In sentence use of “medium”

How to use in-sentence of “medium”:

– He was very unpopular because thousands of Americans died in the Korean War; there was a medium amount of corruption in his government; and people were accusing many of Truman’s employees of being communists.

– Most countries are growing at a medium speed; however, many smaller countries exceed 7% and grow exceptionally faster than their neighbors.

– Different types of medium include air and water.

– Larger species search on the ground, medium sized species search on larger branches, and the smallest species on the ends of branches.

– Henry Cleere, ‘The World Heritage Convention As a Medium for Promoting the Industrial Heritage’, “IA.

– Long-tailed tits are a group of small birds with medium to long tails.

– Behind the Clues: 10 Years of Blue medium = Documentary publisher = Nickelodeon date = 27 July 2006}} Beginning in September 2000, Burns trained Patton to take over the host spot and advised him not to “think of as children’s TV”, but rather as “acting and telling the truth”.

In sentence use of medium
In sentence use of medium

Example sentences of “medium”:

– However, medium mortars are usually fired from prepared, well fortified positions.

– It is commonly used in medium format photographymedium and large format photography.

– Dalmatians are medium sized dogs, and they are very active and lively.

– They usually have clear water with beds of submerged aquatic plants and medium levels of nutrients.

– The Gruiform Adaptive radiationradiation in the Palaeocene and Eocene produced a large variety of medium to large-sized birds.

– The ratites are a group of medium to large birds, most of which are flightless.

– It is home to a famous Brazilian medium and “psychic surgeon” — João de Deus.

– Nesomyids are small to medium rodents, and the largest is the size of a rat.

– Only the energy propagates; the oscillating material does not move far from its initial equilibrium position; the wave travels by jumping from one particle of the transmission medium to another.

– It follows that the teaching must be done via some kind of medium or a collection of media.

– Blood Elves are of medium height and very thin, ranging in color from brown to pink to white.

- However, medium mortars are usually fired from prepared, well fortified positions.

- It is commonly used in medium format photographymedium and large format photography.
- Dalmatians are medium sized dogs, and they are very active and lively.

– Old World monkeys are medium to large in size, and range from arboreal forms, such as the Colobus, to fully terrestrial forms, such as the baboons.

– It is a relative cavity in the interstellar medium of the Orion Arm in the Milky Way.

– MBTs started replacing medium tanks when guns on medium tanks became powerful enough to win against heavy tanks.

– The heliosphere is a bubble in outer spacespace “blown” into the interstellar medium by the solar wind.

– It can be grown in aerobic or anaerobic conditions in a medium with essential nutrients, including carbon and nitrogen sources.

– All the driver had to do was select low, medium or full speed.

– He was best known for his use of the medium of lightpainting.

– Further, the rural schools use the mother tongue as medium of instruction, not resorting to English in any way.

More in-sentence examples of “medium”:

– So-called V-Cinema has more respect from the public, and affection from movie directors for the greater creative freedoms the medium allows.

– The also provided a live stream without commentary via the peer to peer medium Octoshape.

– The native plants are small medium and tall trees; shrubs of varying sizes; climbers; native herbs/forbs, grasses; rushes, sedges and aquatics; lilies, ferns and orchids.

– This was when the radio spectrum was considered to consist of long, medium and short wavelengths.

– The color persian green is a medium dark shade of cyan.

– The heavier elements were released into the interstellar medium when the star exploded as a supernovae.

– A Munchkin cat is a type of cat breed that is a medium sized cat weighing 4 to 9 lbs.

– Any medium that can have a wave has a wave impedance, even empty space has an impedance of about 377.

– Between the stars is a diffuse interstellar medium of gas that has been chemically enriched by elements emitted from evolved stars.

– McLuhan is known for coining the expressions “the medium is the message” and the “global village”.

– Therefore, if light hits a medium on the right having a greater refractive index, it will bend right.

– The dry months of the year are December and January with a medium precipitation of 58mm.

– All electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light in a vacuum but they travel at slower speeds when they travel through a medium that is not a vacuum.

– I call it Article Project Partners and it is intended to act as a focusing medium that gives ideas of articles to work on, but does so by encouraging people to partner up with a buddy.

– Like DAT, it is a data medium rather than a way of recording vibrations directly.

– Adults of both sexes are medium to large birds.

– The European ethnic groupEuropeans gave the population the predominance of white skin color, gave to the landscape marks of their original countries and introduced the system of medium and small farms.

– Finally, plants grown by this method can be transferred to soil or another growing medium without suffering from a slowing of growth while they adjust to the new conditions.

– Content delivery describes the delivery of media media content such as audio, video, computer software and video games over a delivery medium such as broadcasting or the Internet.

– They are medium to large sized birds, carnivores and scavengers.

– The apple is noted for its particularly small to medium size ca.

– A medium pace bowler bowls more slowly.

– The bombing in the morning of February 15, 1944 involved 142 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortresses heavy bombers followed by 47 North American B-25 Mitchell and 40 Martin B-26 Marauder medium bombers.

– First proposed as a LRT line when originally announced in 2001, the Jurong Region Line is now going to be a medium capacity line.

- So-called V-Cinema has more respect from the public, and affection from movie directors for the greater creative freedoms the medium allows.

- The also provided a live stream without commentary via the peer to peer medium Octoshape.
- The native plants are small medium and tall trees; shrubs of varying sizes; climbers; native herbs/forbs, grasses; rushes, sedges and aquatics; lilies, ferns and orchids.

– Most migrants move short or medium distances.

– The point where the solar wind slows down is the termination shock; the point where the interstellar medium and solar wind pressures balance is called the heliopause; the point where the interstellar medium, travelling in the opposite direction, slows down as it collides with the heliosphere is the bow shock.

– A transmission medium is something that can transmit energy.

– It provides various deposit and loan products to small and medium enterprises, craftspeople, franchisees, and franchisers; savings collection and management, credit, payment, and wealth management services; and real estate financing and corporate banking services.

– It has medium hills with an altitude of 400 to 500 meters.

– Italy during the first years of WWII had only small and medium tanks, that were no match for the Allies tanks.

– The upper side of the body is medium to dark gray.

– Starting his academic career in a Gujarati medium school, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel later shifted to an English medium school.

– The four main sizes from largest to smallest are Standard, Miniature, Medium and Toy.

– The great crested grebe is a medium sized bird.

– The pipits are a cosmopolitan genus “Anthus”, of small passerine birds with medium to long tails.

– In fluid dynamics, gravity waves are waves generated in a fluid medium or at the interface between two mediums.

– The 35.7-kilometre Circle MRT Line is Singapore’s fourth Mass Rapid Transit line, and the first medium capacity line.

– Sound waves need a physical medium in order to exist; the Slinky waves need the Slinky, and the waves in the ocean need the water.

– The most common formats of roll film are the format 120, and the format 220, which are both used in medium format cameras.

– The lifting medium is either wire rope, wrapped around a drum, or load-chain, raised by a gear-like wheel.

– The spectacled caiman, or the common caiman, is a medium sized crocodilian species that lives in the wetland areas of South America.

– One hundred and one of the class were built between 1961 and 1964 when it became apparent that there was a requirement for a medium power diesel-hydraulic design for both secondary passenger work and freight duties.

– The medium does not accept adverts and financial support from the Nigerian government.

– Most of the businesses are small to medium sized, but some worldwide companies are established in Lenzburg, for example the global Asea Brown Boveri.

– You have High, Medium and Low attacks, where Medium Low High Medium.

– Some may have a medium range, called mezzo-soprano, suitable for parts like Carmen in Georges BizetBizet’s opera “Carmen”.

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