In sentence use of “prestige”

How to use in-sentence of “prestige”:

– In November 2012 a Plaxton Prestige bodied DAF SB220 caught fire in Blue Bell Hill village, there were no one on the bus except the driver.

– Kogan has been a participant of world festivals of high prestige such as the Corinthian Summer Festival, and music festivals in Athens, Vilnius, Shanghai, Ogden and Helsinki.

– In medieval times Bihar lost its prestige as the political and cultural center of India.

– Sega’s prestige among gamers was at the time heavily damaged because of the lack of good management/marketing back from the Sega Saturn, this also affected certain game developers such as Electronic Arts refusing to develop for the system because of the risk of the Dreamcast becoming just like the Sega Saturn, not selling well.

– Using this classification, Cantonese is the prestige dialect of Yue.

– Perhaps French editors can give us more insight to the prestige of the supposed award.

– He also owns 50 hotels in Asia, the US, UK, and Australia, including Plaza Athénée in Manhattan and The Okura Prestige Bangkok.

In sentence use of prestige
In sentence use of prestige

Example sentences of “prestige”:

– Britannia stripped Japan of its prestige and renamed it Area 11.

– The allies eventually defeated Japan and took back their colonies, but Britain’s prestige in Asia was damaged.

– The growth in prestige of Early Scots in the 14th century and the decline of French in Scotland made Scots the prestige dialect in most of eastern Scotland.

– However, this definition of egalitarian should not be taken to mean that there is equality in prestige and the decision-making process among band members.

– Rus raised the prestige of Eastern Slavs in Europe, improved the international significance of Kyiv.

– The first time it is done, the player will be on Prestige 1, and so on.

– The World Snooker Championship is the leading snooker event both in terms of prestige and prize money.

– Unlike other independent studios such as Orion Pictures, Carolco Pictures, or Cannon Films, New Line Cinema has grown and prospered to become one of Hollywood’s major movie studios, culminating in the hit “Lord of the Rings” movie trilogy that brought prestige to the studio.

– With the loss of the language’s prestige and status, most Lubanas now speak other forms of Punjabi as their primary language.

– The prestige and military capabilities of the Việt Minh Front are growing in the people.

– A man’s social status, prestige and wealth were demonstrated by the number of slaves he owned.

- Britannia stripped Japan of its prestige and renamed it Area 11.

- The allies eventually defeated Japan and took back their colonies, but Britain's prestige in Asia was damaged.

– Teaching and Lecturelecturing is only part of the job of a prestige of that university.

– He enjoyed the prestige among his family, as he often refers to the public and private to seek advice and receive the method, but her mother is Khadija Lala.

– Notable items in the collection include 151 leaves of the “Codex Suprasliensis”, which was included in UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme Register in 2007 because of its popularity, meaning and prestige in Poland and other countries.

– Hinault also won the season-long “Super Prestige Pernod International” competition four times from 1979 to 1982, the same as Jacques Anquetil’s total.

– Chang Tzu thought that men should distance themselves from the traditional prestige and honor of worldly life.

– In some adjacent areas of Anatolia it was spoken as a prestige language.

– It brought international fame and prestige to the establishment.

– Warriors won prestige by acts of courage in the face of the enemy.

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