In sentence use of “parasite”

How to use in-sentence of “parasite”:

– The heterozygote is resistant to the malarial parasite which kills a large number of people each year.

– Anthropophilic” is a parasite who will desire a human more than an animal.

– As the host evolves defences, so the parasite evolves to cope with this.

– Loss of blood by injury or parasite infection may be more serious.

– The crab louse or pubic louse is an insect, which is a parasite on humans.

– People catch malaria when the parasite enters the blood.

– The parasite that causes malaria is a protozoan called ‘Plasmodium’.

– In some cases, the parasite has the ability to make the begging cheeps of the host species.

In sentence use of parasite
In sentence use of parasite

Example sentences of “parasite”:

– Certain caterpillars eat plants that are toxic to both themselves and the parasite to cure themselves.

– The fish is able to use the parasite just like a normal tongue.

– The bacteria that cause tuberculosis or syphilis can also cause hepatitis; so can the parasite that causes malaria.

– The parasite then replaces the fish’s tongue by attaching its own body to the muscles of the tongue stub.

– If African trypanosomiasis is not treated at this point, the parasite will also get into the circulatory system and defeat the body’s natural defenses.

– It is one of the world’s most common parasitic microbes and is possibly the most common reproductive parasite in the biosphere.

– There are other kinds of organisms, the protistother eukaryotes – such as the malaria parasite – that also engage in sexual reproduction.

– The sickle-cell variant survives in the population “because the heterozygote is resistant to malaria” and the malarial parasite kills a huge number of people each year.

– The small bumps on the infected cell show how the parasite remodels its host cell.

– However, another idea is that the “Xenoturbella” larval stage develops as an internal parasite of certain molluscs.

– The protozoan “Trichomonas gallinae” is a cosmopolitan parasite found in birds.

- Certain caterpillars eat plants that are toxic to both themselves and the parasite to cure themselves.

- The fish is able to use the parasite just like a normal tongue.

More in-sentence examples of “parasite”:

– Infection with the introduced parasite “Spirometra erinaceieuropaei” is fatal for the Echidna.

– The parasite causes a deadly infection which kills many people each year.

– A parasite in wolf’s clothing: hawk mimicry reduces mobbing of cuckoos by hosts.

– Another good example is malaria, in which there are three ‘partners’: the mosquito, the parasite “Plasmodium”, and a land vertebrate, such as a mammal or bird.

– Some of the bugs carry the Chagas disease parasite “Trypanosoma cruzi”.

– The parasite can withstand the counter-attack by the immune system.

– The parasite “Angiostrongylus cantonensis”, or rat lungworm, can live in this frog.

– They secrete enzymes that allow the parasite to enter other cells.

– The removal of the parasite from the patient’s body did not involve purging, bloodletting, or any other traditional treatments associated with the four humors., “Hutchinson Encyclopedia”.

– Malaria is produced by 4 species of the protozoal parasite Plasmodium, is endemic in many tropical countries.

– The parasite was named in 1903 after the Scottish pathologist William Boog Leishman.

– A hyperparasite is a parasite which is parasitic on another parasite.

– Crustacea range in size from a parasite 0.1mm long, to the Japanese spider crab with a leg span of up to 14ft.

– The two British oaks support some 439 species of parasite directly, and indirectly many hundred more which parasitise these parasites.

– The “Trichomonas gallinae”, a parasite which lives in the mouth, is especially severe.

– The parasite moves by a fish carrying it, other animals, or even humans.

– The “Trichomonas vaginalis” parasite can only live in the human genital tract.

– When the cells become displaced, often by a boring parasite or damage to the outer shell, they continue to do what they are programmed to do — produce nacre and form a pearl.

– This parasite enters fish through the gills, and then attaches itself.

– It is a Trypanosomatid parasite in the Euglenozoa phylum.

– The name of the tree is because its fruit, the conker, was used to treat horses, against cough and some parasite worms.

– This phase begins when the parasite invades the central nervous system by passing through the blood–brain barrier.

– Amoebiasis, also known as amebiasis or entamoebiasis, The infection is normally got when someone drinks water with the parasite in it.

– Obviously, the large size of these trees is a factor in the number of parasite species.

– Eggs of the parasite may be found in urine or stool.

– The parasite eats small parts of tissue or nutrients from the host, but usually does not kill it.

– If many related species of host are available, then many related species of parasite will evolve.

– An internal parasite is a good example: it has a very simple bodily structure, but still the organism is highly adapted to its particular environment.

– Some of these parasite insects can spread diseases, such as mosquitoes spreading malaria.

– The parasite causes three kinds of disease.

– For example, in ” Miles Gloriosus”, the titular “braggart soldier” Pyrgopolynices only shows his vain and immodest side in the first act, while the parasite Artotrogus exaggerates Pyrgopolynices’ achievements.

– There are several species of mosquito, and several species of the malarial parasite “Plasmodium”.

– The nematode worm parasite “Cosmocerca parva” can infect this frog.

– While the bird sometimes shows no ill effects, the parasite often causes a yellowish growth in the mouth and throat.

– This is because the insects are resistant to many insecticides, and the “Plasmodium” parasite is highly resistant to quinine and most other common drugs.

– After a few days, the parasite turns into a trophozoite, a jelly-like substance.

– The disease starts when the parasite digs into the skin of the fish.

– In addition to the mammal, the parasite needs an insect that spreads the parasite through its sting.

– It is a parasite in the eye of a hippopotamus.

– The parasite can only Sexual reproductionsexually reproduce in the cat family.

– In some cases, the parasite lives in a person’s large intestine and does not cause any symptoms.

– The heterozygote has a permanent advantage so long as malaria exists; and it has existed as a human parasite for a long time.

– A similar parasite in falcons is called “frounce”.

– What makes them an obligate parasite is that if they are not able to penetrate the fish’s skin they will die, so to survive, they need to get into the fish.

– This is the only known case of a parasite replacing the function of a host organ.

– It is caused by a parasite called “Trichomonas vaginalis”, which is a protozoa made of just one cell.

– Malaria infections are not caused by bacteria: they are caused by a protozoan parasite injected into the blood by a mosquito.

– It appears that the parasite does not cause any other damage to the host fish.

- Infection with the introduced parasite "Spirometra erinaceieuropaei" is fatal for the Echidna.

- The parasite causes a deadly infection which kills many people each year.

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