In sentence use of “predicate”

How to use in-sentence of “predicate”:

+ In predicate logic it is the mathematics of calculating the path of the ball that determines your action.

+ A sorites is a form of argument in which a series of incomplete syllogisms is so arranged that the predicate of each premise forms the subject of the next until the subject of the first is joined with the predicate of the last in the conclusion.

+ In informal logic, a term can also refer to the subject or predicate of a statement.

+ The subject NP is shown in green, and the predicate VP in blue.

+ It has also recently become popular in formal logic under predicate abstraction.

In sentence use of predicate
In sentence use of predicate

Example sentences of “predicate”:

+ A quantifier is used in conjunction with a variable in order to talk about a general instance of x, and in doing so, this allows predicate logic to make statements about quantity.

+ Since a predicate is a way of describing something that is true, another way to say this is that if one thing that is true about a variable is not true about the other variable, then they are not "equal" as far as mathematical logic is concerned: two things are only equal if anything that is true about one has to be true about the other.
+ In the notation of predicate logic, quantifiers directly precede variable names, which are then followed by other quantifiers or mathematical expressions, where the said variables are found.

+ A quantifier is used in conjunction with a variable in order to talk about a general instance of x, and in doing so, this allows predicate logic to make statements about quantity.

+ Since a predicate is a way of describing something that is true, another way to say this is that if one thing that is true about a variable is not true about the other variable, then they are not “equal” as far as mathematical logic is concerned: two things are only equal if anything that is true about one has to be true about the other.

+ In the notation of predicate logic, quantifiers directly precede variable names, which are then followed by other quantifiers or mathematical expressions, where the said variables are found.

+ In Aristotelian logic, a proposition is a specific kind of sentence that confirms or denies an action or predicate took place through a subject.

+ Two basic kinds of quantifiers used in predicate logic are universal and existential quantifiers.

+ One of these is predicate logic, which defines logical predicates, and looks at how they can be applied to arguments.

+ First-order predicate logic uses rules of inference to deal with logical quantifiers.

+ A “table” in an SQL database schema corresponds to a predicate variable; the contents of a table to a relation; key constraints, other constraints, and SQL queries correspond to predicates.

+ It is an unusual language because it is based on predicate logic, and because it is made to have no syntaxsyntactic ambiguity.

+ In logic and philosophy, predicate logic is a system of mathematical logic.

+ Heterogeneous “n-ary” relations are used in the semantics of predicate calculus, and in relational databases.

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