In sentence use of “programmed”

How to use in-sentence of “programmed”:

– There is extensive experience that both methods worked well, and so did programmed learning in other forms, such as books.

– Arduinos are programmed in C C or C++, using a program also called Arduino.

– A website programmed with PHP can have pages that are password protected.

– Whenever they are directly programmed into memory, they are only ever guaranteed to work on the computer they were designed for.

– Out-of-order execution allows that ready instruction to be processed while an older instruction waits on the cache, then re-orders the results to make it appear that everything happened in the programmed order.

– He is best known for the research he did on the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans and he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2002 for “discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death”.

– They could be programmed to work at five times the speed of the Mark 1.

In sentence use of programmed
In sentence use of programmed

Example sentences of “programmed”:

– Of the moons found by the “Voyager2” imaging team, only Puck was found early enough that the probe could be programmed to take pictures of it in some detail.

– The programmed text of Skinner’s theory of behaviorism is the most complete example of his ideas in action.

– The logic of PLC is programmed so that user can create a highly dedicated PLC working system for their intended purpose.

– The result is a bitfile that can be programmed into the FPGA or the configuration memory.

– The process of telomere shortening leads to apoptosis, the technical name given to programmed cell death.

– Then it gradually loses its tail by programmed cell death.

– Faster reactions would have to be programmed to be carried out automatically.

– When it is run, it ‘executes’ the actions it was programmed to.

– If you have programmed or used Lua before, you may like to skip the next subsection.

– They also programmed him to obey certain commands without him knowing it.

- Of the moons found by the "Voyager2" imaging team, only Puck was found early enough that the probe could be programmed to take pictures of it in some detail.

- The programmed text of Skinner's theory of behaviorism is the most complete example of his ideas in action.

– Much better known was the other style of programmed learning, as proposed by the behaviourist B.F.

– The phenomenon of programmed cell death was first described by Carl Vogt in 1842.

– Printers are programmed using a programming language.

– It is studied as an example of cell communication, Cellular differentiationdifferentiation, and programmed cell death.

– Survey of programmed learning.

– Some screens have creatures from the Oddworld universe which are programmed to kill Abe.

– The changing concept of programmed material criteria for categorisation.

– The basic difference to modern NC is that these cams only automated one given task; modern NC and CNC machines can be programmed to a greater extent.

More in-sentence examples of “programmed”:

– Neurons stopping here may then be programmed for further migration to specific layers in the cortical plate.

– The transistor can be programmed to either connect a signal or not, thereby giving the FPGA the ability to very specifically connect logic elements together.

– If they are programmed with AJAX, they seem to react faster.

– A printer that supports PCL6 can also be programmed using PCL3, for example.

– It is actually a separate symbol that has been drawn by the creator, and is programmed to appear when two letters are put next to each other.

– For example, if the output of one logic elements will feed the input of another, the pass transistor can be programmed to connect these two wires together and match the specified logic.

– It was programmed in C, which was originally used in Allegro library, and it compared to 5 versions: DOS MUGEN, Winmugen, Linux Mugen, Mugen 1.0 and Mugen 1.1 as the latest release.

– Most of the orbiter was designed and built by NASA, although ASI built and programmed some parts that talked to the Huygens probe.

– A newly bought Furby starts out speaking entirely Furbish, the unique language with short words, simple syllables, and various other sounds, that all Furbies use, but are programmed to speak less Furbish as they learn more English as they “grow”.

– He is best known for his work of finding and naming the Programmed Cell Death Protein 1.

– Most normal cells undergo a programmed form of death.

– When the cells become displaced, often by a boring parasite or damage to the outer shell, they continue to do what they are programmed to do — produce nacre and form a pearl.

– The game was programmed by Tony Warriner and Joost Peters.

– SoCs can be made as a special-order application-specific integrated circuit which is programmed by the people building the embedded system.

– The block is programmed by 4Kids Entertainment.

– DOCTOR might say, for example, responding to “My head hurts”, “Why do you say your head hurts?” The response to “My mother hates me” might be “Who else in your family hates you?” ELIZA was programmed using simple pattern matching techniques, but was taken seriously by several of its users, even after Weizenbaum explained to them how it worked.

– For example, the Texas Instruments TI-92, by factory default can be programmed with a command script language.

– It was produced, designed and programmed by Keith Sheperd and Natalia Luckyanova.

– Functionally, EDVAC was a binary serial computer with automatic addition, subtraction, multiplication, programmed division and automatic checking with a capacity of 1,000 44-bit words.

– Sometimes they are programmed to a particular target.

– The game is programmed in C++.

– These cells are genetically programmed to produce nacre, the substance that lines the inner sides of an oyster’s shell.

– In public places, certain buses have been programmed to travel a given route.

– The ideas of teaching machines and programmed learning provided the basis for later ideas such as open learning and computer-assisted instruction.

– It is programmed in JavaScript and XUL.

- Neurons stopping here may then be programmed for further migration to specific layers in the cortical plate.

- The transistor can be programmed to either connect a signal or not, thereby giving the FPGA the ability to very specifically connect logic elements together.
- If they are programmed with AJAX, they seem to react faster.

– Some of them are programmed to be a target, to be shot at.

– There were no problems during warm-ups, but the man operating the bull during the video shoot programmed it to go faster, causing Knowles to fall off when she tried to perform tricks such as lifting up her foot, leaning back and turning around.

– There are currently some issues with “non-existent” charts that were not programmed into the template, which I will add over the next few days.

– Other kinds of rounding had to be programmed explicitly; for example, rounding a positive number to the nearest integer could be implemented by adding 0.5 and truncating.

– Includes reprints of his earlier papers on programmed learning.

– Lumsdaine saw the potential of teaching machines and programmed instruction and helped their development.

– Includes reprints of all his papers on programmed learning.

– A LUT can be programmed to output any value given input values.

– The sounders can be programmed to sound different tones.

– Sulston “for their discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death’.” The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2002.

– Programmable Read-Only Memory that can be programmed directly by the user using a special PROM programmer.

– When computer scientists first built programmable machines, they programmed them directly in machine code, which is a series of numbers that instructed the computer what to do.

– A number of reviews credit Pressey with being the founder of programmed learning and teaching machines, long before the better known efforts of B.F.

– It uses a method called programmed learning.

– Well, maybe if it’s programmed to go to a website which has the population, but I think it would be difficult, if not impossible, to interact with non-Wikimedia websites.

– They also programmed the 4Kids TV on Fox until December 2008.

– But if the decision to produce a certain color for each of the doors opened is programmed into both boxes, then there is a 55% or greater chance of getting a match.

– In this way, a LUT can be programmed to be any type of logic with the same number of inputs and outputs.

– If so much research had already been done on learning from films, what exactly did programmed learning add? The short answer is “stimulus control”, by which is broadly meant the teaching material itself.

– If someone is asked to keep saying “heads” or “tails” at random, a smart human observer or properly programmed computer might eventually be able to tell which one the person is likely to say next because the computer notices the patterns.

– Includes reprints of his papers on programmed learning.

– The two programmed various computer games including “Slaves to Armok: God of Blood”, a role-playing game focused around killing goblins.

– Using a programmable mux, the FPGA can be programmed to choose the registered or non-registered output.

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