

– The low temperature slows respiration and reduces moisture.

– It has a very low respiration and metabolic rate for an animal of its size, about two thirds that of a mouse of the same size.

– Some terrestrial species lack both lungs and gills and perform gas exchange through their skin, a process known as valerian respiration in which the capillary beds are spread throughout the epidermis, and inside the mouth.

– Aerobic cellular respiration has four stages.

– This type of respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen Here oxygen is utilised to break down the food to release high amount of energy this is called aerobic respiration.

– Fermentation is a less efficient form of respiration than oxidative respiration.

– Plants also do some respiration using oxygen the way animals do.

– The best way to do this is aerobic respiration, which frees the most energy, but living things can only do aerobic respiration if they have oxygen.

– Cells performing aerobic respiration synthesize much more ATP, but not as part of glycolysis.

– The diagram below shows how this part of respiration is an ever-repeating cycle which produces ATP and gives off CO.

– Many physiologybiological processes such as respiration depend on some inorganic molecules.

- For respiration to happen, the body needs a constant supply of oxygen, which is done by breathing.

- If the victim is not breathing, or if a heartbeat cannot be felt, artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation could be needed to keep a person's blood circulating long enough for medics to attempt revival.
- Finally, the carbon dioxide from cellular respiration is breathed out of body from the lungs.

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