In sentence use of “mathematical”

How to use in-sentence of “mathematical”:

+ The neuron does this by applying a simple mathematical operation to the input – it adds whatever values it has been given together, and then adds its own hidden value, which is called a ‘bias’.

+ Decision problems typically appear in mathematical questions of decidability, that is, the question of the existence of an effective method to determine the existence of some object or its membership in a set; some of the most important problems in mathematics are undecidable.

+ Knowing that there were many errors in the calculation of mathematical tables, Babbage wanted to find a way to calculate them mechanically, removing errors made by humans.

+ There he developed a mathematical theory for the polymerization of compounds with more than two functional groups.

+ International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 41, 1061-1071.

+ William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, Encyclopædia Britannica Mathematical physicsmathematical physicist and engineer.

In sentence use of mathematical
In sentence use of mathematical

Example sentences of “mathematical”:

+ Other less central research areas include the mathematical description of bulk chemistry in various phases.

+ Sigma notation is a mathematical notation to write long sums in a short way.

+ During his childhood, Ampere’s father taught him Latin, until he found out that his son was talented in mathematical studies.

+ In a tour de force of mathematical physics, he obtained the exact solution for the two dimensional Ising model in zero field in 1944.

+ Their logic is called first-order logic, symbolic logic or mathematical logic.

+ Other mathematical ways, particularly Erwin Schrödinger’s equation using a wave function, are mathematically equivalent but are easier to use for other purposes.

+ The phrases “Q.E.D.” was often used at the end of mathematical or philosophical proofs.

+ The planet was the first to be discovered by mathematical calculations instead of using a telescope.

+ He was the first person to describe in mathematical terms how three planets in orbit affect each others paths as they pass near by one another.

+ Metallurgists use mathematical equations to determine what are the most important physical features of the metal.

+ Other less central research areas include the mathematical description of bulk chemistry in various phases.

+ Sigma notation is a mathematical notation to write long sums in a short way.
+ During his childhood, Ampere's father taught him Latin, until he found out that his son was talented in mathematical studies.

+ It is a rating based on a mathematical formula based on the car’s width and center of gravity.

+ Respondents to a “Physics World” poll called the identity “the most profound mathematical statement ever written”, “uncanny and sublime”, “filled with cosmic beauty” and “mind-blowing”.

+ There is no function that can meet this criterion, except if integraton is taken as a “function” in the mathematical sense.

+ SATySFi is an open source computer program used for making articles, reports and mathematical formulas.

+ He was best known for developing mathematical tools of classical mechanics and thermodynamics.

+ Sentences such as “the mouldy cheese is escaping” or “I like pie and spam” might be described as “random”, although this is not the proper dictionary or mathematical meaning of the word.

+ Jan Swammerdam observed the common mathematical characteristics of a wide range of shells from “Helix Helix” to “shells.

+ A mathematical equation is an expression containing two mathematical objects connected by an equals sign.

More in-sentence examples of “mathematical”:

+ In applied mathematics, a branch of mathematics, mathematical physics refers to the knowledge made up of equations and ideas which scientists look to for assistance in modeling, describing, or solving problems in physics or related areas.

+ A projection is usually calculated using complex mathematical equations.

+ Many mathematical theorems can be reduced to simpler computations, including polynomial identities, trigonometric identities and hypergeometric identities.

+ He was best known for his works on mathematical games.

+ Accurate rounding of transcendental mathematical functions is difficult, because the number of extra digits that need to be calculated to resolve whether to round up or down cannot be known in advance.

+ The knight’s tour problem is the mathematical problem of finding a knight’s tour.

+ He also wrote that the mathematical model called law of number can be used to understand and how many results happen in a fight.

+ He gained his bachelor degree as a Mathematics Scholar at Wadham College, Oxford, and an MSc in Mathematical Logic and the Philosophy of Science at the London School of Economics in 1966.

+ However, there is no exact, universally agreed, definition of the term “discrete mathematics.” Brian Hopkins, “Resources for Teaching Discrete Mathematics”, Mathematical Association of America, 2008.

+ He made a great impression on Russell and started to work on the foundations of logic and mathematical logic.

+ He was the founder and “Director-Emeritus” of the Chennai Mathematical Institute.

+ They told her not to study it – they worried that studying mathematical concepts would cause her physical and mental harm.

+ A Gödel numbering can be interpreted as an encoding where a number is assigned to each symbol of a mathematical notation, and a stream of natural numbers can then represent some form or function.

+ Both forms worked as codes because they were based on languages unknown to the enemy and, as the new codes were not based on mathematical processes as found in most code and cipher systems, the enemy had nothing to which to compare them.

+ Mathematicians once thought that everything that is true has a mathematical proof.

+ But there is no simple mathematical relationship between the two masses.

+ This question is important enough that the Clay Mathematical Institute will give $1,000,000 to anyone who successfully provides a proof or a valid explanation that disproves it.

+ A cube is one of the simplest mathematical shapes in space.

+ The mathematical field of cryptography is the basis for Bitcoin’s security.

+ As a result of surface area minimization, a surface will assume the smoothest shape it can.The mathematical proof that “smooth” shapes minimize surface area relies on use of the Euler–Lagrange equation.

+ This is an ancient mathematical work written on birch bark and is the oldest surviving document in South Asia of Indian mathematics.

+ He also used mathematical functions for spherical trigonometry,Needham, Volume 3, 109.

+ The mathematical methods for the analysis of diffraction data only apply to “patterns” which in turn result only when waves diffract from orderly arrays.

+ The four color theorem is the first big mathematical problem that was proved with the help of a computer.

+ It is a way to write down equations and other mathematical formulae.

+ In applied mathematics, a branch of mathematics, mathematical physics refers to the knowledge made up of equations and ideas which scientists look to for assistance in modeling, describing, or solving problems in physics or related areas.

+ A projection is usually calculated using complex mathematical equations.

+ Lagrange’s treatise on analytical mechanics, first published in 1788, was the best treatment of classical mechanics since Newton, and helped the development of mathematical physics in the nineteenth century.

+ As such either delete, and let Wiktionary do it, or extend to say that it is next in a mathematical sequence, or ring.

+ He was a member of the Mathematical Section of the Romanian Academy.

+ Oberlin: Mathematical Association of America.

+ The mathematical justification of the methods was not stressed and proofs were often barely sketched or omitted altogether….

+ Everett maintained that the wavefunction does not collapse, and since all matter and interactions are presumed to be built up from quantum waveparticles, all possible variations of the quantum field—indicated by the mathematical equations—are “real” and simultaneously occurring but different courses of history.

+ In contrast to physical constants, mathematical constants do not come from physical measurements.

+ He was the president of the International Mathematical Union from 2007 to 2010 and the president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences from 2014 to 2020.

+ He was one of the founders of proof theory and mathematical logic.

+ Hardy saw his extraordinary intelligence and they worked together on many mathematical subjects.

+ Hilbert spaces are used in ergodic theory which is the mathematical basis of thermodynamics.

+ This is the mathematical definition of the IEEE rounding mode “toward plus infinite”.

+ Inequality is a mathematical statement that explains that the two values are not equal and are different.

+ Basically a mathematical pattern is a sequence of numbers which follows one rule.

+ This is a series in the mathematical sense.

+ Shannon published an earlier version of this research in the classified report “A Mathematical Theory of Cryptography”, Memorandum MM 45-110-02, Sept.

+ It was a mathematical algorithm that is widely used in signal processing, control systems, and guidance, navigation and control.

+ If the mathematical model is an accurate representation of the real world, then no photon or other subatomic particle has either an exact position or a definite momentum.

+ Because of their arrangement in a pattern that repeats, when one arrives at a mathematical expression for the frequency of oscillation, one finds that there are only distinct quantized values allowed.

+ Thinking of a neural network like a mathematical equation, a neural network is simply a list of mathematical operations to be applied to an input.

+ There is a third picture of reality that unifies the two pictures–the mathematical one and the common sense or philosophical one–that we do not yet have the tools to fully understand.

+ From a mathematical point of view, the energy conservation law is a consequence of the shift symmetry of time; energy conservation is a result of the empirical fact that the laws of physics do not change with time itself.

+ She won this award because of her work on Riemann surfaces, a complex mathematical subject.

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