In sentence use of “racist”

How to use in-sentence of “racist”:

+ He says that he is not racist and that “the modern definition of a ‘racist’ is someone who’s winning an argument with a liberal”.

+ To implement the racist ideas, in 1935 the Nuremberg Race Laws banned non-Aryans and political opponents of the Nazis from the civil-service.

+ He is known for being racist towards Chinese people.

+ Baron Cohen, who is himself Jewish, has explained his character’s racism by stating that the segments show how people are sometimes racist because others around them are too and that it is important to stand up against racism.

+ He often discusses racist and antisemitic conspiracy theories.

+ The group originated gangsta rap and had lyrics unique to gangsta rap that were very explicit, violent, misogynymisogynist, sexist, and racist which made them controversial.

In sentence use of racist
In sentence use of racist

Example sentences of “racist”:

+ In 2009, he was sentenced to three years for making a video with racist content.

+ This remark reveals that Leavelle was a racist who was not really concerned about who killed President Kennedy.

+ He played a racist skinhead in the movie “Higher Learning”.

+ According to its statement of principles, the program stands for “The Dispossessed Majority”, represents “a philosophy that is pro-White”, and is “against political centralization.” It has attracted criticism from “The Nation”, “The New Republic”, the Stephen Roth Institute, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Anti-Defamation League for promoting anti-Jewish and racist views.

+ Not only is this a racist view, but we know today that it is not true.

+ The fans chant racist things towards Arabs.

+ Recently, the character has become controversial with many saying it was racist towards people of African descent.

+ Anti-Turkism or Turkophobia is a term of being fearful, racist and discriminative against the Turkish people or Turkic countries.

+ Generally racist attitudes in the country have been most onerously applied to Native Americans, African Americans and some “foreign-seeming” action against Mexican immigrants among others.

+ Many Native Americans say this a bad word because people have used it in racist and woman-hating ways.

+ In 2009, he was sentenced to three years for making a video with racist content.

+ This remark reveals that Leavelle was a racist who was not really concerned about who killed President Kennedy.
+ He played a racist skinhead in the movie "Higher Learning".

More in-sentence examples of “racist”:

+ Her first novel is the story of a girl ruined by a racist society and its violence and she had son named slade who she wrote this book with dreaming emmett.

+ An IP has made a racist and obscene edit at Black people:.

+ He also dubs the so-called Guitar Guy “You racist bastard”! for warming up with typical Arab chords.

+ He published the racist newspaper “Der Stürmer”.

+ He was one of the major developers of the racist theories of the Nazis.

+ Some people have accused Disney of being racist and antisemitic.

+ Police officers and racist whites attacked the marchers with Club clubs and tear gas.

+ A notable primitivist, Derrick Jensen, rejects the term “primitivism” believing that it is racist way to describe Indigenous Peoples.

+ In the autumn of 2013, Tesak was indicted again for releasing new videos featuring racist remarks.

+ Due to the use of racist words, modern versions for children usually use “soldier boys” or “teddy bears” as objects in the rhyme.

+ Between the 1870s, and the end of the Second World War, these concepts were sometimes used to justify racist ideologies.

+ In September 1995, Klippan became famous for a racist murder.

+ Any form of utterance of racist or homophobic comments are also criminal offenses in most of the EU; the UK certainly.

+ Blanton was the son of Thomas Edwin “Pops” Blanton Sr., who was a known racist in the Birmingham, Alabama area, and his wife.

+ Clifford Joseph Trahan, better known as Johnny Rebel or Pee Wee Trahan, is an AmericansAmerican country music singer-songwriter who is known for writing and performing racist songs under the name, Johnny Rebel.

+ Some of these international protesters said they wanted to support George Floyd but also notice the racist actions by police in their own countries.

+ I have made an enemy over there, for removing racist abuse and hate speech, and I’ve just had someone ask me if I’m still working there.

+ I’d like to get some discussion going about implementing a zero tolerance policy regarding users who make edits to seWP that contain homophobic, racist or other similar language or attitudes in articles or towards other users.

+ These racist laws became known as Jim Crow laws.

+ Once on Columbus Day, the Daily Wire released a cartoon about Christopher Columbus and the Native Americans which relied on racist imagery.

+ Starcevic’s writings reveal an attitude similar to that of the contemporary Croatian nationalists: Frankovci at the beginning of the twentieth century and Ustashas in the 1930s.” This racist work was reprinted in 1990.

+ Jackson plays an Carl Lee Hailey whose ten-year-old daughter Tonya is raped by two white racist men in Mississippi.

+ Sometimes police or racist white people would attack them, but the activists never fought back.

+ It was mainly used in connection with Criminal trialtrials for racist background.

+ On June 21, 2013, The Food Network announced they would not renew her contract because Deen used racist slurs.

+ Her first novel is the story of a girl ruined by a racist society and its violence and she had son named slade who she wrote this book with dreaming emmett.

+ An IP has made a racist and obscene edit at Black people:.
+ He also dubs the so-called Guitar Guy "You racist bastard"! for warming up with typical Arab chords.

+ He has been criticized for calling Barack Obama a racist and for talking about conspiracy theories.

+ Fuhrman was known to have used a racist slurs toward African Americans during the early 1980s.

+ Article should be protected to protected mode, because some IP addresses were writing about him to be racist president, US ever had.

+ Da bi bio što uvjerljiviji, nadbiskup Stepinac je čitav niz ustaških zločina pripisao naprosto partizanima, a zločince svećenike nastojao da odbrani od optužbi koje su doprle do samog Vatikana.” and was responsible for the racist attitude and behavior of his clergy.

+ French also complained about people saying that Shapiro was racist on the grounds that people who hated Shapiro took things that he had said and apologised for to prove that he was racist when actually reading or watching Shapiro’s books and videos would make it clear that he wasn’t.

+ He was officially accused for making racist material and disrespect of minorities and females.

+ She liked Europe because people were less racist to her there than in the United States.

+ He often let the police, Ku Klux Klan, and racist white people attack civil rights activists.

+ The Proud Boys say that they are not racist and say they do not like white supremacy, racism, violence or fascism, however they do have many people and factions within their organization that do support Fascism along with other ideologies.

+ This meant that they could vote in black politicians, and vote out racist whites.

+ People said that she was racist towards her Indian housemate Shilpa Shetty.

+ It was his favourite opera, and the idea of praising German art and song fitted in nicely with his racist views.

+ That same year, he started the racist newspaper “Der Stürmer”.

+ It has gotten some criticism for the portrayal of the Siamese Siamese cats, who are thought to be racist stereotypes of Asian people.

+ It was Colonizationcolonized by the French in the racist slavery there as they spread it all around the world.

+ In 1990, members of the Ku Klux Klan in Missouri played racist versions of Rogers’s songs and this caused Rogers to file a lawsuit against the White supremacy group.

+ He believes that this, along with other anti-racist policies, is why London has seen a 35% decrease in racist attacks.

+ Ghastly murders of whites by blacks would be met with retaliation and a split between racist and non-racist whites would yield whites’ self-annihilation.

+ They are thought to be racist by a lot of people.

+ The University of Nottingham found that British people became more racist after the riots.

+ They experienced racist discrimination and attacks.

+ His opponent was George Mahoney, who ran on a racist and pro segregationist platform.

+ The civil rights movement tried to liberate persons of African origin from racist white supremacist rule in South Africa and the southern USA.

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