In sentence use of “large”

How to use in-sentence of “large”:

+ In the Christian churches services are normally held on Sundays, although there may be services on other days as well, especially in large churches or cathedrals.

+ In the last week of September, a very large non-tropical system over the north-central Atlantic slowly moved westward away from the Azores.

+ Also, for the next seven years, Rothko painted in oil only on large canvases with vertical formats.

+ In 2005, there was a very large outbreak on Réunion, an island in the Indian Ocean.

+ These beds were laid down in the huge delta complex of a large river flowing towards a coast, much like the Mississippi of today.

+ The Large Hadron Collider, the largest particle accelerator in the world, is at CERN.

+ During their trip they saw Native Americans who were cutting up a large whale.

In sentence use of large
In sentence use of large

Example sentences of “large”:

+ Stark inherited a large United StatesAmerican company called “Stark Industries” when his father died.

+ Today it is a modern city with a very large international airport, a large sea port that is very busy, and all the other things you would expect to find in a big city.

+ South Africa is a country with large coal reserves but not enough oil to meet demand.

+ The people in Changsha knew they had a large turtle in their zoo, but they didn’t know it was a Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle.

+ According to Joan Claybrook of the group Public Citizen, Ford also played a large part.

+ One night, while out drunk, the narrator discovers a black object poised upon a large barrel of alcohol.

+ It is near an area of granite moorland where large quantities of china clay are produced.

+ A large number of monuments of Armenian architecture have been preserved in the region.

+ Cloncurry was the base site for a large transmitter.

+ Typically, a large scale scene includes: the Holy Family, the Angelangels, the Magi, the ox and the shepherds, villagers, servants and others.

+ Burlap is often sewn into large sacks for packing and shipping bulk foods such as dried beans and grains.

+ There is however a large risk of transmitting sexually transmitted diseasediseases if the mouth comes in contact with semen on the penis.

+ Loons are the size of a large duck or a small goose.

+ The scientific name comes from the Greek word for ‘King’, basiliskos, because of the snakes large size and dangerous venom.Currently, no subspecies are recognized.

+ The large arrow is to show that Wikimedia Commons is constantly improving.

+ It is poisonous in large quantities.

+ However many of the pieces include large sections where they have to improvise using particular chords.

+ The town is surrounded by the Wingellina Hills, a set of large granite hills with mulga and mallee growth.

+ There was some discussion about filling the river up by diverting water flows from large lakes and reservoirs in the Alps.

+ Stark inherited a large United StatesAmerican company called "Stark Industries" when his father died.

+ Today it is a modern city with a very large international airport, a large sea port that is very busy, and all the other things you would expect to find in a big city.
+ South Africa is a country with large coal reserves but not enough oil to meet demand.

More in-sentence examples of “large”:

+ Kettles are landforms created by melted water from glaciers, a process called "fluvioglacial." When warming weather conditions cause a glacier to start melting, large blocks of ice can break off in a process called "calving." Rather than melting on the surface of the ground, the ice block can get partially or totally buried by dirt, rocks, and plant matter - the "sediment" carried in the glacier together with its ice content.

+ It was a very large church and for it, Duccio painted the biggest ancient altarpiece of this type that is known.

+ Kettles are landforms created by melted water from glaciers, a process called “fluvioglacial.” When warming weather conditions cause a glacier to start melting, large blocks of ice can break off in a process called “calving.” Rather than melting on the surface of the ground, the ice block can get partially or totally buried by dirt, rocks, and plant matter – the “sediment” carried in the glacier together with its ice content.

+ It was a very large church and for it, Duccio painted the biggest ancient altarpiece of this type that is known.

+ Archaeological excavations Bauer, Brian and Charles Stanish 2001 “Ritual and Pilgrimage in the Ancient Andes” University of Texas press, Austin show that the Tiwanaku peoples built a large temple on the Island of the Moon.

+ Fallout from a nuclear explosion can be blown by the wind over large distances from where the explosion occurred, and can remain dangerous for long periods of time.

+ He realized unless he acted to the ambush in time the large army would be easily destroyed by the ambush.

+ These minerals support a large population of algae, making the water look green.

+ This climatic region is typified by large seasonal temperature differences, with warm to hot winters.

+ Many sources say large numbers of Anglo-Saxon settlers arrived.”The Oxford Handbookغ of Anglo-Saxon Archaeology”, eds.

+ Le Locle was repeatedly burned by large fires.

+ Lake Rotorua is a large shallow lake in the North Island of New Zealand.

+ A stone fruit, also called a drupe, is a fruit with a large “stone” inside.

+ Roemer was one of a large number of Democratic candidates to challenge three-term incumbent governor Edwin Edwards.

+ Ash trees are medium to large trees of the genus “Fraxinus” of the family Oleaceae.

+ But when “n” is very large, as large as Graham’s number or larger, the answer is “yes”.

+ Paleontologist Peter Mackovicky said that small, primitive dromaeosaurids were likely to have been tree-climbers, but that climbing did not explain why later, gigantic dromaeosaurids such as “Achillobator” retained highly curved claws when they were too large to have climbed trees.

+ The cytokines are a large family of polypeptide regulators that are produced throughout the body by many groups of cells.

+ After hearing that Efrafa is large and too crowded, Hazel sends four rabbits to Efrafa to ask if they could bring back some does to their warren.

+ Wagner had already left Munich in 1865, but the king still supported him, making it possible for him to live in a large house called Triebschen on Lake Lucerne.

+ The Sultan had to surrender large territories, including ones with large Muslim populations, such as Crimea, to the Russian Empire.

+ It is also important to note if oceans or other large bodies of water are nearby.

+ On its underside, “Mauisaurus” had two sets of large flippers.

+ He worked out how to run large restaurants, as in a big hotel or a palace: how the staff should be organised; how the menu was prepared.

+ Each was as large as a bull, each had hooves of bronze, and all had antlers of gold.

+ If a male loses its large cheliped, the smaller one will grow large to replace it.

+ Apart from lessening the feeling of confusion large succession boxes tend to create to the reader, headers also provide useful disambiguation information by naming specific legislative bodies, religions, peerages etc.

+ They tended to be large predators, and some were 30 ft long.

+ He works on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider.

+ When metabolismmetabolized, they yield large quantities of ATP.

+ She had large dark eyes, a face like a mask and a figure like a boy.

+ These are called bursts because they are normally associated with large explosions producing a “burst” of energy.

+ It is in the valleys of three large rivers: Vistula, Bug RiverBug and Narew.

+ Macropodiformes is one of the three suborders of the large marsupial order Diprotodontia.

+ There is also a large number of blondes in England, Baltic countries, Slavic languagesSlavic countries, northwestern parts of Russia and among European descent that have lived in Kazakhstan since the Soviet Union.

+ The large number of visitors this attracts has led to the development of tourism in the town.

+ Mtwapa is home to a large number of European retirees and holiday-makers from countries such as Germany, Holland and Great Britain.

+ A large percentage of the people of the Distrito Federal live outside the city now.

+ Iodides are only toxic in large amounts.

+ Serres is built on the large plain.

+ Stonehurst was a large bungalow on top of a hill.

+ Anthropologists such as Tim White suggest that cannibalism was common in human societies prior to the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic, based on the large amount of “butchered human” bones found in Neanderthal and other Lower/Middle Paleolithic sites.

+ The doctors would wear large masks that looked like birds’ beaks.

+ Slavery was a large part of the Greek economy.

+ Other 13th century additions include the chapel of Sourb Astvatsatsin, the scriptorium, and a large refectory which is outside the monastery limits.

+ Thiotrichales is a large order of Bacteria.

+ Getting the oil sands off the ground often destroys large areas of land.

+ They were often given large land grants and convicts to work for them.

+ These studies found that on average, African Americans have 73.2–82.1% West African, 16.7%–24% European, and 0.8–1.2% Native American genetic ancestry, with large variation between individuals.

+ Small farmers found it profitable to sell their slaves to the large plantation owners.

+ Brunner was later tried and sentenced to death, but remained at large until his death in 2010.

+ The large books have over a thousand pages.

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