In sentence use of “make”

How to use in-sentence of “make”:

+ Sludge from lime scrubbers can be sold to wallboard Manufacturingmanufacturers, and fly ash from chimney flues can be sold to make lightweight concrete that can substitute for wood.

+ A brick is a man-made building material used to make walls and make places to walk.

+ It is used to make semiconductors.

+ It was very hard due to the law to make the committee the owners of the railway.

+ Ratonel was also the first female to make it to the finals.

+ It makes a person much more likely to get HIV, because it causes sores on the genitals that make it easier for HIV to get spread.

In sentence use of make
In sentence use of make

Example sentences of “make”:

+ According to UNESCO, the three important things that make Jeju Volcanic Island and lava caves a World Heritage site are the Geomonoreum lava cages, Seongsang Ilchulbong, and Hallasan.

+ Spintonics is an area of research in which scientists are trying to make useful devices and are making progress.

+ According to UNESCO, the three important things that make Jeju Volcanic Island and lava caves a World Heritage site are the Geomonoreum lava cages, Seongsang Ilchulbong, and Hallasan.

+ Spintonics is an area of research in which scientists are trying to make useful devices and are making progress.

+ First, the patent troll usually does not make or sell any products itself.

+ Many hormonal birth control methods also make women’s menses shorter and with less bleeding, which most women like.

+ Kalajan, can I make a suggestion that you get stuck into some mainspace editing rather? Show us what you can do there, before getting too stuck into administrative affairs, just a friendly bit of advice…

+ These add weight to the bridge and make it more stiff.

+ Genesis 1:26 states that God said “Let us make man in our image”.

+ One of Savonarola’s first laws was to make sodomy a crime which would be punished by death.

+ To make the uncertainty one-tenth as big, the sample size needs to be one hundred times bigger.

+ This allows a contestant to make a game easier.

+ Even though these two planets might be the right temperature for life to live, other issues could make their environments hostile.

+ However, be careful to make sure that you only do this for public domain images that do not require attribution.

More in-sentence examples of “make”:

+ In one episode of "The Apprentice", the apprentices were required to make sandwiches for Donald Trump.

+ In short, the thalamus helps to make mammals more effective at making decisions and living in their natural environment.

+ In one episode of “The Apprentice”, the apprentices were required to make sandwiches for Donald Trump.

+ In short, the thalamus helps to make mammals more effective at making decisions and living in their natural environment.

+ This lets farms make a lot of chicken meat and eggs.

+ After puberty, people are able to make children.

+ It is a technique used to make webpages faster to use.

+ Movie theatres make money from not only movie tickets but from concessions which sell food and drinks.

+ John Horton Conway made the Game of Life because he wanted to know if he could make an imaginary robot out of cells that would be able to get bigger.

+ This reacts with carbon dioxide to make thallium carbonate, which is also water-soluble and very heavy.

+ A tailor might make a new piece of clothing, or change an item so that it fits better.

+ It orbits Neptune at a distance of about 46,695,000 km and takes almost 25 Earth years to make one orbit.

+ During 2001 and 2002, Vann Nath worked with Cambodian movie director Rithy Panh to make a documentary called “S-21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine”.

+ It reacts with water to make calcium hydroxide and ammonia.

+ Rivkin had cheated to make money from the stock market.

+ To make room for some new stuff, the Pickles sell their unwanted goods at their garage sale.

+ However, the Sun does not make fire.

+ Incense can be used to make a place smell better or to help improve mood.

+ Hemotoxic is very painful, and people who are bitten by a snake with hemotoxic don’t always make a full recovery.

+ Homeopaths make their medicines by taking the ingredients, adding water, and shaking the mixture.

+ They wanted to forget that time, and make another new album of songs, back at Abbey Road Studios.

+ Inside the eye is the lens which can change shape to change the focusing power of the eye and make things look clear.

+ They could not understand why the British wanted to own their land and make farms with fences.

+ So the make is Ferrari.

+ Other examples of storms that peaked at Category4 intensity and made landfall at that intensity include: Donna.<!– Please maintain a limit of eighteen storms per Saffir-Simpson category, eliminating older and less notable systems as more recent storms make landfall.

+ The first thing he did after becoming a sultan was make his kingdom larger.

+ This was also to make a peaceful transition of power.

+ Similarly, if you have a rational function find what values will cause the denominator to be equal to 0 because this will make the function undefined, and therefore not differentiable at this point.

+ Sometimes gusts of wind can make poorly made bridges move or be destroyed, like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940.

+ The North Branch and the South Branch meet in Hampshire County, West Virginia, and make the Potomac River.

+ The Bergeron and Spatial Synoptic Classification systems focus more on where the air masses which help make climates come from.

+ He was named to a Pro Bowl after a strong first season as the starting quarterback, then in 2017, helped the team make the playoffs for the first time since 1999.

+ Since the RfDs are archived by year, I propose that we make a rush and close all RfDs i such a way that on years end, there are no open RfDs.

+ Glands in the body make large amounts of thick mucus.

+ Today, most cheese-producing countries make a cheese called “Emmental cheese” – These cheeses often have little in common with the original though, except for the holes in the cheese.

+ She returned it in 1987 to protest the Australian Bicentennialbicentenary celebrations and to make a political statement about social inequality in Australia.

+ When composers turn plays into operas they usually have to make some changes in the drama to make it suitable to be sung.

+ Smoot was working on finding these smaller differences in the late 1970s when he gave NASA an idea to make a satellite with a detector that was similar to the one mounted on the Lockheed aeroplane.

+ The Meanies change their ways, and learn to enjoy the things that make Pepperland a happy place.

+ It was Argus’s job to make sure that Io and Zeus were never together.

+ NXT is the show that wrestlers perform on before they make it to Raw, SmackDown, or 205 Live with NXT UK being a part of the brand for British wrestlers.

+ When Aldington first published his novel, he removed or changed a number of sentences in order to make sure the book was published.

+ It is needed to make historical items look historical.

+ His original scheme was based on using countries’ money-exchange rates to make money, based on international postage stamps.

+ Blockbuster movies are part of the reason why people make art films.

+ During that time he worked very hard to make opera performances better, improve the orchestra and train the singers.

+ Ca inside of different parts of cells like the mitochondria can make light when it reacts with a protein from jellyfish named aequorin.

+ The tellurite ion can react with water to make sodium hydrogen tellurite, NaHTeO.

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