In sentence use of “resource”

How to use in-sentence of “resource”:

+ The natural resource most used by the people is the rich land.

+ Their peers also benefit when the concepts they learned in general education are reinforced in resource rooms.

+ The water from the Jordan is a very important resource to the dry lands of the area.

+ The semantic web involves using Resource description Framework that has data that computers use.

+ Special education teachers in resource rooms focus on the goals set by an Individualized Education Program.

+ He also served as Minister of Human Resource Development.

In sentence use of resource
In sentence use of resource

Example sentences of “resource”:

+ Therefore, there is less benefit to the Central American squirrel monkey in associating with the white-headed capuchin in order to exploit the capuchin’s knowledge of food resource distribution.

+ The goal of the project is to create management models showing good natural resource conservation.

+ It is an economic resource for the people as it has a high price in the market, the meat of this endangered fish being a delicacy.

+ They can be called a resource DLL.

+ Iran has the natural resource of oil.

+ His works are often used as resource in the Labour Party.

+ They focus on health impacts caused by resource scarcity, specifically relating to lack of access to clean water in developing countries.

+ Natural Resource agencies are generally responsible for managing the different demands and deciding what a lake’s trophic index should be.

+ Dark Matter is a resource that can be bought with real money.

+ Higher education programs, most essential for human resource development, will be offered and managed with a very good blend of curricular and co-curricular activities.

+ Therefore, there is less benefit to the Central American squirrel monkey in associating with the white-headed capuchin in order to exploit the capuchin's knowledge of food resource distribution.

+ The goal of the project is to create management models showing good natural resource conservation.

+ Due to the population of growth and industrialization, worldwide resource competition is becoming increasingly highly, especially in India, China and Brazil.

+ This may mean different approaches to teaching, access to a resource room and use of technology.

+ The Gay International Group is a good resource for gay foreigners, tourists or expatriates.

+ Hydro-electric energy is not a natural resource because people use turbines to convert the energy from moving water.

+ It traces the historical development of the English language, and is a resource to writers and scholars.

+ They are also called the “Universal Rabbit” mainly for being great pets and show animals, although, it could also be because of their use as a resource for food and material.

+ In the past, cultural anthropologists have been a very helpful resource in bridging the gap between different countries/cultures and the epidemiological investigators.

More in-sentence examples of “resource”:

+ URI is Uniform Resource Identifier.

+ The Daughters of Bilitis lasted for 14 years, becoming an educational resource for lesbians, gay men, researchers and mental health professionals.

+ All the RIRs formed the Number Resource Organization to coordinate with each other.

+ The song “Eat Me Alive” was listed #3 on the Parents Music Resource Center’s “Filthy Fifteen” which is a list of 15 songs the organization finds most objectionable.

+ In economics, Jevons paradox is a paradox about resource usage.

+ A Resource is something that can be used for a purpose.

+ Crystal Mine is what is used to gather the resource crystal.

+ A perpetual resource has a never-ending supply.

+ A program of resource limits was also agreed on.

+ The importance of the slide rule began to diminish as electronic computers, a new but very scarce resource in the 1950s, became widely available to technical workers during the 1960s.

+ RCA has been recognized by the International Federation of Accountants as a ““sophisticated approach at the upper levels of the continuum of costing techniques”” because it provides the ability to derive costs directly from operational resource data or to isolate and measure unused capacity costs.

+ Several forces are working to the advantage of wind power in Texas: the wind resource in many areas of the state is very large, large projects are relatively easy to site, and the market price for electricity is relatively high because it is set by natural gas prices.

+ When dealing with very large whole numbers, directly finding the result can be very resource intensive.

+ She had several jobs in the field of organization and management, among other things as a human resource manager at the Social Insurance Bank.

+ Renewable resource harvesting and use typically do not produce pollution or contribute to global warming.

+ The earliest pipe organs were water organs, which were powered by the flow of water, sometimes from a natural resource or using a pump.

+ Oil for gasoline and diesel is a limited resource – it will not last forever and is becoming more expensive.

+ The state later encouraged free settlement, and today Queensland’s economy is dominated by the agricultural, tourist and natural resource sectors.

+ The “required” parameter is the ID, which is the unique code in the URL of the film on the Bollywood Hungama website that identifies the absolute Uniform Resource Identifier for a film.

+ It requires monitoring mainly because of habitat and resource loss.

+ The Resource Center for Nonviolence is an organization whose goal is to make social change without violence.

+ The gall-inhabiting behavior gives these species a resource which sets them apart from related species with similar genetics.

+ Theory and cases in school-based consultation: A resource for school psychologists, school counselors, special educators, and other mental health professionals., “New York: Routledge, 101-102.

+ This was the first experimental extraction of a natural resource from another planet for human use.

+ Health and Wellness Resource Center, 2016.

+ URI is Uniform Resource Identifier.

+ The Daughters of Bilitis lasted for 14 years, becoming an educational resource for lesbians, gay men, researchers and mental health professionals.

+ Attached Resource Computer NETwork is a communications protocol for local area networks.

+ A natural resource is what people can use which comes from the natural environment.

+ It is organised under India’s Ministry of Human Resource Development.

+ Deuterium Synthesizer is what is used to gather the resource deuterium.

+ This observation follows the concept of resource competition and fitness maximization.

+ China has said that resource depletion and environmental concerns are the reasons for increased nationwide control of its rare earth mineral production.

+ According to the “Global Resource Information Database” of the United Nations Environment Programme.

+ It should be noted that of the four countries, Brazil remains the only nation that has the capacity to continue all elements, meaning manufacturing, services, and resource supplying simultaneously.

+ Saxby Chambliss.” Biography Resource Center Online.

+ Prior to that, she functioned as English Language Teacher at British Council Language Resource Center and as Lecturer, English Language, Institute of Modern Languages, Dhaka University.

+ Chaitali Das obtained a degree in “Human Resource Management” from University of Cambridge.

+ The designer may aim to design a living environment that will create a productive system that provides a sustainable food and resource supply that will enhance your lifestyle and that of the surrounding environment.

+ Petroleum resource is limited and non-renewable.

+ Soil science deals with soil as a natural resource on the surface of the earth.

+ Reducing the number will increase the template speed and reduce resource use.

+ Some versions of conflict theory focus on the role of resource scarcity in sparking or propagating human conflicts – in effect holding that the resources or ecosystems they fight over are being held so valuable that they are worth considerable risk of harm to control.

+ Existing technology also does not yet allow recovery of heat directly from magma, the very deep and most powerful resource of geothermal energy.

+ For 15 years, Wikimedians have worked together to build the largest free knowledge resource in human history.

+ They also provide Resource Description FrameworkRDF/XML metadata.

+ John Howard “Jack” Gibbons was an AmericansAmerican scientist, nuclear physicist, and internationally recognized expert in technologies for energy efficiency and energy resource conservation.

+ Then, do kindly return the page to it’s previous revision, desist from locking the page, and free this vital intellectual resource back up to the arena of ideas.

+ While audiobooks can be used by anyone, they serve as a main resource for people who are blind or cannot see well.

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